Peter is Transformed by Jesus (Forever Changed Lesson #4)

Peter was a charismatic and bold follower of Jesus. His experiences with Christ before the crucifixion were certainly climatic, but after the resurrection Peter’s faith became even stronger as the leader of the early church. In “Peter is Transformed by Jesus” (lesson 4 of the “Forever Changed” series), children will learn that God also wants to use their individual abilities … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mary Magdalene is Transformed by Jesus (Forever Changed Lesson #3)

Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ closest followers and friends. Her incredible conversion to Christ is evidenced throughout the gospel through committed and faithful service. In this third lesson of the “Forever Changed” series, children will learn how Christ’s resurrection gave Mary Magdalene increased boldness and dedication to the Lord. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To outline how Jesus’ resurrection made … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Esau Forgives Jacob

How can we ask for forgiveness when we’ve wronged someone? How can we forgive others? Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, a craft, and a prayer exercise. Needed: Craft paper and crayons or colored pencils for the craft, various small objects for the Poke the Bear game Intro Game Play Poke the Bear or Tag the Bear from the Jacob … More Children’s Ministry Resources

“All About Love” Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 22:34-46

Jesus Teaching all about love

This free Bible lesson is based on Matthew 22:34-46 where Jesus teaches about “The Greatest Commandment.”  It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year A – 20th Sunday After Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Matthew 22:34-46. Opening Activity – All About Love … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

This free lesson plan is based on Daniel chapter 3. It recounts the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and how God saved them from the fiery furnace. Please leave a comment below to offer your ideas & suggestions for improving this outline. You can also find a simple craft idea for this passage on the related preschool lesson. Learning Objectives: After … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah 3-4 Lesson (step 2) A Closer Look

This lesson continues the process of teaching older elementary students how to study God’s Word for themselves.  The challenge for all people who hear and learn facts from God’s Word is to take what they know and do something about it that transforms their life.  There are those who will hear and receive facts and do nothing resulting in an … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Glory of the New Covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Lesson

St. Mark's Square in Venice

The scriptures point to the Resurrection of Jesus as the proof that all his promises will come true. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The main idea is found in 2 Corinthians 3:9: “If the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God Saves Daniel from a Den of Lions

This free lesson plan teaches is based on the story of Daniel in the Lion’s den. God can rescue from any terrible situation. This lesson also deals with the character of Daniel and his example of being trustworthy. God rewarded Daniel by delivering him when he was falsely accused.  Students will learn that a trustworthy life comes from walking faithfully with God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Story Skit & Lesson on Sodom and Gommorah

Several months ago, I wrote a post with an idea for teaching kids using a play that doesn’t work.  I’ve used it a number of times since then, including this morning for presenting a lesson on the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah.  I thought it might be helpful to post that lesson here for two reasons: It is a concrete … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paul & Silas in Prison: Sunday School Lesson

This lesson continues the Journey through Acts as Paul and Silas continue on their missionary journey into Macedonia.  This lesson encourages believers that the Holy Spirit enables them to praise God during difficult times.  The lesson was prepared for older students but can be adapted for other ministry opportunities.  The lesson is only a guide to help prepare to teach … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah Gets Mad at God (Children's Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is based on Jonah’s response to God’s mercy to the Ninevites from Jonah 4.  Jonah had experienced God’s mercy and was given a second chance in his life.  Jonah was unmerciful in his response to God’s compassion and mercy to the repentant Ninevites.  The lesson uses Matthew 18:21-35 to bring in a New Testament Scripture as a parallel … More Children’s Ministry Resources