10 Teaching Tips for Preteen Leaders

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net 1. Customize curriculum Give up the idea of a cookie cutter approach to preteen curriculum. Preteens respond best when lessons are customized. Use examples of real life situations where you struggled or had a success with the given topic. Take into consideration your specific community, church and preteens when editing lessons. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Harnessing the High Energy Level of Preteens

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Preteens have a high energy level. If you’ve worked with them for five minutes, you know this to be true. They can’t sit still for very long, get easily distracted like to move around a lot. Especially the boys. The body of a preteen is rapidly changing and the brain is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Ways Small Churches Can Reach Preteens

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net In my last post, I offered many reasons for small churches (or church plants) to launch a preteen ministry. In this post, I’m going to share a few ways they can effectively reach preteens. 1. Split up preteens for weekend services. Ideally, it’s the best way to go. If preteens meet … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preteen Ministry for Small Churches – Why Bother?

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Many churches everywhere are realizing the need for a preteen ministry. Most large churches see the need for a ministry specific to 4th, 5th or 6th graders. Sometimes because of the large amount of kids in attendance and other times in an attempt to target the specific needs of preteens. However, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Secret of Effective Preteen Ministry

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net After 8 years of fighting the idea, I finally agreed to get a family dog. Her name is BonBon and she is a Chihuahua and Dotson mix, Chiweenie for short. After the first week, I quickly became attached to her. Good thing, since I am usually the one to give … More Children’s Ministry Resources