Acts 11 Lesson: Early Church Growth & Change

This children’s Bible lesson continues the study of the Book of Acts. The lesson is about Peter explaining God’s hand in the conversion of Gentiles.  The lesson focuses on how change brought growth for the Church. Kids need to know that God can be trusted in times of change. The original setting for this lesson plan was older elementary Sunday School. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Believers Remained Devoted: Sunday School Lesson

This Sunday School lesson is based on the events in Acts 4 where the early Christians show their devotion to Jesus. They continue in their faith even when hard times come. This lesson plan was first written for children’s Sunday School, but it could be adapted for other ministry settings. Be sure to check out the additional learning activities listed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Do Family Worship?

What is family worship? How can I lead devotions to God in my home? This page will answer those questions and help you make family worship a habit in your congregation. Church leaders and Christian parents are beginning to put more emphasis on the role of the family in the spiritual development of children. This is a good development. Everyone can agree … More Children’s Ministry Resources