Gift Ideas for Kids Visiting Your Church

What do you do when children do not want to leave their parents in the sanctuary? How long will a church guest stay if their child is afraid? Shy children or children unaccustomed to church may resist your pleas to attend children’s church. Besides being friendly and an innate ability to speak “kid,” not every child is going to come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Summertime Ideas for Children's Ministry

Summertime ministry to children is touch and go. Outside of big events like VBS, regular weekly attendance can wane during the summer months in the children’s ministry. Kids go on family vacations, head to summer camps and focus on play rather than worship. Meanwhile, nervous children’s ministry leaders anxiously await the return of their children knowing that a few will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Popular Ideas for VBS Themes

Spark interest in your event by promoting these popular VBS themes. These favorite themes are ideal for drawing kids who may never have attended church or your church before. Utilize these ideas to create a VBS your kids will be proud to attend and tell their peers about. Archaeology Archaeology is a subject that interests kids and adults alike. Use … More Children’s Ministry Resources

More VBS Ideas Kids Will Love

Vacation Bible School is so much fun when you use a special theme. With a little research, you can find an appropriate theme that will set kids up with the opportunity for a true God encounter. Themes help teachers plan their lessons, crafts and games. We have got more creative ideas for you to use at your next VBS. Here … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Tips for VBS Directors & Leaders

Summer is quickly approaching and that means one thing, VBS! As the VBS organizer, it is up to you to select the curriculum, organize the event and your volunteers. Let us face it, without volunteers, VBS would not be possible. These tips and ideas will help you gather volunteers and keep your helpers happy. Keeping your program simple will go … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Army Themed VBS Ideas

Vacation Bible School ministry season is quickly approaching. This year, expand your vision to a cool theme perfect for building teamwork and the concept of God’s army. Try army-themed VBS ideas that will rock the socks of kids and stir their desire for a deeper spiritual life. Use army-themed VBS ideas to teach kids of all ages and excite your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Three Cutting Edge VBS Theme Ideas

Vacation Bible School is an exciting time for a church or ministry. The opportunity to meet new children and adults is always exciting for volunteers and the leadership. Choosing the right VBS theme for your event is important to your success. There is nothing wrong or amiss with using VBS kits. These are good resource tools perfect for some. For … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ideas for a Baseball Themed VBS

At a relationship level, VBS brings communities and churches together. Spiritually, a Vacation Bible School helps children and adults mature in the knowledge of God and His word. Having a fun theme attached to your VBS will draw new faces to your program and keep them coming back. A baseball theme is perfect for girls, boys and adults. A baseball … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sharing Communion With Children

Communion is an important part of worshiping God and remembering Jesus’ sacrifice. Jesus specifically requested that we hold communions “in remembrance” of him. On Easter, children’s ministries all over the world will retell the story of Jesus death and resurrection. After Easter, communion might get lost during the rest of the year. Keep Easter alive all year round by holding … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Parade Ideas for Kids Church

Celebrate Easter in your children’s church by hosting an Easter parade. Work ahead of time if you want to roll out fancy floats. Alternatively, you could help kids make fancy or wacky Easter hats. Make arrangements with your senior pastor to choose a time kids can share their creations with adult worshipers. Organize a parade around the main sanctuary or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Servanthood Leadership Ideas for Children

Teaching Kids to Help Others The Bible says in Matthew 23: 11, “The greatest among you will be your servant.” (NIV) Jesus showed his disciple the importance of this scripture in many ways. One notable one was the washing of the disciples’ feet during the Passover. One disciple, Peter, even protested. The task of washing dirty, dusty feet was a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Planning a Kids Ministry Block Party

The arrival of spring brings a refreshing change of pace to our lives and ministries. Indoor activities are abandoned as kids and families head outdoors to break the winter doldrums and get moving again. For the evangelistic children’s minister, this is an exciting time. The newness of the season has many thinking about the fields that are ready for harvesting. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Encounter God at the Burning Bush

The Prince of Egypt is an inspiring full-length animated film that fairly accurately tells the story of Moses and the Exodus. Although the movie released in 1998, it is a film worthy for placement in any pastor’s arsenal. It features familiar voices from Hollywood like Val Kilmer and Michelle Pfeiffer. I recently pulled the film from my archives, dusted it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Olympic Themed Games for Children’s Ministry

Adopting an Olympic theme into your children’s ministry is a good way to encourage a spirit of excellence amongst your attendees and volunteers. An Olympic theme is the perfect backdrop for exciting kids’ games that everyone will enjoy. Get your curriculum ready, decorate your children’s facility and use these wacky Olympic-sized games. Bible Baton Relay Before you play this game, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Ministry Ideas with an Olympic Theme

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Using themes for kids’ ministry excites kids, teachers and volunteers. An Olympic theme is an especially good theme because it is a topic of excellence and endurance. Use an Olympic theme over an entire quarter or just a few classes in your kids’ ministry. Teach kids about what God thinks about sportsmanship, working as a team and the importance of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Follow Up After The Children's Ministry Outreach

Beginning in October, many churches enter a flurry of holiday activities. More than likely you will be working in an outreach activity like a fall festival or Christmas play. Planning an outreach and pulling it off can be exhausting.  However you shouldn’t hang your sneakers up just because your children’s ministry outreach is over. It’s at the end of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Answer Kids’ Hard Questions at Church?

Children not only say the funniest things, but they can ask them too! Answering kids tough questions can challenge anyone. That includes a seasoned children’s pastor. We’ve all heard questions like these. “Why did my Grandpa die?” “Where do babies come from?” “Who married Cain?” Before tackling these questions and more use the ABC’s of Children’s Ministry. A is for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Developing a Vision for Your Children’s Ministry

No one plants a tree and doesn’t expect it to grow.  You cultivate it.  You protect the tree from the blistering heat and the frigid blasts.  You jealously guard it keeping pests away. When the tree was dry and thirsty you watered it. Lastly you pruned it as it grew, coaxing the sapling with your shears.  You clipped sucker branches, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Recognizing Spiritual Gifts in Your Kids

One of the greatest responsibilities of a pastor is helping the people in his care to spiritually grow and reach for their personal destinies. Tapping into their spiritual gifts is often key to this long sometimes painful process. No matter how bumpy the road, it’s the shepherd’s duty to help the sheep discover what is unique about each of them. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways to Make a New Kid Welcome at Church

Children face a lot of fears. Some are afraid of the dark while others are afraid of trying new foods. Childhood fears are varied and diverse except for one common fear that has plagued childhood for generations, the fear of embarrassment. Let’s face it. It’s an embarrassing moment entering a room full of people for the first time. If you … More Children’s Ministry Resources