Unchurched Kids: 4 Things You Should Teach First

Just the other day my friend shared about her husband’s one and only church experience when he was younger.  The pastor pulled him aside and shared that the boy was probably going to hell because he was wearing baggy pants.  For many years later, that is what the boy remembered and associated with church. Wow. Suppose a kid comes to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Ministry Volunteers Connect

How many times have you heard a volunteer say that they want to quit serving because they feel disconnected from other adults?  I know I’ve heard it more times than I can count.  This is a legitimate need and most adult will eventually burn out if their connections to other adults is limited.  Therefore, an important part of a leader’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

9 Ways to Grow Your Preschool Ministry

Very few churches reach younger families without a strong preschool ministry. Here are nine practical ways to expand the number of preschool children coming to your church. Don’t miss our free printable preschool Bible lessons and preschool coloring pages. 1. Do it well.  It will be virtually impossible to grow your preschool ministry if you are doing it halfway.  Evaluate, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways To Overcome Ministry Discouragement

We all run into it at some point in ministry… discouragement.  Sometimes it creeps in gradually and sometimes it hits us like a brick wall.  It could be a particular situation that causes it, a season where things are tough, or it could come from nowhere.  However, it is universal.  Every person in kidmin will face discouragement in ministry.  Here … More Children’s Ministry Resources

KidMin Leadership Book by Jim Wideman

There is a brand new resource that you need to order today, if you haven’t already. Children’s ministry pioneer, Jim Wideman, has released Kidmin Leadership.  This book is unique because it is filled with leadership lessons for children’s ministers written by children’s ministers, based on what was learned in two years of mentoring with Jim. I was privileged to be … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Make Families & Children Feel Welcomed

Whether a family is visiting or has been attending our church for a hundred years, my desire is that they feel welcomed in our ministry.  This can be a struggle as volunteers are so busy and are focused on other things on Sunday mornings. Here are a few easy things to implement to up your friendliness factor: 1.  Plant smiling … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Promote Your Church's VBS

I believe that VBS can still be a valuable tool for reaching new families.  Vacation Bible School is still the largest kids ministry outreach in many churches. It all starts with getting the word out.  Here are a few easy things we have tried to communicate with our community about VBS or other big events. 1. Postcard Invites – We … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways Teaching School DID NOT Prepare Me for Kids Ministry

Previously, I wrote about several ways that being a school teacher prepared me for being a children’s minister.  There were also a few things that did not transition well. What follows are some ways that my previous job did not prepare me for ministry. These are a few surprises I quickly discovered. Click here to leave a comment. 1. Ministry takes over your life. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Quick Classroom Tips for Engaging Preschoolers

Trying to engage a room of preschoolers is like herding cats.  Every little one has his own idea of what fun looks like and it is usually different from yours! Try these quick tips for preschool classroom management and share own ideas. 1.  Be extremely prepared. In preschool world, downtime is the enemy.  While you pause to look for crayons your three-year olds may … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Plan a Family Mission Trip

This spring I experienced one of the most life-changing and ministry-changing weeks ever.  We had the opportunity to take several families, including kids ages 7 – 14 on a mission trip to Belize.  We partnered with David and Karen Rhodes of Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus to minister at Light of the Valley school, a school we have been sponsoring for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Basic Safety Precautions for Every Children's Ministry

Safety is non-negotiable in children’s ministry.  You can have the very best curriculum, most creative activities, and dynamic decor, but if you have not made safety a priority, you could be headed for potential disaster.  We can never fully protect our ministries or our kids from all impending harm, but it is our responsibility to be proactive when it comes to … More Children’s Ministry Resources