Sheep SAVED by a Shepherd: Preschool Lesson

This lesson continues our series titled Jesus is My Good Shepherd. It is intended for preschool children, ages 2-5.  It is designed for a children’s church or Sunday School, but can be adapted to meet your particular ministry setting. The first lesson plan (Sheep LOVED by a Shepherd) in this series taught students that they were like sheep, loved by … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sheep LOVED by a Shepherd: Preschool Lesson

This is the first of three lesson plans called Jesus is my Good Shepherd and intended for preschool children (ages 2-5).  It is designed for a children’s church or Sunday School, but can be adapted to meet your particular ministry setting. Don’t miss our free printable preschool Bible lessons and preschool coloring pages. There are over 600 references to sheep, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Sermons: Idea for March Madness

3-Point Challenge:  A Children’s Message This children’s message was originally written for an Awana group of 1st – 6th graders.  It draws parallels between basketball shooting techniques and the Christian life with multiple Bible verse references.  What I’ve written below would be a 10-15 minutes presentation, but you extract the main points for a children’s sermon on Sunday morning. You could … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Attention-Getters for Children's Ministry

There are two types of children on a typical Sunday morning.  Those who look like they may just launch into orbit and those who are in orbit already.  Those who have had one too many a jelly donut for breakfast and those who could use a little sugar kick. Sometimes it’s hard to get the attention of students in our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God is Love (1 John 4:8) Preschool Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan intended to be used around Valentine’s Day, but you could utilize it at any time of year.  It teaches about God’s Love Letters to us in the Bible, utilizing scripture from 1 John.  I’ve also included an age-appropriate art project. The lesson is designed for children’s church or Sunday School and is intended for preschool children, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Bible Lesson: You, Joseph, and Greatness

The following Children’s Message is intended for grades 1st-6th and was initially utilized for a Christian Elementary School Chapel.  However, it can also be adapted to meet your specific ministry needs. It would serve well as a large group children’s church lesson or even with your kids Sunday School class. Lesson Plan Focus: Children often get asked the following question:  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ministries Live or Die On This

There’s been a bizarre magnetic field around my Bible of late, mostly around John 15.  Every day, I feel like I should read some other chapters, but John 15 gets me every time.  It has to.  I say that because we are entrenched in ministry.  We serve in our home, in our church, in schools, and in the community.  We … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Bible Lesson About Sacrifice

“Give Something Up? No way!” The following Children’s Message is intended for grades 1st-6th and was initially utilized for a Christian Elementary School Chapel.  However, it can also be adapted to meet your specific ministry needs. Materials:  bathrobe, slippers, pillow, remote, pretzels, pictures of athletes, doctors, missionaries, and/or other accomplished people; Bible with references marked; $10 bill; [print_link] this lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Picture Books for Christmas

There are so many children’s picture books out today that tell the Christmas story.  Here is a short collection of books that I would highly recommend.  These stories are fun and engaging, plus they tell the true meaning of Christmas.  Your kids will enjoy hearing them again and again! Don’t miss our look at the top children’s Bibles available in 2020. God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Classic Teaching Principles for Children's Ministry

I recently had the opportunity to attend a seminar on Creative Bible Teaching at the National Youth Workers’ Convention.  Though the seminar was structured to meet the needs of junior high and high school teachers, there was a considerable amount of information that was transferrable to those who work in children’s ministry. The following is a list of seven classic … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jesus Brings Peace: A Gospel Lesson for Christmas

Download or print this Christmas Sunday School lesson for Children. It points out some results of Jesus being our “Prince of Peace.” In a world that lacks peace, there are children who lack peace.  To add to their own fears, they internalize the anxieties of adults and the conflicts surrounding them.  This lesson recognizes Jesus as our Prince of Peace … More Children’s Ministry Resources

12 Way to Make the Christmas Story Come Alive for Kids

Christmas comes alive in homes when parents actively invite their children to participate in the account of the Savior’s birth.  Effective learning happens when children are allowed to discover, imagine, and create in a way that engages the whole child.  Distribute this idea list to families with preschool-aged children to assist them in grasping the beauty of Christ’s entrance into the world.  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankfulness No Matter What: A Bible Lesson about Jehoshaphat

Try this lesson plan based on the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20 to teach children about thankfulness.  It would work in any children’s ministry setting but is designed for Children’s  Church or Sunday School. Objectives: To identify Biblical strategies for dealing with problems in our lives, based on Jehoshaphat’s response to an attacking army.  To develop students who … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Make Time for Spiritual Refreshment

As servants in children’s ministry, there are multiple demands placed on us. Some of those demands are external and include job responsibilities related to our position of leadership.  They may include the need for more volunteers, restructuring Sunday School classes, preparing next week’s Bible lesson, or planning the upcoming Christmas drama. Some of those demands are internal and include anxieties that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Operation Christmas Child: A Service Project for Students

Looking for a service project to involve your students in this year? Try Operation Christmas Child.  Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief organization. They made our list of top ministry groups to sponsor a child for the coming new year. As described on its website, Samaritan’s Purse “has helped meet the need of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Four Bible Storytelling Tips for Children's Ministry

Jesus was a master story-teller. Droves of people followed Him wherever He went.  They listened to His every word.  His parables utilized simple objects to convey more complex truths.  They were relevant to the audience and they often ended with some type of surprise or twist. In the Parable of the Mustard Seed, Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Not Meatballs, But Manna

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs has recently hit the big screen.  Though I’ve not seen the movie, I love the book version. This lesson plan uses that story to introduce children to the biblical accounts of God providing manna in the wilderness for the Israelites.  This lesson would work for children’s church or Sunday school and is targeted for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pride vs. Humility: A Bible Lesson For Children

This Children’s Bible lesson about pride and humility would serve well in Sunday School or Children’s Church. It is based on several key Bible verses about being proud and humble. Be sure to modify it for your children’s ministry setting. Please leave your feedback in the comment box below. Objective: To define pride and humility and the effects of each.  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

MOPS International: A Resource for Christian Moms

They say that a parent is a child’s primary teacher. The hours are stacked up to support that statement.  In a post entitled 1/168:  Children’s Ministry Hours per Week, Terry Delaney writes that parents have 167 hours to influence their children.  We, as individuals serving God in Children’s Ministry, have 1.  One short hour. In one of his recent posts, … More Children’s Ministry Resources