We Do Provide Childcare!

Oftentimes in children’s ministry, I come across a blog or a magazine articles that laments the fact that people think of children’s ministry as childcare. Well, I am here to tell you that that is exactly what is. Yes, yes, if you are committed to it and doing it right, children’s ministry is all about leading kids to Christ and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lessons on Leadership from an Upset Parent

As I write this, it is Thursday morning, and I am coming off of another exhausting night of running games for the Awana program at our church.  I should start by saying that doing that is one of the highlights of my week each week despite the fact that it leaves me thoroughly drained and exhausted. As I walked into … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thinking Big When Your Ministry Feels Small

The following is a guest post submitted by Sam Luce. If you have something to share with our readers, just email us. I don’t know if you are like me and you have been totally overwhelmed after going to a conference, doing a site visit at another church or even just reading online some of the stuff people do in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"My Children Walking in Truth" Song by Johnny Cash

If you’ve ever paid attention to my email signature line, then you’ll know about 3 John 1:4. It’s a greatly under appreciated Bible verse, especially overlooked when talking about kids ministry. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4 ESV One of my Sunday School teachers surprised me this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Can't Fail Predictions for the New Year

With all the buzz about the new year, I wanted to offer some insights from God’s Word as we look forward to the new year. I hope this will be encouraging for you. Click here to share on Facebook. #1 The Bible will have all the answers (that we really need) The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Who Else Needs Encouragement after a Bad Day?

“One of Those Days” Have you ever had one of those days in Kidmin?  You know the kind, the day where you can feel yourself losing all semblance of patience.  The kind of day where you find yourself praying during your lesson that the Holy Spirit will give you love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control?  Today … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Questions to Ask Before Teaching the Bible to Kids

At the 2010 Desiring God National Conference, Francis Chan gave a moving talk on humility and loving people.  As part of that presentation, he listed seven question that he asks when preparing to teach the Word of God.  I think they are the critical questions any children’s minister should also consider as they prepare to teach God’s kids.  Those questions … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Pick the Best Curriculum

I was working on reviewing some curriculum the other day for Dad in the Middle, and I needed to come up with some sort of framework for evaluating it.  I came up with the following and thought it might be useful for other people. Whether you are writing  curriculum reviews or just searching for a curriculum for your children’s ministry, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Does Scripture Memory Still Matter for Kids?

At my church, we use Awana for our Wednesday night program.  My nine year old son started in Sparks a little over four years ago now, and my seven year old daughter started in Cubbies at the same time when she was three.  We have watched them memorize a multitude of verses during that time, and I’ve picked a few … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Church: Do These 5 Things First

I realized a couple of weekends ago that I had stopped praying each week before kids’ service.  It wasn’t a conscience decision, just something that happened in the hustle and bustle of the weekend.  I realized that when I stopped praying that coincided with those weeks that I didn’t feel went very well after they were over.  That got me … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Ministry: More Than Babysitting

I do not work in the preschool ministry at my church.  My time and efforts are geared towards kids kindergarten and above.  That said, we do have a great team who does handle the nursery and preschool ages.  I know that because my kids have been through the program and I have seen the fruits of these efforts.  Last night, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why I Don’t Want to Be Too Good at Kidmin

I saw a tweet the other day extolling the virtues of summer volunteers because they bring excitement and enough nervousness to rely on Jesus (thanks @mattguevara).  That tweet set me thinking about my own approach to children’s ministry.  I constantly talk about the need to be prepared, the need to invest the time, the need to memorize your lesson, and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What's the Proper Role of Children’s Ministry?

I will preface this post by saying that this is not a post with a whole lot of answers (to be properly read….none).  Instead, this post focuses on a series of questions that have been bouncing around my head recently when it comes to teaching kids about God. I recently came across the following quote from Richard Baxter, and I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Surviving Ministry in a Shrinking Church

It’s been a few months since our last Think Tank discussion. These are occasional forum-type posts where I ask several Children’s Ministry leaders to respond to a difficult question. The responses are always helpful and bring insight from several different directions. For this session of the Think Tank, I posed a question that affects my own ministry. My congregation has … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways To Balance Family and Church Ministry

For my husband and I, serving in the local church is a regular part of our lives.  We’re integrated, involved, and intentional about our role in the body of Christ.  God has impacted us that we might impact the next generation and we love it. However, sometimes we mostly I have a difficult time balancing family and ministry.  It’s so … More Children’s Ministry Resources