What Can Tree Roots Teach about Ministry?

Scientists who study trees have determined that a tree’s roots grow outward to about three times the spread of its branches.  Roots have a vast network underground that is largely unseen. We never consider a tree’s roots unless a problem unearths itself. Maybe hurricane force winds threaten the structure of a tree.  Maybe erosion along a river exposes the roots to the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Reverse Evangelism: Reaching Families by Serving First

Are you finalizing your plans for the fall festival, harvest party, trunk or treat, pumpkin carving, or other Halloween related outreach event at your church?  A key component of these type of events is always planning how we will connect with, minister to, evangelize with, and preach the gospel for all those in attendance, especially guests who are not part … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Funny Kids Story "Which Service?"

This funny story came to me through email. I’m not sure who first wrote it but wanted to share it with you here. Leave a comment to share your own humorous stories. One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex standing in the foyer of the church staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Reach the Hyperactive Child

We recently posted an article on managing behavior in your children’s ministry. This post takes some of those tips a step further to help the most active kids in your ministry. Read the suggestions below and then share your own ideas in our comment section. 1. Show love anyway.  Hyperactive kids can be frustrating. They don’t listen. They are always fiddling with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Classroom Management Tricks That Work

Working with kids is the greatest task in the world, but it is also exhausting!  Anytime you are in a room with children, you can be a minute away from chaos.  There are no magic answers, but there are certainly some tricks that can help you keep control of the classroom. 1.  Be over-prepared.  The more ready you are, the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Decorate a Sunday School Classroom

The Sunday School classroom is the center for Biblical learning and should offer a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for kids to worship and deepen their knowledge of God. One way to set the tone for life-changing moments and lessons is with colorful wall hangings, bulletin boards and table displays. A decorated classroom sends a secret message; it says, “I care.” Show … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Teach Sunday School

“Sunday Schools” were first established in the 1700’s in Britain to educate poor children on how to read and write. These children worked six days a week, were very poor and many were starving. Today, public school systems teach our kids the “three R’s” but little about God or His Word. Enter the Sunday School teacher! If you’ve decided to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Evaluate a Sunday School Curriculum

Choosing curriculum is a huge decision. There are so many options and there can be so many different facets to consider.  Publishers always put their best foot forward, but how do you know if their materials are best for your church?  Here are some important questions to ask as you evaluate curriculum. 1.  Do you know what you need?  Before … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Comfort a Bereaved Child

Last week a reader asked us for advice on comforting a mourning child. She wrote about her close friend and ministry leader who was dying from cancer – they expected the Lord to call her home this week. She asked, Do you have any material that would help us deal with this loss to our children? My main goal is for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Make Sure Parents Ignore Your Messages

“Can you hear me now?” was made famous by cell phone commercials, but do you often feel like asking that to the parents in your ministry?  It causes great frustration when we have important information to share and we feel that no one is hearing us. Sometimes, though, we cause our own problems.  The follow communication mistakes are certain to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Keep Children Coming to Kids Church

Building a children’s church is much like building a large-scale family church, only the attendees of kids’ church depend on others to transport them. However, regular attendance helps children tremendously because it exposes them to the Bible and biblical principles, teaches faithfulness and allows age appropriate fellowship. Counteract waning interest and renew kids’ excitement with ideas that energize current attendees … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Five Finger Prayer for Children

Try this classic prayer model to help children and preschoolers learn to pray. Don’t miss our complete coloring book based on the Lord’s Prayer – it’s 100% free too. Five Finger Prayer for Children Free Printable Worksheet / Template Here is a helpful approach for teaching kids to pray. It’s a format that allows children to recall and pray in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Get Your Message to Parents Every Time

In today’s world we have more options than ever for how to communicate.  However, does it ever feel to you like it is harder than ever to get your message through? We have discovered that one of the greatest challenges is that each of the parents in our ministry pays attention to different modes of communication.  Some only read what … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Win Over the Stubborn People at Your Church

You know who I’m talking about. They’ve been called stuffed shirts, God’s chosen frozen, and the criticism committee. I would discourage such phrases, but these change resistant church members can have a chilling effect on your ministry. Many a youth pastor, children’s director, and preacher has cowered before their glaring eyes. They secretly question your leadership, withhold their support, and sometimes oppose your plans outright. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do about Disruptive Kids

This is a guest post by By Kathy Leonard from www.DC4K.org “Don’t you love it when a difficult, disruptive child finally has a breakthrough?” a fellow teacher asked me. “It makes everything we do worthwhile.” Hmm, I thought, after a particularly frustrating day. I kind of like it when all the kids quietly obey from the start. Reality check. Kids come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways to Manage Behavior Problems in Sunday School

It’s happened to all of us.  We’re in the middle of an awesome lesson.  Most of the kids are tracking with us, except that one. That one is not only tuning out every word, but that one is hiding under the pew, flying a church bulletin airplane your way, or attempting to fit his entire foot in the offering envelope.  Ahhh…. That one. Let’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Volunteers?

Volunteers are essential in every children’s ministry, but too many  get discouraged and eventually quit because leaders make the following mistakes. We simply can’t be careless with the people resources God has sent our way. Work to avoid these mistakes and help keep your volunteers committed and serving in the children’s department. Click here to add your comment to this conversation. 1. Matching … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Unchurched Kids: 4 Things You Should Teach First

Just the other day my friend shared about her husband’s one and only church experience when he was younger.  The pastor pulled him aside and shared that the boy was probably going to hell because he was wearing baggy pants.  For many years later, that is what the boy remembered and associated with church. Wow. Suppose a kid comes to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Potlucks: The Meeting Idea Volunteers Will Love

That’s right, I said potlucks are a great ministry resource. Some churches call this a pitch-in dinner or covered dish supper.   Whatever the name, this could be the key to your next children’s ministry training. I am at a smaller campus of our church and potlucks fit the informal atmosphere. It just feels right when everybody brings a covered dish and enjoys … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Ministry Volunteers Connect

How many times have you heard a volunteer say that they want to quit serving because they feel disconnected from other adults?  I know I’ve heard it more times than I can count.  This is a legitimate need and most adult will eventually burn out if their connections to other adults is limited.  Therefore, an important part of a leader’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Special Needs Ministry Checklist

Knowing where to begin is half the battle when starting any new ministry or program.  Use this list as a guideline when walking your church through a special needs inclusion initiative. This checklist was a handout provided in a workshop led by Amy Fenton Lee at the recent Children’s Ministry Expo in Lexington, KY.  Amy provides links to related articles … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways To Overcome Ministry Discouragement

We all run into it at some point in ministry… discouragement.  Sometimes it creeps in gradually and sometimes it hits us like a brick wall.  It could be a particular situation that causes it, a season where things are tough, or it could come from nowhere.  However, it is universal.  Every person in kidmin will face discouragement in ministry.  Here … More Children’s Ministry Resources