How To Do Vacation Bible School On A Tiny Budget

Some churches budget thousands of dollars for their annual Vacation Bible School program. But many smaller churches struggle to find the resources to support VBS. Here are some ideas for doing your Vacation Bible School without a lot of money. You should also check out our free curriculum for VBS. Partner With Another Church’s VBS Sometimes the best use of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

VBS Crafts: Vacation Bible School Crafts

VBS Craft Ideas Hand Painting Tree mural VBS craft – this kids craft idea would be great for many Vacation Bible School themes, just change the tree to match your Western or Jungle decorations. VBS  T-Shirt painting – here is a video example with preschoolers Oozy Slime Craft – originally from PowerLab VBS but this could be fun for several themes. Just … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Example Vacation Bible School Report

Here is a summary of the Vacation Bible School report I delivered to our church on July 1, 2007.Our annual VBS was held June 18 – 22, 2007 from 9 AM to 11:30 AM. We registered 117 children and had an average attendance of 80 per day. Our mission offering raised $516 for the Poor Children’s Relief Fund. Our theme … More Children’s Ministry Resources