Sunday School Coloring Pages (Free & Printable)

Our website has a growing collection of free coloring pages for Sunday School. This page will highlight some of the most popular, click here to browse our full selection or search above. Like all our material, you have full permission to use this content in your home, school, or church. Preview our Sunday School coloring pages on YouTube.

Religious Coloring Pages for Kids

Our website provides printable religious coloring sheets for children. All this material is 100% free to download and use in your church, home or school. This page features some of the most popular. Click here to browse the full index or use the search tool above. Preview our religious coloring pages on YouTube.

Free Christian Coloring Pages for Kids

Our website has a growing collection of free coloring pages for children. Almost all of them have  a strong Christian theme. On this page I will highlight some of the most popular. Click here to browse even more or simply use the search box above.

Children’s Ministry Versus Family Ministry?

This guest post was contributed by Lynda Freeman who blogs at About the Children’s Department. Children’s Ministry versus Family Ministry – there is so much debate about this. Should we focus on the children or the families? I wonder why we have to make a choice between the two. I believe in Deuteronomy 6 God clearly instructs families to: “Love the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Super Bowl Sunday School Lesson (Proverbs 20:11)

Use this Super Bowl lesson in your Sunday School or Children’s Church. It’s based on Proverbs 20:31, “Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?” This Sunday School lesson will show the children that following God is the most important team! Super Bowl Sunday School Lesson Proverbs 20:11 Lesson for Kids Lots … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Story of the Scrappy Little Guy

He was a scrappy little guy.  Hair disheveled, quick with his fists, faster with his mouth.  Teachers branded him grades before he ran into my class.  I was never very fond of those heads-ups, but I suppose they got me prepped. Upon stepping into my fourth grade classroom, I practiced a little rebellion of my own.  There were encouraging notes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Valentine Party Ideas for Church

Holiday parties make the perfect venue for kids to socialize with Christian teachers and kids. Chances are the local school and some families will already host many of these love-related parties. If plan to hold a Valentine’s Day party, make your event stand out with these 5 ideas for a Christian Valentine party. Use this fun event to demonstrate to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learn the Secret Art of "Verbal Judo" in Children's Ministry

The children gathered excitedly in front of me, sitting on their little red or blue plastic chairs. There were about thirty kids, ranging in age from three to seven years old. I sat my large dalmation Firedog puppet from Amaze Healing Wings on my right knee. A previous generation of kids I pastored long ago had named him “Scruffy.” As the children quieted down, I began … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Shining the Light of God's Word

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson focuses on the meaning important task that Jesus gave to his disciples. This passage is sometimes called the parable of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Paul & Barnabas at the Jerusalem Council

This lesson covers how the Jewish Council solves the problem that arose when Jewish believers said that Gentiles must be circumcised in order to be saved.  This subtle addition to God’s free gift of salvation occurs even in our generation.  Students will learn that Satan does whatever he feels necessary to try and stop the spread of the powerful message … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Years Sunday School Lesson (Luke 18:18-27)

Young boy holding up one finger

Use this New Year’s Bible Lesson for Sunday School or Children’s Church. It helps kids focus on their relationship with Jesus as the most important one thing as they start the new year. The printable PDF download includes bonus activities and coloring pages to help you prepare for Sunday. Don’t miss our All Things NEW:4-Week Sunday School Curriculum to teach … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rehoboam and Jeroboam Reign (Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson covers the reign of Rehoboam and Jeroboam and continues our series on the Kings of Israel. Click here to see the lesson index. Studying these first kings that reign in the divided kingdom will reveal how God’s people must guard their hearts from being led astray. This lesson was prepared for older students and can be adapted for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Divided Kingdom (Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson plan continues our series about the Kings of Israel. The lesson teaches us that while sin separates us from God’s best for us, His promises still stand despite our sin.  The lesson is a guide to help teachers study and prepare the lesson for the individual needs of the ministry in which they lead. This lesson was prepared … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Can't Fail Predictions for the New Year

With all the buzz about the new year, I wanted to offer some insights from God’s Word as we look forward to the new year. I hope this will be encouraging for you. Click here to share on Facebook. #1 The Bible will have all the answers (that we really need) The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year Salvation Object Lessons

Everyone likes a clean slate, a fresh start or kid language a “do-over.” A new coloring book, fresh chalkboards are two “clean slate” examples kids look forward to. As children’s church leaders it is our joy to teach kids about the new start that Jesus gives us all. With the New Year approaching, many people will nobly focus in making … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Wisdom of Solomon Sunday School Lesson

The next lesson in the series of Israel’s kings introduces students to Solomon.  As Solomon begins his reign of all the things he could have asked for he asks God for wisdom.  Students will learn that God’s wisdom is available to all who ask and by living a life using Godly wisdom they will experience great blessing. This lesson was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Activities for Children’s Church

At Christmas, you will see excited young visitors, many of which won’t be accustomed to sitting still for long periods. Prepare for the fidgety crowds and short attention spans with Christmas activities for kids’ church. Entertaining activities are a good way to supplement a lesson or build on a Bible truth. Peruse our list of Christmas activities to find the … More Children’s Ministry Resources