Does Your Church Nursery Make a Good First Impression?

Your church nursery can have a bigger impact on church growth than you realize.  When young families visit your church usually the first place they stop is at the nursery.    A visitor’s first impression of your church may be what they observe in your nursery.  Your volunteers may be the first church members they meet.  A young family’s experience with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Easy Game Ideas (In Case Your Lesson Runs Short)

This happens every Sunday morning somewhere to someone and it will most likely happen to every one of us at some point during our time serving in children’s ministry. You have studied your lesson and planned in advance the answer to every question the children might ask.  You are well prepared for your lesson.  The curriculum states the lesson should … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Ministry Versus Family Ministry?

This guest post was contributed by Lynda Freeman who blogs at About the Children’s Department. Children’s Ministry versus Family Ministry – there is so much debate about this. Should we focus on the children or the families? I wonder why we have to make a choice between the two. I believe in Deuteronomy 6 God clearly instructs families to: “Love the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Resurrection Sunday Bible Journey for Families (Download Here)

This guest post was contributed by Lynda Freeman who blogs at About the Children’s Department. Bible Journeys provide unique opportunities for families to work together to provide special events where church and community families can experience God’s Word together and come to understand what it means and how to live it in their everyday lives! Resurrection Sunday Bible Journey is an event with four … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Free VBS Material: The Fruit of the Spirit

Last year we posted a free VBS curriculum written by Tara Tegard called “Bible Boot Camp VBS.” It is still available for download and hundreds of churches have used it in their ministry. Tara has written a second Vacation Bible School curriculum and wants to share it with readers on our website. It is titled “BigHeart Farms” and covers Galatians 5:16-26, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Years Sunday School Lesson (Luke 18:18-27)

Young boy holding up one finger

Use this New Year’s Bible Lesson for Sunday School or Children’s Church. It helps kids focus on their relationship with Jesus as the most important one thing as they start the new year. The printable PDF download includes bonus activities and coloring pages to help you prepare for Sunday. Don’t miss our All Things NEW:4-Week Sunday School Curriculum to teach … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are You Missing the "Why" of Christmas?

At this time of year churches are focused on the angels, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, and most importantly baby Jesus.  As we teach the children in our churches about the story of Jesus’ birth we cannot forget to teach them the “why” of Christmas.  Jesus did not just come to earth in the form of a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Tree Coloring Picture Activity

Here is another coloring activity sent to us by Carlos Bautista. He’s is a Bible College student in the Philippines who has become a frequent contributor to our website. This drawing is a simple black and white picture of a Christmas Tree. It could be used in any variety of craft projects. The second picture is the decorations he made … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Advent Lessons: Teaching through the Nativity

This idea is one to be spread over several weeks leading up to Christmas.  Each part could be expanded into a full lesson or simplified to be done each Sunday in addition to a planned lesson.  If you structure your children’s programming with a main session followed by age-segmented small groups, then perhaps this could serve as the main session … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Prayer Coloring Pages for Kids

These coloring pages are meant to help children learn to pray. They can be used in a variety of Sunday School activities or simply at home as prayer cards. Often times teachers can have children write out their prayers as a response to the Bible lesson. This coloring page can make that an even better option. This is another contribution … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Life in 3D" Bible Lesson for Children

Here is another lesson plan sent to us from Dale Hudson and his team at Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach, Florida. You can read more about it on his blog Relevant Children’s Ministry. Lesson Summary Scripture: John 10 (Jesus is the Good Shepherd) Memory Verse: John 10:10b, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (New … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Attributes of God Flip-Book Activity

Here is a simple activity to help kids learn about the attributes and character of God. The tendency for many children’s ministry programs is to focus the majority of our lessons upon Bible stories with their corresponding characters and the how-to’s of righteous living.  Not only do we want our children to know about the Bible and its instructions for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Thankful All the Time

This is a preschool lesson to be taught in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.  This lesson was written with the intention of following the Thanksgiving lesson about the cornucopia. Around the Thanksgiving holiday, our thankfulness tends to focus on the good things we have received, namely material possessions.  But, God instructs us to be thankful in all circumstances even … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Preschool Bible Lesson & Craft

This is a preschool lesson to be taught in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.  It would be perfect for your Preschool Sunday School lesson or other ministry setting. Parents could also use this lesson plan at home. The children will learn about the symbol and meaning of the cornucopia.  They will reflect upon what God has blessed them with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable Sermon Note Taking Sheet for Kids

It’s no secret that kids often struggle to pay attention during the sermon in big church. Sometimes the problem is comprehension, other times it’s just listening skills. This post features a downloadable resource to help the children in your church. It was sent to us from Rich Shipe, who first posted it on his church website. Directions: To download this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fear Not! Halloween Sunday School Lesson

Halloween is a day in our country when both the young and old find fun in death and what is scary.  Many children set out to find the scariest costume to wear for their school parade and trick-or-treating.  With so many visual symbols of death set before our children at this time of year it is fitting to teach them … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Pursuing Peace: Sunday School Lesson

The following lesson addresses the Christian’s call to pursue peace in relationships.  The children will be given a few real life scenarios to wrestle with and determine how they could pursue peace in the given situation.  This lesson is interactive and relies on child participation. Texts: Romans 12:18-19, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 3:10-12, Matthew 5:7 Learning Objective: The children will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Can the Church Do Better than Families?

This is a guest post by Sue Miller as part of Orange Week. Orange is a strategy of bringing the church (yellow) and families (red) together to reach the next generation. If you’re new to Orange, you should click here to learn more. I spent some time recently with a group of leaders talking about children’s ministry. They were sharing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What about Halloween?

This is a guest post by Reggie Joiner as part of Orange Week. Orange is a strategy of bringing the church (yellow) and families (red) together to reach the next generation. If you’re new to Orange, you should click here to learn more. What About Halloween? Here are a few stats about Halloween: An estimated 47 percent of household consumers decorate … More Children’s Ministry Resources