Lesson: Conversion Saul and Ananias Prayer (Acts 9:1-22)

Transformation…It’s a fascinating thing, whether we are watching tadpoles and caterpillars or seeds and plants. What an amazing miracle that God can do such wonderful things…and that He can transform our lives, as well! In this lesson, we will take a look at one character in the Bible whose life was radically changed. Through Paul’s conversion and work, we see … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Praise and Worship: Is it for God's Benefit or Ours?

Worship is an integral component of the Christian faith…but why? Does God need our words of affirmation? Does He somehow require gratitude and praise? Throughout the Bible we are commanded to praise the Lord and give Him thanks. We are to tell others of His wondrous works. But this is not because God somehow craves our joyousness. Rather, worship is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Jesus Loves the Lost Prodigals Like Us (Luke 15)

  Kids love story time…and fortunately, God loves it, too, if we gauge by the many parables Jesus told throughout His ministry (more than forty of them!). Usually, these lessons were given to explain difficult principles or communicate messages of faith. Often, not everyone understood what Christ was describing…but just as those who often scoffed turned away, Jesus showed through … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Parables, Poems, and Prophecy… Literature Building Faith

“Read me a story!” This child-driven request can be for adults an invitation to perform, music to the ears, or merely a bedtime stall tactic…but it is natural and wonderful for kids to enjoy listening to tales. In this age of instant satisfaction entertainment and screen-swiping technology, there is something to be said for a return to good “old-fashioned” literature. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: What We Love the Most (Luke 4:1-13)

There are many ways that we might use (and/or abuse) the term “love” in today’s culture…we say we love God, sure…but we also love our families, or our favorite sports teams, or pizza! As we prepare for Easter and begin the Lenten season, we think about how much God loves us and we love Him. This lesson reminds us how … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Kids Can Teach Us About Following Jesus

Childlike Maturity… Cultivating an Attitude of Genuine Enthusiasm “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:16-17) What, exactly, might this mean? Why would … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Why Bother? Living out our Faith Matters!

  Even (and sometimes especially) in the church, students are often at a loss to understand or explain some of the basic essentials of Christianity. Sometimes kids grow so used to a routine of “doing church” that they forget why it is important to participate in a church body or go through the motions we are accustomed to doing. It … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jesus First Miracle (John 2:1-11) Sunday School Lesson

The Bible is full of fantastic miracles. These are performed by Jesus, by His disciples and followers, and by God Himself. Sometimes, in our constant reading and telling of them, we can take miracles for granted and neglect their ultimate meaning and place in things. Youngsters hearing about miracles might wonder why we don’t see these unearthly feats accomplished today. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Just…Be" Devotion from Psalm 46:10

I am a runner. I shamelessly display my “26.2” bumper stickers and Road Runners club key fob, and I rarely have all ten toenails intact. Running is in some ways rather an odd passion: it requires vast discipline and sacrifice, yet yields minimal immediate visible results (minus the black toenails). In spite of that, there is such joy and satisfaction … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lent or advent? Joy in a season of anticipation

For simple reasons of human error and re-print malfunction, our church bulletin this week read “First Sunday of Advent,” accidentally listing service details for the beginning of the Lenten season rather than Christmas. It was an understandable and laughable mistake, but started me thinking a bit, too…when glancing at liturgical seasons, we consider Lent a time to pause and reflect … More Children’s Ministry Resources