God's "Sticky" Eternal Love – Valentine's Day Lesson for Kids

God’s love for us is extravagant, forever, and incomparable! In this lesson, “God’s ‘Sticky,’ Eternal Love,” children will explore the depth of God’s love for them through bible study, a sticky-note activity, and an energizing seek-and-find game. In addition, the children will learn that the “stickiness” of God’s love is secure, so we can live in assured obedience to his … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Starter’s Guide for Teaching Sunday School

I will never forget the day a relative commented, “Teaching isn’t difficult. You just get in front of people and tell them what you know.” Sure thing (I replied in my head), if you never want to have an impact on your students. There seems to be a misconception that teaching is a skill anyone can just pick up, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: What Happens After the Manger?

When we are obedient to God’s commands, we can count on his order, provision, and protection. In “After the Manger,” children will learn about the events that took place after Jesus’ birth and how those events teach us to boldly obey God. Even among opposition we can have the confidence that the Lord is near because he provides exactly what we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Great Joy, Love, and Salvation (Luke 2:9-11, Ephesians 2:4-5, Hebrews 2:1-3)

A full understanding of God’s greatness cannot be attained on earth, but his great joy, love, and salvation should engulf our actions as believers. Children will learn how God has granted these wonderful attributes to us and explore ways to use them as his representatives to the lost. From Pastor Ken Gray’s sermon entitled, “Great!” (December 13, 2015) Transcribed for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Beginning for Peter (John 21:15-19) Lesson for Kids

Peter is well-known among Jesus’ disciples as being an outspoken leader, and God used him to lead many people into a relationship with Christ. However, Peter was also an imperfect person who sinned and denied Christ. In, “A New Beginning,” children will learn that God desires repentance and the acceptance of his forgiveness so we can continue serving him. The Lord used Peter … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: A Giving Christmas Party

Want to throw a Christmas Party that matters? In this event-filled lesson, “A Giving Christmas Party,” children will participate in a mission project, craft, and game that all encompass giving. They will learn that God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus (Romans 6:23) is why Christmas should be about giving. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To provide opportunities for children to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sanctity of Life Sunday: 5 Ways Kids Can Take Action

Because all life is important to God, it’s never too early to introduce Sanctity of Life to children. This is core value of the Christian faith – that all people matter because they reflect God’s image. It’s much bigger than the political drama in the USA regarding abortion or the pro-life movement. Each January is dedicated toward recognizing, educating, and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Christmas Presents and Jesus (Romans 6:23)

Why do we give and receive gifts at Christmas? How can we glorify God through Christmas presents? In this lesson, “Christmas Presents and Jesus,” children will learn that it’s more important to give than to receive because God gave us the best gift of all: Jesus! Children will also identify spiritual gifts that can be given in exchange or alongside physical … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Biblical Ways to Sustain Ministerial Harmony (Romans 12)

The musical term “dissonance” means, “a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements1.” Basically, when two notes are too close together it results in an uncomfortable, colliding sound. A way to think about it is like hearing a fork scrape across a plate or fingers running down a chalk board; the instant shudder you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Christmas Trees and Jesus

Why do we decorate Christmas trees to celebrate Jesus’ birth? And where did they come from and what do they represent? In “Christmas Trees and Jesus,” children will learn the history of the Christmas tree and why we use them as part of our Christmas celebrations. Because Christmas is all about Jesus, decorating a tree presents the opportunity to extend … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful for Service (Biblical Thankfulness – Lesson 3)

This third and final lesson on biblical thankfulness, “Thankful for Service,” will help kids understand that we should be thankful to God for the service opportunities he gives us. While thankfulness and service don’t seem to be discussed together very often, it’s important for kids to make the connection between the heart’s motives (thankfulness) and our actions (service). True servants are thankful, so … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful for Others (Biblical Thankfulness – Lesson 2)

Is it enough to only express thankfulness to God? Why and how should we take the time to say, “thank you” to others? In part 2 of “Biblical Thankfulness,” children will learn that real thankfulness to God will lead to thankfulness for others. Our words and actions must work together if we are serious about being thankful.  You can preview lesson 1 or lesson 3. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful to God (3 Lessons) on Biblical Thankfulness

Use this free study in your Sunday School or Kids Church for 3 weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. It’s the perfect way to make November all about showing gratitude to God. The download below includes all three lessons, but don’t forget browse our free Thanksgiving crafts to supplement this material. Where does true thankfulness come from? Can we be thankful … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: Candy Corn and the Trinity (Part 2)

Using candy corn as an illustration is a great way to helps kids understand the Trinity. In Part 2 of “Candy Corn and the Trinity,” kids will learn the distinct roles of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To understand the Trinity, as compared to a piece of candy corn, has three distinct components … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Candy Corn and the Trinity (Part 1)

Most kids I know love candy corn, so using it to explain a complex topic such as the Trinity is a fun way to help them remember biblical truths. In Part 1 of “Candy Corn and the Trinity,” kids will learn what the Trinity is and how scripture proves it’s existence. Furthermore, kids will be able to identify the three unique persons … More Children’s Ministry Resources