The Story of Peter Lesson

OBJECTIVE: To teach the children that God’s promises can be trusted. MAIN IDEA:  Peter witnessed some special promises coming true. We learn from Peter’s life that God always keeps his promises. TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may need to simplify this lesson when working with younger children. CURRICULUM UNIT: This lesson is part of the Who was …. ? series on major Bible characters.  SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: Matthew 16:13-19, Acts 1:15-22, Acts 2:40-41, John 15:26,

The Story of Paul Lesson

In this last lesson of the series, children will discover how Paul served God according to his belief that God’s promises would come true. Paul was alive during the time of the early church and was used greatly by God to teach others about faithfulness, obedience, and suffering for Christ. This lesson contains a fun craft and word scramble as supplements for reviewing the lesson and series. TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may need

Tough Questions Kids Ask Lesson Series

Kids love to ask hard questions – especially when it comes to learning about God, faith, and the Bible. These lesson plans tackle some of those difficult questions young skeptics might ask. Every child will have doubts and honest questions while their faith is growing. These lesson plans can help! Why did God make hell? What are Angels and Demons? Why do bad things happen? What’s my role in the church? How do I pray out loud?

Who was the Promised One? Lesson

OBJECTIVE: To help the children understand that Jesus was God’s promised Savior. MAIN IDEA:  God doesn’t break his promises, and he sent someone very special to earth to prove his love for us. The entire bible teaches us to trust God and his promises. TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may need to simplify this lesson when working with younger children. CURRICULUM UNIT: This lesson is part of the Who was …. ? series on

What is Truth? (Printable Devotion for Kids)

It is challenging for most children to identify truth in a culture of loud messages and alarming trends, but this devotion can help! “What is Truth?” gives children a chance to explore real truth verse by verse and equips them to tell the difference between actual truth and deception. They will also learn how to act on truth and live in ways that accurately display God’s truth to the people around them. Click on the preview above

What is Service? (Printable Devotion for Kids)

This printable devotion will help kids understand what the bible says about service. There are verses that focus on understanding what service is, identifying reasons to serve, learning what it takes to serve, and reaping the results of service. Click here to download the PDF version Children can go at their own pace and not necessarily have to fit all the devotion questions in one month. And by making the commitment to study God’s word, they will

The Story of Daniel Lesson

OBJECTIVE: To help the children understand that God told Daniel about some very special promises, and we can trust in God’s promises. MAIN IDEA:  Daniel bravely obeyed God and remained faithful even when facing persecution and death. He was used by God to foretell the future coming of a Savior, Jesus Christ, whose death provided salvation for every person who repents of their sins and believes in him. TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may

Trading Grumbling for Peace (Kid’s Club – Lesson #5)

Boy, it’s hard to not grumble and complain! Sometimes tough things happen and our moods and attitudes take a hit. But what does God want us to do when we are frustrated? Can we choose whether or not we complain? In this fifth lesson of the Kid’s Club series, children will learn to take responsibility for their personal responses to difficulties. Also, they will learn how to choose peace (instead of grumbling) when hard circumstances arise. TARGET

The Story of Jeremiah Lesson

It’s hard to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes God asks us to do challenging things as a part of his plan. In “The Story of Jeremiah for Kids,” children will learn that Jeremiah obeyed God and shared a message of impending judgment (even though the message was not welcome and Jeremiah himself didn’t escape the consequences of the message). Life can be tough, but God promises that we can trust his methods and his

Everyone is a Helper (Kid's Club Lesson #4)

It’s important for children to understand that helping others isn’t all about getting rewards. Although the bible is clear we will receive blessings when we serve others, it shouldn’t be the motivation behind our actions. Instead, we should help and serve others because we love God and want more people to believe in him. In this lesson, children will learn that obeying God means we will serve and help others. TARGET AGES: 4-12 SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:13 –

Let Your Light Shine Again! (Kid's Club – Lesson #3)

Kid’s Club lessons are great for children of all ages! This second lesson about letting our lights “shine” for Jesus will help children understand that everyone can serve God and lead others to Jesus. TARGET AGES: 4-12 SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:14-16 MAIN IDEA: We should strive to “shine” as lights that point others to Jesus. ——————————————————————————————————————- Mission Project (15 minutes) MATERIAL(S): Computer paper, pencils/pens, crayons, markers PREPARATION: Set out the materials so they are easy to reach. WHAT

The Story of Elijah Lesson

Elijah lived during a time when it was extremely unpopular to worship and obey God. However, Elijah didn’t let peer pressure keep him from delivering God’s message of truth and he experienced God’s protection and blessings because of his obedience. Furthermore, the impact of Elijah’s obedience was experienced beyond his family and spread throughout the entire nation of Israel. Children will learn in this ninth lesson of the series that individual obedience can be used by God

What is Perseverance? (Printable Devotion for Kids)

This printable devotion is #4 of the “Kids Can!” devotions (print the instruction page here). Perseverance is hard, especially when circumstances are tough. This devotion explains perseverance and will help children grow through faithful obedience, deliberate action, and reliance on God’s word. In addition, they will discover the rewards awaiting believers who stand firm in the faith! Click on the preview below to download a printable PDF document

What is Trust? (Printable Devotions for Kids)

“What is Trust?” is the third devotion of its kind. Click here to see the first devotion on hope, the second devotion on love, and the instruction page. Children are given a scripture to read and a question to answer each day to practice studying God’s word. While it can be hard to trust imperfect people, especially after they have harmed us or hurt our feelings, children will learn that they can always trust the God who

Let Your Light Shine (Kid's Club – Lesson #2)

How does God want to use each child’s specific abilities and talents? What admirable traits has God given each child that will help them serve him and others? In this second lesson of Kid’s Club (a fun time for children of all ages to get together and learn about God), children will discover how God has uniquely equipped them to “shine” the light of Jesus to the world. TARGET AGES: 4-12 SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:14-16 MAIN IDEA: We

The Fruit of the Spirit (Kid's Club Lesson #1)

“Kid’s Club” activities are geared toward helping kids become more excited about the bible! It’s a great way to learn about God’s word through hand’s-on approaches such as crafts, mission projects, games, devotions, and more. Children will experience how fun it is to grow in their relationships with Christ and act on their faith. TARGET AGES: 4-12 TOPIC: The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) MAIN IDEA: We will show the fruit of the Spirit when we

The Story of Job for Lesson

Job was a man of immense personal faith and integrity, but how did his actions help his family? In “The Story of Job for Kids,” children will make the connection that individual obedience to God reaps outward blessings that positively affect their families. Everything we do affects others, and that includes obedience too! TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may need to simplify this lesson when working with younger children. CURRICULUM UNIT: This lesson is

The Story of Solomon Lesson

Being given a special job is very exciting! Children will learn through Solomon’s story that God rewards humility and obedience through unique callings and blessings. However, God does not stop disciplining us just because we have been obedient in the past – our sin has very real consequences. This lesson includes a popsicle stick craft which will remind the children that our bodies are God’s temple, so we should strive to do everything his way! TARGET AGES:

Bible Teaching Skit: Modern-day story of King Josiah (2 Kings 22)

CHARACTERS Narrator #1 Narrator #2 (can be combined with Narrator #1) Miss Hilda Dr. J Nurse Harriet Mr./Ms.Williams (Patient #1) Mr./Ms. Goldstein (Patient #2) Ms./Mr. Winters (Patient #3) PROPS Scenery: five folding chairs, desk, telephone, small table, 3 magazines Miss Hilda: grey wig, glasses, notepad with pencil, desk with chair Dr. J: doctor’s jacket, scrubs, stethoscope, magnifying glass Nurse Harriet: scrubs, stethoscope, clip board Mr./Ms. Williams : (dressed as a lawyer) pant suit, briefcase Mr./Ms. Goldstein: (dressed

The Story of King David Lesson

Sometimes it’s hard to see what God wants to do through our lives in the midst of struggles, but King David certainly knew where to put his trust! This is the sixth lesson in the series teaching kids how God used ordinary people in the Old Testament to fulfill his plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Kids will be encouraged by God’s desire to use them AND their families for his purposes. Also, a fun scratch craft

Reach Out: 5 Church Outreach Opportunities for Families Ministry

It can be a bit of a challenge to minister to neighborhood families due to today’s incredible busyness and cultural distractions. Nonetheless, our communities need the love of Christ more than ever, so a continued effort for outward ministry is absolutely necessary. But how do we get our own families involved? Here are five family-friendly ideas for outreach. Host a family craft night. Everyone loves crafts! Set up different crafts throughout the church and ask members to

The Story of Ruth Lesson

Bad things happen in life, but Ruth teaches us to put our full trust in God even when we’ve suffered loss. Through her loving devotion to Naomi, we learn that God puts people in our lives to help us grow closer to him. Also, Ruth’s life shows the amazing, redemptive power of God – the same power that would one day raise Jesus from the dead! Her story of loss, obedience, and blessings show us that God

Printable Sermon Listening Worksheets for Kids

Need something to help preschoolers be engaged during the worship service? Well, try these listening guides! Even though my church has Junior Church most Sundays, I thought it would be helpful to give preschoolers a guide for listening to the sermon on the days they stay in the adult service. Click on the preview image above to download the PDF printable We place handouts on small clipboards and put them in miniature canvas bags with 3-4 crayons.

"What is Love?" (Printable Devotions for Kids)

This printable devotion for kids entitled “What is Love?” is the second of its kind. Click here to see the first devotional plan about hope. Children are given a scripture to read and a question to answer each day to practice studying God’s word. This particular topic is important because biblical love is one of the most misunderstood topics in today’s world. The devotion outlines the truth concerning love, and there is also an instruction page that