7 Things Kids Wish Their Leaders Knew

A few weeks back, I had a chance to hang out with my two middle children – aged 7 and 9.  We’ve had a few new leaders join our children’s ministry in the last several weeks, so during the course of that weekend, I asked them this question: What do you wish your leaders in children’s ministry knew?  In other … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Importance of Worship Music for Kids

You’ve probably heard the saying, “He couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.” Well, I’m here to tell you that I’m not even qualified to carry the bucket.  I have a child with a similar lack of musical giftedness though, so I can still understand how my Heavenly Father can enjoy listening to me sing even when it sounds like … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Review: Cullen's ABC's Free Online Preschool Program

What is Cullen’s ABC’s Online Preschool Program? Cullen’s Online Preschool Program is a series of twelve complete preschool days that you can use with your own child(ren) or a group of children to offer them a complete preschool in the comfort of your own home. Who is Cullen? According to her website Cullen’s ABC’s, Cullen: …has been working with young … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Way to Get Kids Excited About the Bible

If you asked the people who know me best to describe me, I am not certain that “Passionate” would be at the top of the list.  Heck, I’m not even sure it would make the list, but there are some things that I am passionate about.  I am passionate about God.  It took 30 years before he called me into … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Biblical Parenting: 10 Tips for Fathers

Several weeks ago at my church, my eyes were opened to a biblical passage.  It is one that I have read many times, but this particular sermon would cause me to view it in a whole new way.  What I had previously read as a general reprimand to a wayward church now appeared as a model for parenting.  With Father’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Where is Jesus in this Bible Story?

For our children’s ministry, we use a curriculum from a well know national company who specializes in writing children’s curriculum for churches. Frankly, the stuff they put out is great! The large group teaching, small group activities and variety of “extras” you can buy to go along with the curriculum are all outstanding.  Each month we review a new biblical … More Children’s Ministry Resources

15 Father’s Day Bible Verses

The Bible is clear – fathers must step up and lead their family to follow the LORD. These powerful Bible verses about parenting are exactly the encouragement every man needs to hear this Father’s Day. Don’t miss the free 7-page Father’s Day coloring book. Biblical Advice and Encouragement for Father’s Day What is a good Bible verse for Father’s Day? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Life Is Not Fair (and Neither Is God)

Oftentimes as we grow older and become parents, we find ourselves repeating the things that our own parents have said to us.  You know – those sayings that, as a kid, you promised yourself you would never use when you became a parent.  Much like God’s blessings and curses travel from generation to generation, so too do our parents quips … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why Not Have Fun with Your Kids Church Offering?

God has blessed us richly in this life, and the natural reaction to that blessing should be a desire to give back.  The Bible also tells us that God loves a cheerful giver.  So, how do you convey that excitement about giving to children and encourage them to give themselves.  Obviously, it begins with teaching them the biblical reasons and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Giving Object Lesson for Children

Each week in our Kindergarten and First Grade room, we take an offering that goes to help the support the children our church has sponsored through the World Help Organization.  In total, the various Children’s Ministries at our church sponsor six children.  In our room, we focus on Daniel so that the kids can feel a personal connection with him.  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Truth About This Sunday

This weekend may very well be just another weekend for you – not so different than the one that came before or the ones to come.  It may be a weekend just like any other in your life.  Saturday, you’ll spend some time preparing for your Sunday lesson.  You’ll get a good night’s sleep Saturday to be ready for the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Storytelling Really That Important?

My two year old son and I have this routine that we go through most nights before he goes to bed.  He climbs into Daddy’s bed, we say our prayers, he snuggles up next to me, and he says “tell me a story.”  He isn’t interested in your classic Jack and the Beanstalk or Mother Goose tales, the stories he … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Qualities Every Kids Minister Ought to Have

I was speaking earlier this week to a children’s pastor (who shall remain nameless for purposes of job security) who was talking about the problem of having a senior pastor who is boring and the impact that will have on the church.  That conversation got me thinking about some fundamental characteristics that anyone working in children’s ministry should possess.  Now, … More Children’s Ministry Resources