10 Way to Get Kids Excited About the Bible

If you asked the people who know me best to describe me, I am not certain that “Passionate” would be at the top of the list.  Heck, I’m not even sure it would make the list, but there are some things that I am passionate about.  I am passionate about God.  It took 30 years before he called me into … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Brief History of Sunday School

For many of us, Sunday school is a deeply rooted tradition, although it is actually a rather modern institution. Have you ever wondered about the origins and history of Sunday school? If so, here are a few facts you may find interesting. The idea of a “Sabbath school” for poor and uneducated children began in England in the late 18th … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What About Promotion Sunday?

At the church where I serve, Promotion Sunday, that day when kids move up to the next grade/class in Sunday School and other activities, for years occurred the first Sunday of September. However, by the time I arrived the date had been pushed back to the first Sunday in June. This was done primarily for one reason: by the time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Bulletin Board Ideas

I have always struggled to find good ideas for my church’s Sunday school bulletin board. The default mode is to post the latest crafts, but a well-decorated bulletin board can be a good way to keep your children’s ministry area interesting. Here are a few web resources that offer free Sunday school bulletin board ideas. Bulletin Board Ideas for Sunday … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Effective Teaching Depends On Prayer

This week’s Bible lesson is finished. The learning objectives are clear and measurable. I’ve found all the right teaching activities. The lesson plan is laser-focused to change lives. But am I ready to teach?
Once again I’ve forgotten a basic key to effective teaching – I’ve failed to pray!

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Sunday School Safety and Security

Safety and security is one of the biggest topics in children’s ministry today. This is true for both small and large churches. Keeping kids safe should be a priority in every church. In this article, I will discuss the leading concerns about Sunday school security and offer some ways to improve safety at your church. Security and Safety Concerns For … More Children’s Ministry Resources

13 Bible Stories You Must Teach Every Child

The average children’s Bible has about 100 stories. The real Bible has many more. Every story matters. But what are the basic stories kids need to understand to have a full grasp on the Bible? What stories are so basic to the Gospel that omitting them would leave a big whole in their worldview? Here’s what I came up with. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Is Effective Sunday School Teaching?

I’m a children’s pastor. My job is making things plain for kids. Children’s ministry is the easiest AND the hardest job in the church. It’s easy because most kids want to learn. They want to know. Ideas become adventures. It’s hard because children are limited. They don’t know grown-up words. They’ve only lived a little while. They get lost in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Simple Steps To Motivating Kids

This is boring – when can we go play!
Ouch … There is nothing more demoralizing to a Sunday school teacher than an unmotivated student. Unless kids want to learn – your Sunday school lesson will fail. Many books have been written on the topic, “How to motivate a student?” But the whole process comes down to 3 simple steps.

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