Do Kids Ministry Pros Need Training Too?

Sometimes we assume ministry leaders outgrow their need for training. I don’t think that’s right, as this video below points out.  Even your very best people need to review procedure and recall the why behind the what. Special thanks to Courtney and Bill from the LifeWay kids blog for making this lesson come to life! Even if you’re the kids ministry leader, make … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ways to Fill Volunteer Gaps in Kids Ministry

Children’s ministry volunteers are the precious jewels of your ministry, the force that keeps the vision moving forward. Unfortunately, at some point in your ministry, you will likely experience a volunteer shortage or some in cases a drought of willing hands. A lack of these cherished volunteers can put a strain on your first string, tried and true helpers and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Avoid Ministry Burnout & Do More Through Delegation

Those that lead in children’s ministry are typically expected to “do everything” – even if they are not gifted in certain areas. In fact, a common notion is that a “good” Children’s Pastor is one that teaches, administrates, leads, takes out the trash, trains teachers often, is at the church 6 days a week (at least) and still has quality … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Workers Need "Big Church!"

Your church, like mine, is likely blessed with dedicated volunteers who gladly give their time and energy to children’s ministry. But have you ever known volunteers who serve so willingly they never seem to make it to “big church” on Sundays and Wednesdays? I’ve seen that happen at times in my church–a worker gradually falls into a pattern of rarely … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning To Trust Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

One key to children’s ministry leadership is learning to trust your volunteers. In this post, I want to give you some practical tips to make that happen. First I want to remind you why trusting your people matters. The following is true for Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, and even VBS directors. What Happens When You Really Trust Your People … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Teacher Appreciation

It’s that time of year again. Depending on when your children promote to their new classes (I’ve heard of promotion occuring anywhere between June and September) your church is likely winding the current Sunday school year down. Your teachers are starting to reflect on the year that was – all of the good times, the hard times, and the crazy … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Forum: What To Get Ministry Volunteers For Christmas?

I recently sent out a special newsletter talking about gift ideas for Sunday School teachers and other children’s ministry workers. I want to get your ideas too. What gifts do you give out around your church? Leave a  comment below to share your thoughts.

What To Do When Your Volunteers Are Worn Out?

Something begins to happen in our Wednesday night program every spring. Our volunteers start to get run down. Worse than that – I start to feel tired of the program too. I’m guessing this is typical for children’s ministry programs. The school year has its own rhythm and life cycle. Fall is constant energy. Kids are making new friends and … More Children’s Ministry Resources