Why We Need Sunday School Ministry

There has been a lot of discussion in my circle of friends recently about the necessity of Sunday School. I’ve been working in children’s ministry for nearly two decades and I never thought I’d see the day when churches would consider doing away with this valuable ministry. I know the arguments, “We need to cut costs,” and “We don’t have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Fall Festival Alternatives for Kids Ministry

When the weather turns cool and pumpkins appear at the farmer’s market kids start thinking about candy, costumes and Halloween. If your church is like mine, you like offering parents a trick or treating alternative. Soliciting candy door-to-door isn’t safe and let’s face it, some of the costumes and decorations are over the top scary. Traditionally, our kids’ ministry partners … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Carve a Foam Superhero Emblem

Ten years ago, I had the opportunity to visit a Los Angeles ministry called the Dream Center. Associated with the Assemblies of God, the Dream Center had an amazing grasp on outreach, a skill they used to fill an old, abandoned hospital in downtown LA with new worshipers. So when I had the chance to join them for a week … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Things a Kids’ Church Bulletin Should Have

Never underestimate the influence of your children’s worship bulletins. Pay no mind to the forgotten ones left behind, dirty and crumpled on your facility floor. It’s not the paper that matters but what’s inside it. When kids receive a bulletin, they know three things: you care, they matter and you have fun planned. I’ve seen many time, a rowdy bunch … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ways to Help Preteens with Peer Pressure

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net With back to school time, preteens are exposed to their peers more frequently. And when you put a group of pre-adolescents together for long periods of time, you can bet they will be influenced by one another’s actions. In other words, peer pressure surrounds them constantly. Here’s one definition of peer … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways to Boost Your Kids Event Attendance

With any church event, from a one-night, kids’ crusade to a week-long VBS, the ultimate goal is to get as many people as possible to attend. An expansive reach with the resources available translates to smart stewardship and it pleases the Lord. (Remember the story of the man who hid his talents?) However, there is nothing more spiritually deflating then … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"W is for Worship" Coloring Page

Our readers decided that Worship would be the best theme for the letter W. This illustration shows a young boy with hand lifted to praise God. In each corner of the page you will see teaching points about worship. They explain how we can worship God through giving, serving, praising and praying. To download, simply click on the preview image to the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

August Calendar Coloring Page

This free printable features the month of August. It allows children to write in the days for the month and count them down. In North America, the weather begins to cool near the end of August and children return to school after their summer vacation. Click here to see all the months in our calendar. Directions: Click on the preview image … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Superhero Kids Crusade Ideas

Children of every generation always have heroes but today’s kids seemed focused on superheroes. With the help of the media, kids watch digitally-enhanced characters achieve great feats like save an entire city from villains, all while shooting spider webs. What greater hero is there than Jesus? He offers so much more than a hulking hero or an invisible man! If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Welcome Pack Ideas for Kids Church

Getting a shy child to visit your children’s ministry can take some coaxing but I don’t like forcing anyone to attend.  I find that giving out welcome packs breaks the ice and provides me with the opportunity to introduce myself (and the rest of the gang.) Mostly my welcome packs go to kids that visit big church but are afraid … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Don't Let Preteens Mentally "Check Out" in Your Ministry

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net With back to school time approaching, the preteen mind transitions out of autopilot mode. The mind now has to stay alert all day during school and for some time afterwards focusing on homework, which can be overwhelming. By the time they come to church on the weekend, they might mentally check … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Alphabet Coloring Pages in French

Ces pages ont Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©es Ă  colorier en anglais. Un utilisateur du site web (couramment en français) les a traduits. Utilisez le lien ci-dessous pour tĂ©lĂ©charger l’ensemble du groupe.  Cliquez ici pour tĂ©lĂ©charger (7 MB) Since most of our readers (and all of our writers) speak English, we’ve not been able to produce resources in other languages. This is starting … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Strategies for Preteen Emotions

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Preteens are in transition from childhood to adolescence. As a result, undergoing massive amounts of change on all fronts – spiritually, socially, mentally and emotionally. Let’s take a look at some their emotional changes and what you can do to accommodate those changes. Emotional changes of preteens: 1. No filter between … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas in July: Ideas for Children's Ministry

With the blazing summer temperatures, it may be hard to envision celebrating Christmas at this time of year.  But the heart of the gospel is that God came down to be present with us each and every day.  Christmas in July gives us the opportunity to talk about God’s story all over again.  The unique timing of the celebration ensures … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Preteens: Back to School

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net While summer is still in full swing, in just a few weeks many preteens will be back in school. The long summer days filled with swimming, snow cones, endless video game playing, the beach and staying up late will soon be gone. For preteens, back to school means experiencing lots of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Have a Children’s Church Revival

Before I became involved in children’s ministries, I never associated kids with revival. However, now that my life is “all things kids,” I clearly see the need for fanning the flames of a child’s faith. Like their adult counterparts, kids get distracted by life and can fall into complacency. It’s easy to go through the motions, especially if church attendance … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Running a Children’s Church Store

A children’s church store may not be top priority for a busy kids’ pastor but if you struggle with discipline, it could be a good idea for your group. Running a children’s church store requires some planning and tracking but the results are worth the effort. Besides encouraging good behavior, a children’s church store promotes attendance, builds excitement and faith. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Tips for Praying Along with Children

God holds wonderful treasures, some of which may only be accessed through prayer. Kids want those treasures but they need a guide to help them find their way. One of the things I love the most about children’s ministry is having the opportunity to pray with children. Teaching kids to pray isn’t tough; however, I find many teachers and volunteers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Quick Guide for a New Sunday School Superintendent

Sunday School changed my life! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that statement during my experience teaching children’s classes. A vibrant, exciting Sunday Sunday educates believers by familiarizing them with the Bible record while teaching them how to  apply the principles to their lives. As a new superintendent, you have the responsibility of making that vision happen … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for a Kids' Church Takeover Service

If you’ve been asked to participate in a kids’ church takeover service — rejoice! How wonderful to participate in a church that welcomes children in the “big church” and allows kids to serve in ministry. For the children’s pastor faced with leading this service, it may seem like a daunting task. During my tenure as a children’s pastor, I’ve been … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ideas for Growing the Faith of Preteens

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Preteens crave an authentic relationship with God and are eager to grow their friendship with Him. They’re capable of owning the relationship, independently of their mom or dad. One of the best things leaders can do is provide preteens opportunities to grow in their faith. Here are a three ideas to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Backyard Evangelism for Children's Ministry

Warm weather makes me want to run outdoors and play, even though I am slightly older than the average kid. If you and I feel that way after a long, cold winter, imagine how the kids feel! Did you know, the great outdoors is the perfect location for reaching kids for Jesus? Kids love to play, no matter where they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Reaching At Risk Children

Unless your ministry is located under a rock, you’ve had firsthand experience with at risk children. Although I do not like labeling kids, we teachers need to know what challenges lay before us. Children who fall under the “at risk” category tend to act out, even dangerously, to gain attention while other children remain resolutely hidden in the background. At … More Children’s Ministry Resources