Bath Time with Naaman…Following Strange Instructions

            The story of Naaman is an interesting one, with a couple of quality take-away elements for children. The Bible tale itself has entertainment value for its odd Jordan River bathing and skin disease factor. But as a teaching tool it is also great to remind kids of the importance of being willing to follow God’s instructions, even when they sometimes sound strange. It is also a neat way to see that God can use anyone and

What does it Mean to Trust and Obey? Sunday School Lesson on Faith

            Kids have a difficult time with abstracts. It is understandably challenging to put trust in things that cannot be seen, or to grasp concepts that are not tangible. “The faith of a mustard seed can move mountains”, we might hear. But to the concrete mind of a six-year-old this only conjures a very perplexing image. When discussing faith, it’s best to put in terms that a youngster can potentially comprehend, relating it to how we trust

The Trinity Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Use this free Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the Trinity. Use it in your children’s ministry or kids church to explain how God is three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is usually the most vague element of the trinity, and thus the most difficult to teach and understand. Yet its role is an important one, and this is integral to our role as believers, too. This lesson explores the significance

Jesus Heals a Deaf Man (Mark 7:24-37) Sunday School Lesson

In this lesson, we will look at the Gospel of Mark, which features some interesting topics. The emphasis of this study is to see the amazing wonders that Jesus did, and to consider how He can change our lives even if it seems like less “drastic” methods are used. Lesson focus: Christ is in control of our lives and can do anything; we need to listen to Him and be ready to follow His words. Passage: Mark

Peace, Perseverance, and Heavenly Hope…All in Christ

  “That’s not fair!” This is a common refrain heard by anyone who works with children…kids want things to be just and are quick to let us know when they think they’ve been dealt otherwise. But it is important to communicate that in some cases, we don’t want absolute fairness…this lesson reminds kids that Christ is the One who we can look to for hope and life. Lesson focus: Even though we do not deserve it, God

The Real Temple…Jesus Reveals Himself

There are a couple of important principles evident in the story of Christ clearing out the temple of Jerusalem. For one thing, we see that Jesus demonstrated anger, which is no sin…however, this was a justifiable anger, aimed at evil against the Lord’s house. Jesus did not have a temper tantrum; He was showing who He was. Jesus was the fulfillment of Old Testament practices and prophecies. We need to point to Him always, and communicate with

A New Creation…Faith and God’s Amazing Power

  How do we know we are saved? Many kids not wonder over this with too grave concern, and may not understand it either. But when questions begin to arise, it’s important to give them a solid background sense of what their faith is and why. This lesson reminds us that it’s not our own power, but God working in us that grants life and makes us a new creation. Lesson focus: We do nothing to earn

Sharing is Caring….What it means to be part of the body of Christ

Bible Focus: The early church of the New Testament provides an example of Godly living that involves sharing. Sharing is not just a preschool principle, and it is not only about money or things. We can share in all sorts of ways, and when we do so it honors God. Target Age Group: Pre-K-Sixth Grade (adaptable) Student application: God wants us to share all things, and doing so builds His kingdom. All that we have is God’s,

God's Promise to David- 2 Samuel 7 (Sunday School Lesson)

Title: God’s Promise to David Scripture: 2 Samuel 7 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Lesson Opening Ask: Has someone ever made a promise to you? What was the promise? Did they keep it? Say: People don’t always keep their promises, but you know who does? God! Throughout the Bible we read about many promises that God made to different people, and He always kept those promises. Our story today is about a promise God made to King

Denominational Differences 101 Decisive Deal breakers or Diminutive Disagreements?

  Anyone who has attended churches of varying views or backgrounds has probably encountered questions (especially if kids are involved) over why certain things are done so differently. For students, particularly those raised in one specific branch of the church, it can be tricky to understand or accept that there are so many distinctions when it comes to how Christians worship. This lesson provides a brief broad overview of several prominent denominations, describing basic beliefs and practices.

Free to be Free…Embrace it!

    It is quite a beautiful and blessed thing that we are able to enjoy freedom in Christ Jesus. But just what does this mean, and how do we take hold of it? It can be easy to forget or take for granted our sinful consequences and Heavenly redemption, but it’s important to consider daily the implications of the cross. This message offers some practical reminders for students of how we can live in and for

Speak, Lord… A Lesson in Listening

  Our names are important…when they are called or spoken, we listen. Kids listen up for and appreciate their names. In the story of Samuel’s calling, we see a name used by God. When Samuel accepts that it is the Lord speaking, he listens to learn. In this lesson, students will consider how they can listen for God and follow directions…. Lesson focus: God calls us all to do special work for Him. When we pay attention

Rise Up…with Heavenly Strength!

  Who hasn’t at one point or another dreamed of flying? Not just going up in a plane or para-sailing, but mounting up with wings and soaring on the air like a bird…surely it would be a marvelous experience, as we try to replicate it through sports and machines, and often describe euphoric feelings in terms of flight. These emotions come to mind when we read the end of Isaiah 40, as we imagine mounting with wings

Train your Brain…Anything is Possible!

    The book of Philippians has quite a multitude of amazing truth nuggets and important elements. This lesson focuses on a passage in chapter four that reminds us of the best ways to live our lives and maintain contentment. Lesson Objective and Observation: Students will experience various spots of the passage, responding to each with words, pictures, or actions. Students will discuss worries and thought thieves, and come up with methods of remaining thankful through all

God is Amazing…and He is on our Side!

    Sometimes we think of the prophetic books as a mysterious foretelling or maybe a boring old irrelevant message. For kids especially, words of the prophets can seem confusing or abstract, but we lose some rich spiritual nourishment when we overlook these wonderful portions of the Old Testament. Isaiah, especially, has beautiful descriptions of the Lord, as well as encouraging words and clues of Christ. This lesson looks at one of those passages in particular, highlighting

A Rising Star… Space-themed activities for family ministry

  I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel. He will crush the foreheads of Moab, the skulls of all the sons of Sheth.   Numbers 24:17 A guiding light… Stars are quite fascinating things. In scientific terms, of course, they are technically big balls of glowing gas. But in history and in the Bible, they have played several significant

Just do it…For Others! Why God wants us to Have Joyful Attitudes and Serve People

  “MINE!” This is one of the first words a young child will develop, and will bring a sense of pride in claiming ownership. Kids typically do not readily share what they have, and especially do not sacrifice their wants for the sake of others. This lesson focuses on the difference between pride and humility, and how pride damages our spirit and takes away what we can do for God. Lesson Objective and Observation: Students will understand

Listen up and Obey! Parable in a Parable…

  Parables can be tricky things…after all, the whole point was to hide the truth somewhat within story, so it can be a challenge to locate and communicate the truth to kids of today. Yet Christ’s stories are timeless. Not only were they relevant to the people of first century Jerusalem; they have modern-day extrapolations and explanations, if we are willing to examine closely.  In this lesson, students will be introduced to the parable of the tenants.

What’s that Smell? Becoming and Remaining the Aroma of Christ

            It can evoke strong memories, warn of danger, or make someone swoon. It can be pleasant or nauseating and have varying nuances for different individuals. It provides flavor and environment understanding. It can be powerful, mild, pungent, sweet, mouthwatering, or tear-inducing. Smell is quite an amazing miracle, and carries a great deal of value for our lives, minds, and activities. Smell can also make for a great object lesson or basic reminder to ourselves of

Reformation Exploration… Martin Luther for Little Ones

  With the 500th anniversary of the Reformation just around the corner, Protestant churches (especially Lutheran ones) are celebrating Martin Luther with all bells and whistles clanging. For adults and confirmand this is an exciting and fascinating commemoration of church history. For younger students, games, crafts, and activities can make things fun. But the youngest of church-goers can certainly also benefit from actual information and learning about the Reformation. As Luther so often said in the catechism,

Higher than Everest… God is above all things, but we can still Seek Him

  Why do bees sting us? Why is the sky blue? What is inside my bean bag chair? How long does it take to get to the moon? Kids are full of questions. Some of them we can easily answer (or at least make up an answer!), but some questions are more challenging. We want to communicate to children that it is important to ask quality questions and to seek God, but that it is also okay

The Apple of His Eye… Apple-themed activities for family ministry

  Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings -Psalm 17:8 Fall is a wonderful time to explore and celebrate the beauty of God’s creation. And why let pumpkin spice have all the fun? Among His wonderfully created things, fall is a fun opportunity to enjoy all things apple-related! Apples provide some quality illustrations and conversation topics, and there are endless activities to engage learners young and old alike! If you

Tread with Love… Appreciating our Fantastic Feet

  Sometimes we take for granted some of our most amazing features, and we forget how remarkably blessed our lives are because of God’s handiwork. Many things can open our eyes anew to appreciate those blessings, and one in particular is….feet! These wonderful little tootsies of ours are quite a miracle as well as a necessity, and are actually mentioned in the Bible quite frequently. Consider the following ideas for a full lesson or a shorter object

Not so Trivial Pursuit… Everything Matters to God

  Are there things that are more or less important in Heaven’s eyes? Sometimes we think certain elements of life are not significant or don’t really make a difference. “Trivia” might seem to be unimportant details. But God has a plan in all things. No matter what, He is in control and has a plan. This lesson takes a peek at how every element of our lives ultimately fulfills the will of God. Lesson focus: Every life