Encouragement & Recruiting DVD for Kids Ministry

Bob Singleton from God’s Kids Worship sent me a review copy of their special encouragement resource DVD titled The Story in their Eyes. The idea is to show this video at a teacher appreciation event or use it in recruiting volunteers for your children’s ministry. I could imagine some churches would show it directly to their congregation during a Sunday Morning … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Our God is Mighty

This is the third lesson plan in our series for preschoolers about knowing God. Each lesson is based on a passage from Isaiah 40 and will help younger children grow in their knowledge and love for God. Be sure to read the series introduction for teaching tips and explanation of the lesson format. This lesson is targeted for older preschool … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Things Kids Wish Their Leaders Knew

A few weeks back, I had a chance to hang out with my two middle children – aged 7 and 9.  We’ve had a few new leaders join our children’s ministry in the last several weeks, so during the course of that weekend, I asked them this question: What do you wish your leaders in children’s ministry knew?  In other … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Summer Coloring Pages (12 Sheet PDF Book)

Summer coloring pages for children's ministry

The combined file includes all the pictures below and our new Summer Thankfulness journal pages for 2019. Scroll down to get the free versions of these printables. Don’t miss the 40-page Calendar, Seasons, and Routine bundle from the Sunday School Store. It’s an upgraded format of this free resource and supports the artist who created this project. We’ve combined all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Back To School Ideas for Kids Church

During the summer, some ministries turn into literal “ghost towns” with empty chairs and a table full of volunteer tags. Summertime church attendance can be a bummer. All that changes in the fall as kids return home from summer vacations or weeks with the other parent. Schools open soon and parents will be focused on schedules and school supplies. What an … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Importance of Worship Music for Kids

You’ve probably heard the saying, “He couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.” Well, I’m here to tell you that I’m not even qualified to carry the bucket.  I have a child with a similar lack of musical giftedness though, so I can still understand how my Heavenly Father can enjoy listening to me sing even when it sounds like … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschooling IS NOT for Me … Or is It?

I never intended to homeschool.  In fact, it was almost faux pas, like “only those weird people who want to shelter their kids from the real world” homeschool.  And yet, here I am planning to homeschool my son starting in the fall.  We moved from a place with very little homeschooling to Louisville, Kentucky, where my eyes have been opened … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Peter's Miraculous Escape From Prison

This lesson is about God delivering Peter from prison.  The believers were constantly praying for this seemingly impossible situation. Students will learn from this story that nothing is too hard for God. They can trust Him even when life situations seem bad. The original learning context for this material was older elementary Sunday School. It can also be adapted for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Four Tasks To Do After Vacation Bible School

Your VBS has come to a conclusion. After all the “de-decorating” has occurred one may think all he or she is left with are some traces of hay or sand, that yellow tacky left behind on the walls from posters, snack crumbs under the chairs, and all that leftover craft supplies that seem to always accumulate in that same corner … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: God Is Our Shepherd

This is the second lesson plan in our series for preschoolers about knowing God. Each lesson is based on a passage from Isaiah 40 and will help younger children grow in their knowledge and love for God. Be sure to read the series introduction for teaching tips and explanation of the lesson format. This lesson is targeted for older preschool … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Moms Ministry: Preschool Play Day

When ministering to children we must keep in mind our ministry is also to their parents.  We are to partner with parents in spiritually leading their children.  Not only are we to teach our church’s children on Sunday mornings, but we are to support the parents in our church so they can biblically train up their children in the way … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Family Service Project: The Lemonade Stand

There’s nothing like a cold refreshing glass of water on a hot summer’s day.  It seems to quench thirst perfectly, but I cannot tell you how many times I have taken that glass for granted. UNICEF estimates that there are approximately 884 million people who do not have access to safe water.  Worldwide, 425 million of those are children.  As … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God Made Me: Preschool Bible Lesson & Craft

Try this simple Bible lesson for preschoolers. It will help them learn that God created every part of them. It would work well for a Preschool Sunday School lesson or any ministry setting for younger children. This preschool lesson also includes a simple craft idea. You could modify this lesson for older children or other ministry settings. Bible Story: God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Surviving Ministry in a Shrinking Church

It’s been a few months since our last Think Tank discussion. These are occasional forum-type posts where I ask several Children’s Ministry leaders to respond to a difficult question. The responses are always helpful and bring insight from several different directions. For this session of the Think Tank, I posed a question that affects my own ministry. My congregation has … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fruit of the Spirit Song & Video for Children

Here is a cool Bible song for children I saw on another blog this morning. It’s from Brentwood Kids. It’s a scripture based song designed to teach kids Galatians 5:22-23. It takes a very fun approach to teach what fruits are not from the Spirit. Don’t overlook our teaching resources for the Fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Gift Ideas for Kids Visiting Your Church

What do you do when children do not want to leave their parents in the sanctuary? How long will a church guest stay if their child is afraid? Shy children or children unaccustomed to church may resist your pleas to attend children’s church. Besides being friendly and an innate ability to speak “kid,” not every child is going to come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Acts 11 Lesson: Early Church Growth & Change

This children’s Bible lesson continues the study of the Book of Acts. The lesson is about Peter explaining God’s hand in the conversion of Gentiles.  The lesson focuses on how change brought growth for the Church. Kids need to know that God can be trusted in times of change. The original setting for this lesson plan was older elementary Sunday School. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 On-The-Go Family Devotions for Summertime

The flip flops are flopping.  The sunscreen is lathered.  The baseball hats and sunglasses are on.  Juice boxes are packed for the tykes, candy for the husband with a sweet tooth, and coffee is in hand for me.  Summertime is my favorite time of year!  I’m pretty sure I love it all, bugs and humidity included.  Topping the list, without … More Children’s Ministry Resources