Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Sunday School Lesson

Want kids to share their faith? Then give them this powerful example of Philip telling the Ethiopian Eunuch about Jesus. This was an important moment in the early church and Philip was obedient to God’s Spirit when he shared the Good News with a stranger. Students will be challenged to listen for God’s leading and immediately obey. This Bible lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Tips For Multi-Age Classrooms

Put a fifth grader in a classroom with a six year old and you’ve got Miley Cyrus meets Hello Kitty.  Two very different worlds collide.  The Miley fan is thinking of using her allowance to buy eye shadow, if her mom allows.  The Hello Kitty fan has just fallen off her chair, thinking that she really wants to play dress-up.  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Stoning of Stephen: Sunday School Lesson

This free kids Sunday School lesson is based on the story of Stephen in Acts 6-7. It is targeted for older elementary students. It highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in giving courage to Christians, especially when they are suffering. It also shows that believers who suffer for obedience to Jesus will be rewarded. You can also adapt this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Jesus Heals Jairus' daughter

This lesson is about how Jairus comes to Jesus and asks Him to come heal his dying daughter.  On the way to Jairus’ house a woman who had been sick for 12 years touched Jesus’ robe and was healed.  The lesson can be simplified for younger students and can also be used as a Children’s Church lesson.  Following the lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson "Created For a Purpose"

Print off this free Sunday School lesson based on the book of Esther. It was first prepared for an older elementary Sunday School class.  With some modification, you could also use it for a Children’s Church lesson or with younger students.  Following the lesson are additional activities that can be helpful for your individual class’s needs. Bible Story: God’s Purpose For Esther Scripture: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Story of Christmas (Printable PDF) Storybook about Jesus Birth

Download these simple storybooks to help children read the biblical story of Christmas. The combined file below includes the three mini-booklets and our poem about the night of Jesus birth in one easy printable PDF file. The Christmas Story for Children Printable PDF “Birth of Jesus” Kids Version Our simple printable mini-books includes the text from the NIRV (New International … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Ideas for Children's Ministry

Christmas printables for children's ministry

Christmas is coming soon, now is the time to plan that special activity, craft, or Bible lesson. This page lists some of the most popular resources on our website related to Christmas. Be sure to check back, we will be adding new content to this page leading up to Christmas. >> NEW for 2018 our Advent Coloring Calendar (one sheet … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why is Children's Ministry So Important?

children's ministry is important to Jesus

Your kids ministry is important. That’s why we started writing down this list of the benefits of children’s church, Sunday School, and all kids ministry programs. We hope this article will encourage everyone at your church to invest in the next generation.

Creation Day #1 Lesson for Children’s Church

This children’s church lesson plan about Creation Day One was first written for children age 5 – 11.  It could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. This lesson is part of a series of Bible lessons about creation.  Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Please leave any feedback … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why Catechize Kids?

Q: Who made you? A: God made me. (Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:7; Ecclesiastes 12: 1; Acts 17:24-29) from A Catechism for Boys and Girls What is catechism? The term “catechism” is one that may well bring up images of a strange, outdated method of instruction. But catechizing has been a time-honored and effective practice throughout Protestant as well as Catholic … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Summer Reading Programs for Children

Libraries all over the nation conduct summer reading programs, so why shouldn’t we?  There is a plethora of quality literature out there and children looking for something to do.  All they need is a little encouragement! Goals: Summer reading allows children to maintain skills and develop a lifelong love for books.  Reading also allows students to be engaged in learning, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Measuring Noah's Ark Object Lesson

Tony recently posted a Sunday School Lesson about the Flood using the Big Picture Story Bible.  We all know that despite the horror of the reasons behind God’s flooding of the entire Earth, “Noah’s Ark” remains a dear story for children.  Most every children’s story Bible, board book Bible, etc. discusses Noah’s Ark. Have you ever thought about “bringing to … More Children’s Ministry Resources