Godly Play: A Review & Introduction

As I walked into the classroom, I noticed the simple white shelves that blended right into the walls. I was drawn like a magnet to the materials on these invisible shelves. The different hues of the natural woods, the heft of the brass, the richness of the velvet. Each material was placed on its own tray, organized and respected in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Read to Kids

Whether you are reading to your own children or reading a book as part of your Sunday morning lesson at church, it is important that you read it in such a manner that kids will be captivated and engaged by it.  Imagine hearing a song with awesome music where the artist sings in a very monotone voice and never looks … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bullying (Part III): 10 Ways Your Ministry Can Help

This post continues our series on childhood bullying. Part one promoted bullying awareness and part two offered ten ways individuals can get involved. This article shows ten ways your kids ministry can address the topic. Truth be told, the subject of bullying is something that we have never had to address before in our children’s ministry.  I have referenced it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fruit of the Spirit Object Lessons

One of the most exciting lessons to teach Christian children is on the subject of the fruits of the spirit. In fifteen years of teaching I can honestly say that the fruits of the spirit series is one of the most rewarding lessons I can bring to my kids. However, in our fast-paced world it is difficult to teach children … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Christian Cartoon Series for Kids "Theo Presents"

I just finished watching four online preview videos of Theo Presents. The following statements in quotes are included in the press kit prepared by Whitestone Media. I respond to each paragraph based on my observations. Theo Presents is centered around the adventures and teachings of the main character, Theo, a student of God’s Word and a theologian. Theo lives in a cozy corner … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Can't Fail Predictions for the New Year

With all the buzz about the new year, I wanted to offer some insights from God’s Word as we look forward to the new year. I hope this will be encouraging for you. Click here to share on Facebook. #1 The Bible will have all the answers (that we really need) The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Advent Coloring Pages for Kids

advent coloring pages for christmas

Download these free printable Advent coloring pages to help children understand and celebrate the meaning of Christ’s birth. The links below will download each series in a single print-friendly PDF file. Coloring Pages for Advent Advent Calendar Coloring Pages Over the years, we’ve created dozens of free coloring sheets for the Christmas season.  This artwork is 100% free to use … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Attributes of God Flip-Book Activity

Here is a simple activity to help kids learn about the attributes and character of God. The tendency for many children’s ministry programs is to focus the majority of our lessons upon Bible stories with their corresponding characters and the how-to’s of righteous living.  Not only do we want our children to know about the Bible and its instructions for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video Clips for Teaching 1 & 2 Samuel

Here are a few video clips from YouTube that might be helpful in your teaching, especially for children’s church or Sunday School. They are from the What’s In the Bible? produced by Jelly Telly. For more, information check out their official website. 1 Samuel Video Clip for Kids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yExsh_-FlCg 2 Samuel Video Clip for Kids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Zjk46AzpU The first video features … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video Clips for Teaching 1 & 2 Kings

I’m a big fan of What’s in the Bible?, and love all the videos they’ve posted on their YouTube page. Here are a few that I thought would be helpful in teaching Bible lessons from the books of 1 & 2 Kings. These might be a good addition to your Sunday School or Children’s Church lessons. There is even a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Book on Business for God's Glory

I’ve made it my habit to read about topics outside my normal field of ministry. So, today I was working through a new book by Wayne Grudem titled, “Business for the Glory of God.” Dr. Grudem was one of my favorite authors in Seminary. I’ve spent hundreds of hours with his massive Systematic Theology. That book is still on my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Pursuing Peace: Sunday School Lesson

The following lesson addresses the Christian’s call to pursue peace in relationships.  The children will be given a few real life scenarios to wrestle with and determine how they could pursue peace in the given situation.  This lesson is interactive and relies on child participation. Texts: Romans 12:18-19, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 3:10-12, Matthew 5:7 Learning Objective: The children will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Innovative New Curriculum from Spark House

Do you work with older children and youth?  Could you use a curriculum that’s adult user-friendly, yet has real appeal for your tweens and teens? Well if your answer is yes, you may just want to give re:form a chance. The publishing company, Spark House, a division of Augsburg Fortress, claims, re:form is a fully customizable curriculum that’s rooted in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Grandpa's Box by Starr Meade (Book Review)

Once in a while you come across a book that you just have to tell everyone about, and Grandpa’s Box is one of these books. Written by Starr Meade, it is styled as a devotional, but seems to be the perfect read aloud bedtime story. In the book, Grandpa capitalizes on his grandson’s love of military strategy to introduce to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah Gets Mad at God (Children's Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is based on Jonah’s response to God’s mercy to the Ninevites from Jonah 4.  Jonah had experienced God’s mercy and was given a second chance in his life.  Jonah was unmerciful in his response to God’s compassion and mercy to the repentant Ninevites.  The lesson uses Matthew 18:21-35 to bring in a New Testament Scripture as a parallel … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What's so simple about "Simply Strategic Stuff"?

As we begin to prepare for fall, and get everyone excited about the next year in ministry, I return to an old favorite — Simply Strategic Stuff.  Simply Strategic Stuff, by Tim Stevens and Tony Morgan, and published by Group, claims to be “help for leaders drowning in the details of running a church”.  These two men hail from Granger … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paul and Barnabas (Children's Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is a continuation of Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey.  In this lesson they experience rejection to the message of the Gospel and also see many respond with faith as they hear the message.  The lesson can be used in Children’s church and also simplified for younger students. Be creative and adapt this lesson to fit your own … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Back To School Ideas for Kids Church

During the summer, some ministries turn into literal “ghost towns” with empty chairs and a table full of volunteer tags. Summertime church attendance can be a bummer. All that changes in the fall as kids return home from summer vacations or weeks with the other parent. Schools open soon and parents will be focused on schedules and school supplies. What an … More Children’s Ministry Resources