Lesson: The Battle Plan is Prayer

This is the 8th lesson in our series called “How to Win Against Sin.” It’s based on the Armor of God teaching found in Ephesians 6. Click here to see more Bible lessons in this unit. Like all our resources, this material is 100% free to use in your ministry. Please leave a comment below to share your own thoughts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Raising Christ-Like Families in a Secular World

We live in a society that has tarnished biblical parenthood.  Our society has slowly taken males out of the equation of the family. Men, as shown by comic strips, TV, etc., are shown to be ignorant, immature and unable to do simple tasks. Both the husband and wife have a responsibility to the development of children as well as the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why We Need Sunday School Ministry

There has been a lot of discussion in my circle of friends recently about the necessity of Sunday School. I’ve been working in children’s ministry for nearly two decades and I never thought I’d see the day when churches would consider doing away with this valuable ministry. I know the arguments, “We need to cut costs,” and “We don’t have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Daniel's Ram and Goat Vision

This lesson has additional teaching ideas for Daniel 8. The lesson helps students to see that God can be trusted because He always does what He says He will do. The lesson was prepared for older students. This lesson is a suggested guide to help you create a lesson for your class. Bible Story: Daniel’s Ram and Goat Vision Scripture: Daniel … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"God is My Shepherd" Lesson for Toddlers

This is the first lesson plan in our series titled, “Toddlers Knowing God.” Each of these studies help children age 18-24 months better understand the character & nature of God. Click here to see the main index for these Bible lessons. This particular lesson is based on Psalm 23 and John 10. In very simple language, it shows how God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How will "Gay Marriage" impact Children's Ministry?

With the coming political firestorm over “same-sex marriage,” it’s going to be a topic kids hear about. If your children aren’t asking yet, it’s just a matter of time. As ministry leaders, we should think carefully about how we respond and find the right balance of truth & grace. That’s why I sent the following question to several of my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

11 Tips for Serving a Small Country Church

If your students are die-hard John Deere advocates, then you might serve in a small country church.  If you have a homegrown cow in your freezer, then you might serve in a small country church.  If your students come to church in boots and buckles and have guns and know how to use them, then you might serve in a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Host an Easter Auction

Recently, I was looking for fundraising inspiration – we needed some new equipment and the church’s budget was tight. I wanted an idea that would excite the supporters of my ministry but that donors would like too. After attending my son’s school’s spring fling, I found holiday inspiration. Today, our kids’ church Easter auction is the talk of the church, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Lesson: Resurrection Facts from Acts

This Easter lesson was created to focus on the importance of the resurrection and reviews what the students have learned from studying the Book of Acts. This lesson was prepared for older students but can be adapted to the needs of your ministry. Learning Goal: Students will learn that the resurrection is vitally important in sharing the Good News. Optional Activities: You … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Burning My Candles This Christmas

Do you have anything that you put away for a “special” day? While unpacking my Christmas decorations, I pulled out my candles and starting putting them on the table and around the house. As I unpacked one of the candles, I noticed that it had melted because it had been in storage where it was hot. I have had some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Christmas Gifts that Teachers Actually Want

Teachers often face a number of obstacles when attempting to deliver life-changing Bible messages to their students. Some things teachers face regularly are limited budgets, difficult children and the ever-present, surprise element. (Surprise! I need you to teach this week!) A few times a year, students, parents and fellow teachers have the opportunity to shower these tireless workers with gifts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: King Ahaz's brings great suffering to Judah

This is a continuation of the study of Israel’s Kings.  The lesson covers the reign of King Ahaz over the Southern Kingdom.  Students will see how sin affects others.  Many people in Ahaz’s kingdom suffered as a result of his idolatry and rebellion against God.  Students will learn that individuals are responsible before God and their sin affects others. This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Do Not Be Afraid" Preschooler Lesson about Halloween

Little girl making afraid face

Halloween can be a frightening season for small children, with its skeletons, ghosts, witches, monsters, and the like.  Even if a child is not exposed to Halloween celebrations at home, the stores are inundated with gory displays.  It is almost impossible to ignore. But Halloween (I don’t think) should be ignored.  It is the second highest grossing commercial holiday besides … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Glory of the New Covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Lesson

St. Mark's Square in Venice

The scriptures point to the Resurrection of Jesus as the proof that all his promises will come true. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The main idea is found in 2 Corinthians 3:9: “If the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Back to School Coloring Pages

Back to School Coloring Pages 2020

Back to School 2020 is going to be different. So we collected our three most popular coloring pages about going to school again. Two traditional and one about online teachers. Download these free coloring page activities for kids as they get close to starting a new school year. Scroll to see the non-religious (for public school) and religious options (for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Daniel & Friends Seek God's Wisdom

This study covers how Daniel and his friends seek God’s wisdom to prevent their deaths along with the other wise men living in Babylon.  God gives them wisdom and King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges God as the God of gods. In this lesson, students will learn from Daniel’s example of how they can be Ambassadors for Christ in this world as Daniel … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 19 Sunday School Lesson "The Word of God"

Open Bible

This guest post was contributed by Patricia M. Tamang, a reader from the Philippines who severs as Coordinator for Christian Education in her church. Bible Lesson Title: The Word of God Bible Passage: Psalm 19:7-10 Target Age Group: Older Elementary Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 60 minutes Key Concept: God’s word gives us understanding and shows us the right way to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Steps to Prepare for Cross-Cultural Kids Ministry

Among other things, summer time is prime time for service projects and missions trips.  Often, those trips will include working with children through Vacation Bible Schools, summer camps, outreach programs, orphanages, etc.  Whether you’ve got trips planned for the inner city, a different place in the US, or an international mission trip planned, an essential component of that trip is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Top 10 Theology Blogs for Kidmin

There are tons of great children’s ministry blogs out there.  You can check out a great list of them here on Ministry-to-Children.com.  Part of our role as children’s ministers, though, is to provide kids a solid foundation of knowledge in Christ and various Biblical doctrines.  In order to do that, we must also be firmly grounded in those truths.  Here … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Lesson: Wipe away your tears He's Alive!

This Easter lesson is based on John 20:10-21:25.  It was prepared for older students but can be adapted to your ministry’s needs.  The lesson focuses on how Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope as we face any difficulty.  It includes several additional learning activities that are optional, depending on the time you have for your class. This is only a suggested … More Children’s Ministry Resources