The Basics of a Sunday School Lesson

So you arrive at church and the Children’s Minister asks you to teach a class for a teacher who got sick just this morning. No problem, right? Just follow the lesson that they had prepared and it’ll be smooth sailing. Wait! If the teacher is home sick, then, most likely, the lesson is home with them. Ok, you can do … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: The defeat of Ai (Joshua 8)

Our church recently began The Gospel Project for adults and children. The following lesson was inspired by curriculum and their approach of showing how every story relates back to Jesus. The students discover that God blesses those who obey Him by faith. This lesson was adapted for an older elementary class. Bible Passage: Joshua 8 Bible Story Title: The defeat of Ai … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Geocaching for Preteens

**This is a guest post by Glenys Nellist  from Kids Ministry Matters Geocaching is a fascinating, fun phenomenon that is growing in popularity. A free, real-world outdoor treasure hunt, geocaching is played by using a smartphone or GPS to locate hidden containers called geocaches. With over two million treasures hidden around the world, geocaching is an ideal activity for tweens, and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Repairing the Wall (Nehemiah 3-4)

This is the second lesson in a series from the Book of Nehemiah.  The students discover from reading about Nehemiah repairing Jerusalem’s walls that every believer has work to do.  The lesson was prepared for older students, but can easily be modified for any ministry context. We welcome your suggestions and ideas in the comment box below. Bible Passage:  Nehemiah … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable "ABC Bible Verses"

It is so important for all of us to be studying and memorizing scripture. In Psalm 119:11, it says, “Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.” During my Wednesday night class with Kindergarten-5th graders, we always spend time working on Bible Verses for them to memorize. I came up with a list … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Power of Influence (Esther 3-4)

This continues a series of the study of Esther.  In this lesson the students will discover that we all have the power to influence others.  Either we will influence people positively or negatively.  A believer who walks daily with Jesus by reading God’s Word, praying and obeying will make be a positive influence in the lives of others.  This lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Simple Easter Play for Church – Download PDF Script

This free Easter script can help you create a simple drama at your church to share the message of Jesus’ Resurrection. This Easter play has many parts for children and could be produced almost entirely by the children’s ministry. The songs mentioned are suggestions from what we did in our church, please use music most appropriate (and available) to your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Overview of Esther

The following lesson is the beginning of a new series teaching through the Book of Esther.  The focus of this lesson is an overview of Esther introducing students to the main characters, places and themes.  It is a good opportunity to refresh students’ minds who the Jewish people are, God’s Covenant with His people and why the Jews are living … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Prepare for Battle (Ephesians 6)

This lesson completes the study of Ephesians and focuses on the believer’s need to be prepared for spiritual battle.  The lessons were created for older students and can be adapted for your ministry’s needs. Learning Goal: Students will learn how making daily time in God’s Word and prayer a priority prepares them for spiritual battles. Memory Verse:  2 Timothy 2:1-4 You … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Walking in the Light (Ephesians 5)

This is the fifth lesson in the series of Bible lessons from Ephesians.  The focus continues to teach students how a believer should live his/her life.  A personal daily time with God studying His Word and praying strengthens the believer and enables them to know what a life that pleases God looks like.  This lesson was created for older elementary … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Shield of Faith

This is the fifth lesson in our series called “How to Win Against Sin.” It’s based on the Armor of God teaching found in Ephesians 6. Click here to see more Bible lessons in this unit. Like all our resources, this material is 100% free to use in your ministry. Please leave a comment below to share your own thoughts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Who is Abraham?

It is a blessing to teach children the Bible, because their world is so small and they are learning incredible amounts of information daily.  The wonder behind the eyes of a child as the Bible is taught can challenge one to approach passages with child-like faith.  Like one is reading the story for the first time. “Who is Abraham” is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Object Lessons on Thankfulness & Gratitude

gratitude object lessons for children's ministry

What’s the one thing missing from many Thanksgiving celebrations? Gratitude, oh my! Hard as they may try, parents face real challenges instilling this virtue into their little ones. Today’s “me first” society leads kid astray. I believe God wants us to instruct our children to have a good attitude in all things. Supplement your Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson with these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Choose Joy (Week 5) Devotions from Philippians

This devotional guide is one part of our larger series based on the book of Philippians. Click here to browse all the guides in this series. You can also leave a comment below to share your ideas with other readers. [print_link] a copy of this for each child or adult participating in the study. We recommend they also have a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: The Two Paths (Psalm 1)

This lesson allows students to use inductive Bible study methods with Psalm 1.  The lesson combines the 4 methods introduced in previous lessons (Jonah and Philemon).  The lesson was prepared for older elementary students and can be used as a guide for your ministry’s needs. Learning Goal:  Students will discover how to take the path of the righteous and avoid … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Godly Obedience Object Lessons

What better way to grab a child’s attention than through an effective object lesson? Jesus tossed seeds on the ground and even invited a child to sit on his lap to illustrate kingdom principles. Those visual aids helped many to understand the points he made. People today are no different! Help children understand the principle of godly obedience by using … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah 3-4 Lesson (step 1) Big Picture Overview

This lesson continues teaching students the methods of inductive Bible study with Jonah 3-4.  The students will have four lessons discovering ways to study the Word of God deeper for themselves enabling them to study their Bibles on their own.  Our class is recently promoted 4th and 5th grade (9 and 10 years old).  This lesson is an adaptation from … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Sermon: Be Still and Know that I am God

Just like grown ups, children struggle with busy hearts and minds that often distract them from God. This children’s sermon will help them discover the importance of being still before the Lord. Leader Preparation: Many times teaching lessons to others can have an impact on the teacher too, and this is a wonderful thing. For this lesson, give yourself some quiet time to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children Sermon: God is the Good Shepherd

This children’s sermon is about God’s protection for his people. It can be used in a variety of teaching settings or expanded into a full lesson plan. For added emphasis, you might include a shepherd’s crook into the following devotional text. Preparation: We recommend teachers read the whole of Ezekiel 34 as background before presenting this materials. Notice how the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson "Prayer is Powerful" from Daniel 10

The following lesson builds on the principle from Daniel 9-Prayer is a response to God’s Word.  Students will discover from Daniel’s experience that there is a spiritual battle taking place.  Believers do not need to be afraid because God has given us spiritual armor and the the powerful weapon of prayer.  This lesson was created for older students and can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Daniel's Response to God's Word

This is another lesson for Daniel 9.  The focus on this lesson is how prayer is a response to God’s Word.  Daniel prays in response to what he realizes from Jeremiah’s prophecy about the 70 year captivity.  This lesson provides practical opportunities for students to pray in response to God’s Word.  The lesson was prepared for older students and can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Paul's trial before Felix

This lesson is about Paul’s trial before Felix. He is falsely accused but Paul knows he has a clear conscience before God and man. This lesson teaches students that believers should always strive to keep a clear conscience. This is only a guide for the lesson. Adapt to your individual classroom needs. From Paul’s life the students will be challenged … More Children’s Ministry Resources