Joseph's Dreams (Genesis 37:1-11) Sunday School Lesson

This is the first lesson in a series of 5 about Joseph’s life and the incredible way that God used him to bless his people. Title: Joseph’s Dreams (Lesson 1 of 5 – more coming soon) Scripture: Genesis 37:1-11 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Supplies: paper, pencils, star printouts (download), crayons, scissors Optional Story Illustrations: The Story of Joseph Coloring … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: Different Containers, Same Contents (1 Samuel 16:7) God Looks at the Heart

There are many wonderful illustrations, conversations, and activities that address how outer appearance is not as important as what lies in the heart. Between racial difference discussions, equality emphasizing, and body image talks, students will no doubt be exposed to the “don’t judge a book by its cover” maxim so much it might seem trite and cliché.  But there is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Summer Outreach Ideas

It’s that time of year! Time to get into the community and meet new people. This summer, try one of these seven outreaches or use them all and you may experience a surprising increase in attendance. Meet new families or build stronger ties with current ones with these fun summer outreaches. Host a puppet class. This outreach only takes a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Super Bowl Children's Sermons

Sports Equipment

Use this children’s sermon in your church on Super Bowl weekend. 1 Samuel 16:7, “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’ This sermon for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Burning My Candles This Christmas

Do you have anything that you put away for a “special” day? While unpacking my Christmas decorations, I pulled out my candles and starting putting them on the table and around the house. As I unpacked one of the candles, I noticed that it had melted because it had been in storage where it was hot. I have had some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Plan a Fall Festival

The temperature is dropping, pumpkins are appearing at grocery stores, and Walgreens flu shot commercials are airing—Fall is here! An event we hold at our church every October is Fall Festival. Planning meetings are starting up and we are beginning to line up the details for this event. Here are a few tips if you are thinking about having a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Glory of the New Covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Lesson

St. Mark's Square in Venice

The scriptures point to the Resurrection of Jesus as the proof that all his promises will come true. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The main idea is found in 2 Corinthians 3:9: “If the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What You Should Know About Group's "Family Hour"

Group Publishing has something new for families. Their Fun-for-the-Whole-Family Hour is exactly that – an hourlong event for families to interact, share, discover, laugh, and explore together. This particular theme includes clips from the upcoming Narnia film “Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. Not just cost effective at $19.99, it is extremely efficient, with just the essentials necessary to host a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cooking Up Family Devotions with Your Kids

Psalm 34:8 invites us to, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”  Jesus calls Himself the bread of life and He encourages His followers to be the salt of the earth.   There are innumerable references to fruit, fish, and oil in the Bible.   Sometimes food staples such as these are mentioned as part of the typical diet consumed.  Other … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Back To School Ideas for Kids Church

During the summer, some ministries turn into literal “ghost towns” with empty chairs and a table full of volunteer tags. Summertime church attendance can be a bummer. All that changes in the fall as kids return home from summer vacations or weeks with the other parent. Schools open soon and parents will be focused on schedules and school supplies. What an … More Children’s Ministry Resources