Doubting Thomas Bible Lesson Message (John 20:19-31)

Children tend to be rather trusting in general. However, they are also literal in their understanding and interpretation of things, and often have a hard time grasping abstract or unseen concepts. This message reminds kids that our faith in Jesus is reliable and true, even though we cannot physically see or touch the Lord. When we believe despite a lack … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Craft Ideas: New Life through Baptism (Mark 1:4-11)

New Life Through Baptism

The New Year often brings with it new goals and resolutions for self-improvement, but for kids and adults alike, those aren’t easy to keep. Fortunately, we know that Jesus offers new life and fresh opportunities, and we can take hold of those and rejoice in our forgiveness. These crafts remind children of the blessings found in Baptism, and how we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

“Trim Up the Tree” Sunday School Lesson based on the Traditions and Symbols of Christmas

Christmas Traditions Sunday School Lesson

For many people, the Christmas carols turn up and the decorations come out as soon as the Thanksgiving turkey is put away (or perhaps a few weeks before that). Stockings are hung, trees decked out with ornaments, cookies baked, and gifts wrapped. Cars drive slowly down neighborhood streets as kids and adults alike admire bright lights and inflatable lawn characters. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Trinity Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Use this free Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the Trinity. Use it in your children’s ministry or kids church to explain how God is three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is usually the most vague element of the trinity, and thus the most difficult to teach and understand. Yet its role is an … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Stress Combat…Becoming Officers of Peace

  It seems like kids today have more and more: technology, opportunity, luxury…yet sometimes they wind up stressed and over-anxious. This devotional Bible study seeks to discuss and address some of the common stressors, and to guide students back to the peace that passes all understanding, found in Christ alone. Bible Focus: There are many things that tend to bring … More Children’s Ministry Resources