Trees Planted by Water… Children’s Sermon Lesson from Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:5-10

Children’s Sermon Lesson (Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:5-10)

Trees Planted by Water… Children’s Message on Spiritual Growth and Health –  This message encourages children to stay closely connected to God in order to thrive and grow. Passages from both Psalms and Jeremiah reflect on tree metaphors, noting how relying on God’s law and love nourishes and strengthens us. The message uses examples of withering and healthy plants to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Child Discipleship Forum: Summer Discount Ends Soon

As children’s ministry leaders, you’ve been called to child discipleship. Every week you fill the critical need for a loving, caring adult to pass on a legacy of faith to the incoming generation of children. Hundreds of thousands of leaders around the world commit themselves to this high calling. Time only reveals more clearly that, now more than ever, we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

“Trim Up the Tree” Sunday School Lesson based on the Traditions and Symbols of Christmas

Christmas Traditions Sunday School Lesson

For many people, the Christmas carols turn up and the decorations come out as soon as the Thanksgiving turkey is put away (or perhaps a few weeks before that). Stockings are hung, trees decked out with ornaments, cookies baked, and gifts wrapped. Cars drive slowly down neighborhood streets as kids and adults alike admire bright lights and inflatable lawn characters. … More Children’s Ministry Resources