Pride vs. Humility: A Bible Lesson For Children

This Children’s Bible lesson about pride and humility would serve well in Sunday School or Children’s Church. It is based on several key Bible verses about being proud and humble. Be sure to modify it for your children’s ministry setting. Please leave your feedback in the comment box below. Objective: To define pride and humility and the effects of each.  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Elijah Confronts Ahab

This lesson plan is based on the story where Elijah confronts Ahab in 1 Kings. It was originally written for an upper elementary Sunday School class. It could be modified for younger children or children’s church, especially using the list of related resources at the end of this post. These include links to crafts, worksheets, and supplemental lesson plans about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Bible Lesson: Pets are a Blessing

asd This lesson reviews the Creation story and focuses on God’s creation of animals and his wish for humans to care for them. It will help children to think about animals from a God-centered perspective. This lesson would work for Children’s Sunday School or Children’s Church.  Estimated lesson length is 45-60 minutes. The use of this material on or near … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why is Children's Ministry So Important?

children's ministry is important to Jesus

Your kids ministry is important. That’s why we started writing down this list of the benefits of children’s church, Sunday School, and all kids ministry programs. We hope this article will encourage everyone at your church to invest in the next generation.

MOPS International: A Resource for Christian Moms

They say that a parent is a child’s primary teacher. The hours are stacked up to support that statement.  In a post entitled 1/168:  Children’s Ministry Hours per Week, Terry Delaney writes that parents have 167 hours to influence their children.  We, as individuals serving God in Children’s Ministry, have 1.  One short hour. In one of his recent posts, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Follow Up After The Children's Ministry Outreach

Beginning in October, many churches enter a flurry of holiday activities. More than likely you will be working in an outreach activity like a fall festival or Christmas play. Planning an outreach and pulling it off can be exhausting.  However you shouldn’t hang your sneakers up just because your children’s ministry outreach is over. It’s at the end of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Making Un-Churched Childern & Families Feel Welcome

I realize not every church has the same cultural context as mine, but as children’s ministers we all are striving to reach the kids in our community whether that community is rural or inner-city.  When we do start bringing these children in to our churches, do they feel welcome? I am thinking primarily about the children coming without their parents. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Glorifying God as a Ministry Team

Don’t Ever Ask Me to Sing a Special.  Cause if you do, it’ll be awkward for everyone involved.  Singing  is not really my thing, as much as I  love praising God.  He’s gracious to listen to me; others – not so much. For that matter, administration isn’t my strength either.  I cower at the thought of telling someone what to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why Catechize Kids?

Q: Who made you? A: God made me. (Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:7; Ecclesiastes 12: 1; Acts 17:24-29) from A Catechism for Boys and Girls What is catechism? The term “catechism” is one that may well bring up images of a strange, outdated method of instruction. But catechizing has been a time-honored and effective practice throughout Protestant as well as Catholic … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Books That Engage True Princesses

My three-year old is sleeping right now, all snuggled up under her beloved princess blanket.  Most likely, her dreams have set her on a frantic search for Cinderella’s lost slipper in a faraway land.  I adore this stage of her life – the tea parties, the dress-up gowns, the pretend play and the creativity.  However, I am not as crazy … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Building Self-Control : A Lesson Plan for Children's Church

Objectives: To define self-control and lack thereof.  To identify tools that the students can use to build self-control.  To develop students who display self-control in their personal lives.  This lesson is geared towards a children’s church classroom setting of 1st -5th graders. Materials: A game like Jenga or Operation, cardboard bricks or building blocks with words  from Proverbs 25:28 on … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Decline: Ministry in a Shrinking Church

Confession time – my church is shrinking. I would not say that we are dying, but the numbers show a steady 20% downtrend over the past five years. That is an approximate number for both giving and attendance. There are several factors, but without question my church is in a period of decline. This is not something a long time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

International Justice Mission: Defending Children from Abuse Globally

Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  That quote unsettles me, partly because it describes me. International Justice Mission (IJM) is an organization that allows you to extend that influence  to vulnerable children around the world.  Their purpose is articulated in Isaiah 1:17, “Seek justice, encourage the oppressed, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Answer Kids’ Hard Questions at Church?

Children not only say the funniest things, but they can ask them too! Answering kids tough questions can challenge anyone. That includes a seasoned children’s pastor. We’ve all heard questions like these. “Why did my Grandpa die?” “Where do babies come from?” “Who married Cain?” Before tackling these questions and more use the ABC’s of Children’s Ministry. A is for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Evangelizing Children Without Manipulation

Welcome to another session of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank. The aim is to get different perspectives and help everyone to learn (including me). Please read through the responses and share your own ideas below. Evangelizing Children Without Manipulation How should children’s ministry offer an urgent Gospel invitation without emotionally manipulating children? When does child evangelism cross the line and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Workers Need "Big Church!"

Your church, like mine, is likely blessed with dedicated volunteers who gladly give their time and energy to children’s ministry. But have you ever known volunteers who serve so willingly they never seem to make it to “big church” on Sundays and Wednesdays? I’ve seen that happen at times in my church–a worker gradually falls into a pattern of rarely … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Simple Relationship Builders for Children's Ministry

There’s no doubt – if you want an effective children’s ministry, you have to build relationships.  Though relationships take time,  here are five simple ideas you can utilize to demonstrate Jesus’ love to your students. 1.  Remember birthdays – Send out birthday cards/postcards to the children in your ministry.  Get a silly birthday hat from a party store or Oriental … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Recognizing Spiritual Gifts in Your Kids

One of the greatest responsibilities of a pastor is helping the people in his care to spiritually grow and reach for their personal destinies. Tapping into their spiritual gifts is often key to this long sometimes painful process. No matter how bumpy the road, it’s the shepherd’s duty to help the sheep discover what is unique about each of them. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Church Lesson: Many Silent Years

This children’s Bible lesson introduces the New Testament portion of the Big Picture Story Bible part 12. It covers the silent years waiting for God’s Promised King and the census of Caesar Augustus. This is one of many children’s church lessons based on The Big Picture Story Bible. These lesson plans should be adjusted to fit your ministry context. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Family Discipleship In The Summertime

Summertime is a more relaxed season of the year for many families (although with vacations, baseball, and family reunions our schedules can still be hectic!) But summer is a good time to remind ourselves as parents that growth in the grace and knowledge of God doesn’t take summer breaks. The summer months present a great opportunity for Christian moms and … More Children’s Ministry Resources