6 Steps for Building a Better Church Bus Ministry

Picture children running from all directions to climb aboard the church bus. No dragging kids to come to church, no begging or bribing. Real excitement that affects families, even neighborhoods. It can happen—it does happen in the bus ministry! If this doesn’t sound like your bus ministry, you can change that. Start here. 1. Reset the Standard The standard for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Mentor a Christian Child

Mentors are not extra parents or just supportive friends; they are God-appointed guides that lead children through tough times. Like Paul and Timothy or Elijah and Elisha, mentors teach, instruct and impart to their students, often just one at a time. Mentors transcend these standard relationships with a golden, God-given purpose. Whether you mentor for a summer or several years, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Fundraising Ideas for Kids Church

A children’s ministry requires a constant supply of prizes, equipment and material – all these things cost money. Some churches don’t have flexible budgets and may not be able to keep up with the growth of their children’s ministry. These same ideas can help your group sponsor a child. This doesn’t have to be a ministry killer. If you need … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Ways to Reach More Kids

I love ministering to children! Giving away hugs, seeing the “light” come in during lessons, witnessing heart changes. All of these things make my job worthwhile. This calling truly comes with its own rewards. Besides loving the baby chicks in my ministry “nest” I’ll admit there are times when my heart burns for the chicks that haven’t arrived yet. When … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Reach Bullies in Your Church

There’s little doubt that bullying among children is significantly rising in the United States. The increase is so dramatic that the Centers for Disease Control recently issued a 2011 Fact Sheet describing the problem as a “form of youth violence.” This shocking escalation comes as no surprise to parents and guardians of school age children. Sad stories about teen suicides … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why Do Children Bully?

Bullies aren’t what they used to be. When I was growing up in the seventies and eighties, I earned names like “freckle-face” and “meatball.” Those labels broke my seven-year old heart but they are nothing compared to the words kids hear regularly today. According to a recent article by Focus on the Family, the old ideal of standing up to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Get Kids to Behave in Church

Every parent and teacher knows, if given a choice, kids would rather get up and play than sit still for long periods. However, some children have difficulty behaving even if attending a fast-paced, exciting children’s church. There are plenty of reasons why a kid would feel a compulsion to behave badly but a frazzled parent doesn’t have time to stop … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Decorate a Sunday School Classroom

The Sunday School classroom is the center for Biblical learning and should offer a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for kids to worship and deepen their knowledge of God. One way to set the tone for life-changing moments and lessons is with colorful wall hangings, bulletin boards and table displays. A decorated classroom sends a secret message; it says, “I care.” Show … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Activities

Once the pictures are drawn and the lesson is over, the children of your ministry will be looking for something to do. Keep busy hands out of mischief by having activities for Sunday School read-to-go whenever you need them. Activities for children don’t have to be expensive, but they should engage the young learner’s senses. These Sunday School activities for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Teach Sunday School

“Sunday Schools” were first established in the 1700’s in Britain to educate poor children on how to read and write. These children worked six days a week, were very poor and many were starving. Today, public school systems teach our kids the “three R’s” but little about God or His Word. Enter the Sunday School teacher! If you’ve decided to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Keep Children Coming to Kids Church

Building a children’s church is much like building a large-scale family church, only the attendees of kids’ church depend on others to transport them. However, regular attendance helps children tremendously because it exposes them to the Bible and biblical principles, teaches faithfulness and allows age appropriate fellowship. Counteract waning interest and renew kids’ excitement with ideas that energize current attendees … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Non-Competitive Game Ideas for Kids

Sometimes it’s counter productive to teach a kids church lesson about unity then lead your kids in a competitive game like racing or tag. Other times parents just don’t want their children to participate in games were children are “eliminated” or there is only one “winner.” If this sounds like your current situation, you need non-competitive games as fillers during … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Raise Support for a Mission Trip (Example Support Letter for Youth Groups)

Many good-hearted Christians dream of taking a missions trip. Sending your teenage youth group on a mission trip is a life-changing experience. Whether this is your first one or third you’ll find that you’ll need more than a willing heart–you need good support. To focus on your “mission” without worrying about money, you should gather resources before you grab your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Be an Awesome Sunday School Teacher

Sunday School began as a once a week Christian school that taught illiterate children how to read. Without help from public schools, poor children were left uneducated with no chance of improving their situation. During this time in the 19th century, children worked six days a week leaving only Sundays available for their education. In modern times, local Sunday Schools … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Steps for Starting a Youth Ministry

Youth group ministry start-up is such an exciting time–and totally overwhelming. Even seasoned youth workers may feel nervous about getting things organized in a cohesive manner. Not only should things need to be clear in your own mind but workers and attendees need to know which way your group is headed. You need step-by-step instructions to get your ministry started … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Decorate a Church Nursery

Besides being safe for kids, the church nursery should be a vibrant, colorful, kid-friendly area. The nursery is no place for “untouchable” furniture or decorations; it needs to have lots of touchable textures that are easy to clean. A tough prescription you say? Not really. Decorate the church nursery with your kids in mind. Take a kids’ eye view before … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Are Some Good Activities for Church Nursery Kids?

The church nursery isn’t meant to be the “crying zone.” You know the place–where parents and children tearfully part for a few hours during service. The church nursery can be the most popular place in the church, at least amongst the children. Be ready for faith-filled action by providing upbeat activities for the kids in your care. Activities will allow … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Father's Day Bible Verses for Cards & Letters

There is no greater source of inspiration than the Bible. More songs, psalms and memorable quotes are found in its pages than in any other book in the world. What better source for finding Father’s Day quotes for cards and letters? Rely on the Bible to bring you truly memorable, meaningful lines for your Sunday School class or yourself to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Supplies Do I Need in a Church Nursery?

The church nursery is a fast-paced, fun place to work and minister to little children. Unlike other ministries, you can’t get just get by with whatever is on hand. You won’t have time to track down important materials and keep an eye on busy hands. You should ask yourself this question, “What supplies do I need in a church nursery?” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 School Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

Anyone who thinks school teachers don’t deserve an award at the end of the school year has obviously not recently visited one! School teachers face mounds of paperwork, challenging children and an unforgiving schedule—all while caring for a class of young minds. As Christian teachers and leaders, we know how tough ministering to kids can be. What better way to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Keep the Church Nursery Clean

A growing church nursery can become messy quickly. Anyone who has ever entertained a toddler or two knows that little ones can keep you on the run. Who has time to stop and tidy up the place when it is time for ministry? With the right procedures in place, you can control the mess and insure that your nursery ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Songs for Beginners

Sunday School began in the 1700’s and has been an integral part of childhood ever since. At the beginning of this movement, poor children with no education learned how to read at church schools on Sundays. Of course, Sunday’s schooling centered on religious education and over time, it became the primary crux of the church’s Sunday functions. One important evolution … More Children’s Ministry Resources