Transformed Object Lesson — with S'mores!

My teaching style leans toward the classical type, teaching Bible stories and talking about the Bible’s characters; however, I love bringing the gospel to life using popular characters in pop culture. I find inspiration everywhere and make it my own. For example, one year when SpongeBob first appeared on the screen, I recorded his “I’m ready, I’m ready,” episode and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Teaching a Boys’ Class

During my 12 plus years of working in children’s ministry, I have to say this past year was a first! My track records includes teaching small children’s church, the “big” kids’ church, an all-girl praise dance class and Sidewalk Sunday School. When the opportunity arose to be a temporary teacher in a boys’ class, I didn’t hesitate. I’m a fool … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Things Christian Teachers Should Expect

Christian teachers teach all the time, whether they know it or not. I think to keep teaching fun, God provides us the occassional “aha” or teaching moment. It’s our job to recognize those windows of opportunity to unite kids with their God and a greater understanding of the faith. Besides these golden moments, Christian teachers should expect a few other … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Backyard Evangelism for Children's Ministry

Warm weather makes me want to run outdoors and play, even though I am slightly older than the average kid. If you and I feel that way after a long, cold winter, imagine how the kids feel! Did you know, the great outdoors is the perfect location for reaching kids for Jesus? Kids love to play, no matter where they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Easter Evangelism Ideas That Work

There’s no doubt that Easter is one of the most loved, holiest days in the Christian church. Even people who aren’t committed to church attendance suddenly appear at Easter. What a perfect time to expand your reach into the local community. Make soul-winning fun for volunteers and those you want to catch by using fun evangelism ideas. Kids and adults … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Reaching At Risk Children

Unless your ministry is located under a rock, you’ve had firsthand experience with at risk children. Although I do not like labeling kids, we teachers need to know what challenges lay before us. Children who fall under the “at risk” category tend to act out, even dangerously, to gain attention while other children remain resolutely hidden in the background. At … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Spring Volunteer Recruitment Drive Ideas

Spring is approaching and you probably have a big year planned for kids’ church. As someone once said, “No man is an island,” and you cannot achieve those plans all by yourself. For many kids’ ministries, this means finding fresh faces in areas like games, crafts and worshipping. Volunteer recruitment needs to go big and from experience, I have found … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Reasons Why I Still Love One Night Kids' Crusades

Some people think it’s old-fashioned, but I still believe in crusades! The main reason why I love them is, by their very nature, they focus on salvation through Jesus. Crusades are like illustrated sermons, only with more games, object lessons and props. A crusade is a suitable ministry format for both children and adults. Vacation Bible School is a fun … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Create a Bus Ministry Program

A healthy bus ministry consists of more than providing transportation between church and home. Volunteers and riders will flock to buses that offer programs that meet their needs. Volunteers need to know what to expect and how they can help. Riders are counting on you to set the tone, teach them how to behave, and introduce them to God’s kingdom. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Ways to Teach Backpack Evangelism to Kids

Kids are natural evangelists, they tell everything! Cultivate this love of sharing by teaching your kids about evangelism. By showing them how they can share their faith effectively, you will encourage their spirit and bring glory to God. Resist the urge to over teach with three month courses and seminars. Keep the gospel message powerful but simple. Incorporate some of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

2 Valentine's Day Games for Kids

Sweet and special, Valentine’s Day offers the prepared teacher the ideal opportunity for teaching kids about God’s love and loving others. From television shows to poor in-home examples, kids see many wrong or, at best, shallow ideas about what love truly is. Bring kids back to the truth by presenting easy to remember love-related scriptures they will treasure all their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Valentine's Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Special holidays, like St. Valentine’s Day, provide teachers with terrific opportunities to further the gospel message. What better subject to teach children about than God’s love? To help you bring the message home to kids, use a fun activity like a Valentine Scavenger Hunt. This simple idea requires some pre planning and prizes but it will be an event kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God’s Big Love Object Lessons

I love God and I want the kids I teach to love Him too. One aspect of God that brings me comfort is His bigness. Yes, He is small enough to fit inside a child’s heart, but large enough to love the entire world. Like many of God’s attributes, grasping this one is challenging to anyone — especially a child. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Guidelines for Discipline in Christian Bus Ministry

If your picture of Christian bus ministry is full of positive attitudes and well-behaved children–you must be new! Don’t feel bad; bus ministry, while vital and exciting, is challenging for many, even the experienced volunteer. Prepare for explosive growth in your ministry by establishing discipline guidelines. When parents, teachers and children know what to expect, there’s less chance for confusion … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Game Ideas for Your Church Bus Ministry

The church bus ministry entails much more than finding new kids and loading them on the bus for Sunday. Transit time is valuable and perfect for ministering to kids with fun games. Bus games give kids a chance to get to know one another and you. An exciting game also engages the child’s attention and keeps busy hands out of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning Stations for Children’s Ministry

Herding children in and out of classes becomes a bit tedious week after week but cool stations will have kids wanting to stay. Developing special points of interest in the class will help you direct kids into prayer and worship. Stations are also useful for directing volunteer assignments and giving workers a chance to lead in new areas. Use stations … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Christmas Gifts that Teachers Actually Want

Teachers often face a number of obstacles when attempting to deliver life-changing Bible messages to their students. Some things teachers face regularly are limited budgets, difficult children and the ever-present, surprise element. (Surprise! I need you to teach this week!) A few times a year, students, parents and fellow teachers have the opportunity to shower these tireless workers with gifts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Decor Ideas for Kids Church

Children look forward to visiting our children’s church year round because they never know what to expect—especially during Christmas. I’ll admit it, I have a love/need to display creative decorations and I’m always looking for new ideas to incorporate into our facility’s décor. One week, my team and I hung giant paper flowers from the ceiling because we were all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Bulletin Board Ideas for Sunday School

Don’t abandon your faithful bulletin board this Christmas! Bulletin boards make terrific hubs for sharing holiday information and giving special Christmas messages. What message is more special than the news Jesus was born? This Christmas, turn a boring, bulletin board into something everyone will be talking about. Kids will run to class every week just to see what you’ve posted. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Devotional Ideas for Teachers

Kid’s devotionals should be mini nuggets of power-packed truth that children can easily “digest.” While children’s church services provide you with plenty of time to reinforce a central idea, a devotional is time restrictive, but personal. If you serve on the bus ministry, at a Christian school or in a neighborhood outreach, you may need kid’s devotional ideas to bring … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Tips for Reaching the Hard to Reach Child

I love children so much. I look forward to scooping each one of them up and holding them in my arms as long as they’ll let me. Like you, God has blessed me with the capability of loving and accepting children, seeing them for who they are in God. What about children who shrink back from this attention. Some children … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Organize a Sunday School Closet

Running a fast-paced Sunday School takes more than a willing heart. Preparation and organization are keys to keeping your class in order. Organization begins with the Sunday School storage closet. Keeping supplies in order will make them easier to find and will keep them from becoming damaged. Nothing is more infuriating then reaching for a last minute craft and finding … More Children’s Ministry Resources