Back to School – A Good Time to Reflect

I have always loved the “Back to School” time in August/September. “Back to school” time to me means sharp crayons, new pencils, and any new gadgets that will make school just a little more fun and colorful. We have decided to homeschool year-round. Taking 3 months off in the Summer doesn’t work for us and we like to take different … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Story of Stephen: Overview of Acts 6-7

For my Wednesday Night Bible Study class for Kindergarteners-6th grade, I decided to do an overview of the life of Stephen. Most of us know that he was the first Christian killed for his faith, but do we know what led up to that? Well, here’s an overview of what Acts 6 & 7 says about Stephen and his incredible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschooling and Family Quality Time

2 1/2 years ago, my husband and I decided that we would be homeschooling our two boys. It was, and still it, the right decision for our family. Since I stay home with our boys, you would think that I have oodles and oodles of quality time with them. After homeschooling them, housework, meals, and work for the church, it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Bible's Cure for Anxiety

I’m sure that all of us have worried at least one time in our lives. If we’re honest with ourselves, we all worry more than we should: about our kids, about our jobs, about our future. Maybe you are worrying right now about something. Is one of your children not making the best choices for their life? Are there too … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Skit: Moses and the River

This skit was written directly from the NASB version of Exodus 2:1-9. This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. Use it along with your Sunday School or Children’s Church lesson. The more involved the children, the better they will grasp and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Skit: Moses and the Burning Bush

This skit was written directly from the NASB version of Exodus 3. This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. Suggested props would be: sheep, shepherd’s staff, burning bush Characters: Narrator, Moses, God’s voice (someone reading the script from the side) The … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Skit: Moses Escapes to Midian

This skit was written directly from the NASB version of Exodus 2:15-23. This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. Suggested props would be: sand, well, sheep, baby doll Characters: Narrator, Moses, Hebrew slaves (3), Egyptian soldier, Egyptian servant, Zipporah, priests’ daughters … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Basics of a Sunday School Lesson

So you arrive at church and the Children’s Minister asks you to teach a class for a teacher who got sick just this morning. No problem, right? Just follow the lesson that they had prepared and it’ll be smooth sailing. Wait! If the teacher is home sick, then, most likely, the lesson is home with them. Ok, you can do … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Father's Day Craft Ideas

Father’s Day is coming up quick and so I was scouring the internet for craft ideas. Pinterest is a wonderful gathering place of things put on the internet, so it has become my one-stop-shopping for ideas. I have gathered many different ideas from Pinterest hoping that my work can save you time and energy in finding a project. Click here … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Skit: God Calls Samuel

This skit was written directly from the NASB version of 1 Samuel 3:1-20. This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. This could be a helpful review for your Sunday School lesson on Children’s Bible Study. For more variety, we have another … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Skit: The Samaritan Woman at the Well

This skit was written directly from the NASB version of John 4:1-28. This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. Use it along with your Sunday School or Children’s Church lesson. The more involved the children, the better they will grasp and remember … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Skit: Rahab and the Spies Skit

This skit was written directly from the NASB version of Joshua 2. This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. Suggested props would be: sign saying “Jericho”, flax stalks (or stalks of any kind), scroll, quill pen Characters: Narrator, Joshua, Rahab, Servant, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Skit: Philip and the Ethiopian Skit

This Bible skit was written directly from the NASB version of Acts 8:26-40. This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. Use it to supplement your Sunday School lesson or as a fun way to review this story in children’s church. Suggested … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Skit: Jesus Walks on the Water

This skit was written directly from Matthew 14:22-33. This can be done in a simple fashion as reading directly from the script in class or as elaborately as a full skit with costumes, props, and a large audience. Fit this skit to work with your class/children. This was written as a fun way to show the story of Jesus walking … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Preschool Bible Lesson)

Use this free lesson plan to teach preschoolers how God saved Daniel from the Lion’s Den. We’ve included several activities, but please modify and include what is most appropriate for your ministry setting. Your suggestions are always helpful to other readers. Bible Story: Daniel and the Lion’s Den – Daniel 6:2-4,6-7,10-13,16-17,19-22 Learning Objectives: After this lesson, the children will demonstrate … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Choosing God's Perspective, Not My Own

I am a stay-at-home mom and it would be easy to get upset with all of the little things that go on during the day. Sometimes, it feels as though I running on a treadmill, constantly going, but never getting any where. Yesterday, I was cleaning the stove, again, and could have been upset that it was dirty, again. My … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable "ABC Bible Verses"

It is so important for all of us to be studying and memorizing scripture. In Psalm 119:11, it says, “Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.” During my Wednesday night class with Kindergarten-5th graders, we always spend time working on Bible Verses for them to memorize. I came up with a list … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Toddler/Preschool Websites for Homeschooling

While homeschooling school-age children, we often forget that our little ones need some structured learning as well. I’m not saying that they should be sitting there for hours on end every day, but it is good for them to have a few structured activities to do where they do have to sit for just a few minutes. If you don’t … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Response to God's Word?

We live in a very fast-paced world. We are used to having it “our way” and get disturbed when it isn’t. We can go through a drive-thru for dinner, play games and watch movies on our phones, and talk to far away family and friends through our computers. For most of us in America, we can drive to our local … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Preschool Bible Lesson)

Use this free preschool Bible lesson to teach younger children about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. This story shows how God can rescue those who trust in Him. We welcome you suggestions in the the comment section to help improve this lesson. Feel free to share your own ideas to help other readers. Bible Text: Daniel 3:1,4-6,8-14,16-17,19-28 Learning Objectives: After this lesson, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

This free lesson plan is based on Daniel chapter 3. It recounts the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and how God saved them from the fiery furnace. Please leave a comment below to offer your ideas & suggestions for improving this outline. You can also find a simple craft idea for this passage on the related preschool lesson. Learning Objectives: After … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Esther Bible Lesson for Preschoolers

This free Bible lesson is designed for younger children (2 year olds – 5 year olds). Use it in your Sunday School or Children’s Church to help introduce the events from Esther to this age group. We’ve included several learning activities below, but you may want to have some of our free Esther coloring pages on hand as well. The … More Children’s Ministry Resources