Preschool Bible Lesson: The Last Supper

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from passages in Mark 14:12-26 and covers the events of the Last Supper. Preschoolers will understand why Christians celebrate communion … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson (Mark 14:1-9) Anointing of Jesus

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from passages in Mark 14:1-9 where  a woman anoints Jesus with costly perfume; she is scolded by others present, but Jesus … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"We Do Not Lose Heart" 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 Lesson

Cute baby holding onto fingers.

Knowing the promises of Jesus, we can face any situation without becoming discouraged. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 4:13-18. The key passage is from 2 Corinthians 4:16: “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is  being renewed day by day. (NASB) This lesson follows our  hassle-free format. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Persecuted Not Abandoned" 2 Corinthians 4:8-12 Lesson

Bible and praying hands behind bars

In Christ, we can be “Persecuted but Not Abandoned” because our LORD walked through the same sufferings in his time on Earth. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 4:8-12. The key passage in this study is from 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The Triumphal Entry" Preschool Bible Lesson

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from passages in Mark 10:32-34, 11:1-10 where Jesus rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Preschoolers will learn that Jesus revealed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Treasure in Jars of Clay" 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 Lesson

Three amphora clay pots with flowers growing inside.

The power of Christ inside believers is compared to “Treasures in Jars of Clay.” Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 4:1-7. The main idea for this lesson plan is drawn from 2 Corinthians 4:6: “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Glory of the New Covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Lesson

St. Mark's Square in Venice

The scriptures point to the Resurrection of Jesus as the proof that all his promises will come true. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The main idea is found in 2 Corinthians 3:9: “If the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: The Rich Young Ruler

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from passages in Mark 10:17-27 where a rich young man approaches Jesus and asks about eternal life. The challenge is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: True Greatness

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from passages in Mark 9 & 10 where Jesus explains what it means to really be important in God’s eyes. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Peace Bible Lesson for Children (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the third Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printable Fruit of the Spirit coloring book from our website. Click here to see all the lessons in this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus' Transfiguration

Preschool Lesson about Jesus

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from Mark 9:2-10 where Jesus is transfigured before his disciples. This reveals His true form from eternity past and confirms his divinity.  This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: What Defiles a Person

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from Mark 7:1-20 where Jesus confronts a wrong idea about what makes a person sinful. Preschoolers will know nothing on … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from Mark 5:21-24; 35-43 when Jesus heals the daughter of Jairus. This story points to the power of Jesus and the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus Heals the Woman Who Believed

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from Mark 5:21-34 when Jesus heals a woman and commends her for having great faith. This story reminds us how Jesus … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus Calms the Storm

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from Mark 4:35-41 when Jesus calms the storm. The faith of the disciples is tested and Jesus displays his authority. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Shining the Light of God's Word

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson focuses on the meaning important task that Jesus gave to his disciples. This passage is sometimes called the parable of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Parable of the Soils

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson focuses on the meaning of the Parable of the Soils. Many of us hear the Word regularly, but we must choose … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson focuses on the meaning of Jesus healing on the Sabbath. Preschoolers will understand that Jesus cares more about people and their … More Children’s Ministry Resources