Devotional: What's on your Water Bottle?

We do a lot of creating and crafting with our youngsters, as many (or most) programs surely do. One tradition we have with our kids is passing out individual water bottles, usually at the beginning of our summer day camps or Sunday school year. These are to be kept by the students and can be used for hydration and re-filled … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Don't Just Talk…Do Something! Setting Example by Action (Titus 2:7-8)

“Well, maybe you should write this homework assignment yourself!” The back-talking student retorts to a teacher’s request… “I’d like to see you run this work-out!” Says the athlete to coach (which probably earns extra laps). Kids crave validity. They want adults who demonstrate and lead by example, rather than simply lecturing. As teachers, mentors, and ministers, we are called to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lessons from Legumes…Object Illustration (Psalm 139)

Surprise or known fact, it is often the most simple and seemingly mundane things that make the best teachable moments for kids. Jesus demonstrated this principle in His ministry. From coins to fish to farming, Christ used parables to explain His points. By using objects that are familiar to kids, the basic and more complex elements of God’s word come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

We All Need to Recharge in Christ – Devotion

In this modern age of electronic emphasis and technological advance, we have grown somewhat dependent on our gadgets and appliances. Anyone who has had the misfortune of going without a phone or temporarily losing power can understand the frustrated feeling of detachment that comes with not being able to instantly access the usual contacts and keep up with friends. And … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God made YOU special! Genesis 1:26-27

God made everything…that’s a basic and simple principle that most of us likely recognize and appreciate already. It is also a theme that students learn early on in Bible studies. However, sometimes we become complacent for these details and take for granted how unique and special each creature is…including and especially people! As God’s unique and wonderful creations, we have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Look Up! We Need Your Presence

If you glance around at people lately, it seems like anywhere you happen to be you will notice a majority of bystanders looking down. At restaurants, in stores, even walking down the road, so many people are intensely preoccupied with their phones, apparently glued to them as an extra arm extension. Even couples on a date or friends chatting will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: When in Doubt…PRAY!!!

Prayer is an important and essential part of our lives as Christians. But sometimes adults and kids alike miss out on this precious tool because we think somehow we have to have just the right words, environment, or circumstances to pray. We put it off or forget altogether that we have constant and direct access to the Almighty, the creator … More Children’s Ministry Resources