"Mary Traveling to Bethlehem" Coloring Page

This free coloring page is the first in our new Advent project. Ā Click here to see all the sheets in this series. The illustration shows Mary beside a donkey on the road to Bethlehem. As she travels, the hope of the coming child gives her comfort. As we approachĀ the Christmas celebration, we can look to Jesus as the hope for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Nativity Coloring Book for the Advent Season

Print our free Advent coloring books to teach kids the biblical story of Christmas. You can browse the previews below or click to download them in a single print-friendly PDF. Mandy is working on a new coloring page series for the Advent / Christmas season. This one will feature the themes of advent arranged around the biblical story of Christmas. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The Wicked Are Not So" Psalm 1:4 Coloring Page

This is the 6th page in our freeĀ Psalm One Coloring Book. The picture shows wheat being blown and broken up by the wind. This reminds us that the person who rejects God will soon be forgotten and amount to very little in this life. This is a gracious warning and a powerful reality check for our generation. Download all 8-pages … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The God Who Sees" Coloring Page

This printable coloring sheet is based on the scripture verses in Genesis 16:13. It declares, “You are the God who sees.” The illustration shows three children, with one in the middle who is much smaller than the other two. To download, simply click on the preview image to the right for a printable PDF document. We’ve also uploaded a higher … More Children’s Ministry Resources

December Calendar Coloring Page

This free printable will help children think about the month of December and count out the days. The illustration shows several children singing songs of Christmas. There is also a simple poem that reads, “Praise the Lord with cheerful song, honor God the whole month long.” Directions:Ā Click on the preview image or select from the available file types below. PDF … More Children’s Ministry Resources

November Calendar Coloring Page

This free printable calendar for kids will help children think about the month of November and count out the days. The sheet also has a poem that reads: Even on November’s chilliest day. Let us praise the Lord in every way. Younger children may need a parentā€™s help when filling out the number boxes. Weā€™ve also uploaded an optional sheet … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"In Everything He Prospers" Psalm 1:3 Coloring Page

This is the fifth page in our freeĀ Psalm One Coloring Book.Ā This illustration completesĀ verse 3 of this scripture passage. The prosperity here flows from walking in God’s instructions and avoiding the path chosen by the wicked. This blessed life is a gift of God that is offered to all who will learn from his word. The illustration shows a young man … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Planted by Streams of Water" Pslam 1:3 Coloring Page

This is the fourth page in our freeĀ Psalm One Coloring Book. This sheet illustrates the third verses of this scripture passage. “He is like a treeĀ planted by streams of waterĀ that yields its fruit in its season,Ā and its leaf does not wither.” This continues the biblical description of the blessed person. The life of the righteous is constantly nourished by God’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 139:14 Coloring Page (Boy Version)

This free coloring page is based on Psalm 139:14. It would be useful for teaching about how God has created each of us unique and wonderful to Him. You could also include this printable in any lesson about how God made humans in his image. We also have a girl version of this illustration. Click on the preview image above … More Children’s Ministry Resources

October Calendar Coloring Page

This free printable will help children think about the month of October and learn about numbering the days of the month. Here is the poem written on the sheet. As October days go by, God your love helps us to try to honor, serve and to obey as we learn, work, and play. Directions:Ā Click on the preview image or select … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Blessed is the Man" Psalm 1:1a Coloring Page

This sheet is the first page in our free Psalm One Coloring Book. The illustration here is based on the first verse of the Psalm, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.” Children need to learn how to resist bad advice from people who are not living according to God’s directions. This opening … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 1 Coloring Book

The 1st Psalm Ā has always been a great help to children as they learn to navigate life. It points them to the ways of godliness and to Jesus himself. The coloring sheets on this page take each section of the psalm and attempt to illustrate the meaning using a contemporary situation that children might face. Download all 8-pages in one … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 139:14 Coloring Page (Girl Version)

This free coloring sheet was inspired byĀ Psalm 139:14. It’s a prayer giving God glory for his wonderful work of creation. The illustration shows a girl looking into a mirror. The text of the Bible verse is written on the page. You can also download the boy version of this same verse. To download this printable as a PDF document, click … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Paul Preaching in the Synagogue" Coloring Page

This is another free coloring sheet created by Carlos Bautista, a children’s ministry working in the Philippines. The illustration shows the Apostle Paul speaking before a group of people in a 1st century Jewish Synagogue. This coloring page would be a helpful teaching tool for any lesson about Paul’s ministry or missionary journeys from the book of Acts. To download … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Samson Destroys Dagon's Temple" Coloring Page

This coloring page was created by Carlos Bautista for his children’s ministry in the Philippines. It shows Samson’s heroic death as God restored his strength and allowed him to bring judgement on his captors. Click on the preview image above to download this coloring page as a printable PDF document. This story is told in Judges 16:23-31. Because of Delilah’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Judas Betrays Jesus" Coloring Page

This free coloring page shows Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane during his arrest. Ā The illustration pictures Jesus being led away by two soldiers while JudasĀ receivesĀ a bag of gold from a Jewish official. This coloring sheet might be a good activity or visual for your children’s Bible lesson about Good Friday. Click on the preview image above to download this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

September Calendar Coloring Page

You can use this coloring page to teach children about the month of September. With a little guidance, they can fill in the boxes with the numbers for each day of the month.Ā Click hereĀ to see all the months in our calendar. Directions: Click on the preview image to the right to download this resource as a print friendly PDF document. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Do Everything for the Glory of God" Coloring Page

This printable coloring page is based on 1Ā CorinthiansĀ 10:31, “Whatever you do, doĀ everythingĀ for the glory of God.” This is one of our favorite short Bible memory scriptures for children. It would also be a great tool for teaching about the value of work in a labor day Bible lesson. Click on the preview image above to download a printable PDF document. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Saul on the Road to Damascus" Coloring Page

This coloring page was sent to us from Carlos Bautista, a children’s ministry leader in the Philippines. It shows Saul being thrown on the way to Damascus by a bright light. Click on the preview image above to download this printable coloring sheet. We’ve also uploaded this image in PNG format for advanced users to edit. Now as he went … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Z is for Zion" Coloring Page

The last letter in our alphabet series is Z for Zion. This is a term frequent in the Psalms in reference to Jerusalem and God’s special presence among his people. For Christians, the dwelling of God is not limited to one city. (Heb 12:22) We now celebrate the gathering of God’s people wherever Christ is worshiped. The term Zion also … More Children’s Ministry Resources