8 Tips for Choosing a Homeschooling Curriculum

If you have taken the plunge and decided that homeschooling is for you and your family, the next step may be finding which curriculum to use.  Finding the right home school materials can be overwhelming for new homeschooelrs. Here are a 8 tips that helped me along the way to decide what to use. 1. Pray about a curriculum that God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hands-On Approach to Homeschool Teaching

I am a big proponent of using things around the house in order to teach my son his homeschooling objectives.  Even when I was teaching in the public schools, I loved to adapt my curriculum to teach with a hands-on approach, rather than a worksheet approach. I took the objectives given to me and then looked around my classroom to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschooling Bible Study: Learning As We Go

While my oldest son was in kindergarten last year, we decided to homeschool him once we moved. Though we have our struggles, I really think this is the best decision we could have made! We, of course, want to have Bible lessons as one of the “subjects” my son is learning, but it’s not as easy as it seemed at … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschooling: Our First Week at Riddle Academy

This week (home) school began for my son and me.  I put “home” in parenthesis because even though we have school at home everyday, it is still school.  Some people may question whether homeschoolers really do anything.  There may be some out there who don’t, but I believe the vast majority wishes to educate their children to the fullest extent; … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschooling IS NOT for Me … Or is It?

I never intended to homeschool.  In fact, it was almost faux pas, like “only those weird people who want to shelter their kids from the real world” homeschool.  And yet, here I am planning to homeschool my son starting in the fall.  We moved from a place with very little homeschooling to Louisville, Kentucky, where my eyes have been opened … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Review: Cullen's ABC's Free Online Preschool Program

What is Cullen’s ABC’s Online Preschool Program? Cullen’s Online Preschool Program is a series of twelve complete preschool days that you can use with your own child(ren) or a group of children to offer them a complete preschool in the comfort of your own home. Who is Cullen? According to her website Cullen’s ABC’s, Cullen: …has been working with young … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The #1 Blessing of Homeschooling

This article was written by Eric Carpenter, a homeschooling dad from Savannah, Georgia. You can find more of Eric’s articles on his website titled Hammer and Nail. Educating our three children at home has been a great blessing for the past six-or-so years. I cannot even begin to think of all the privileges and thrills it has brought to our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

California and Homeschooling Rights

In April 2008, a California Court of Appeal decided that homeschooling is illegal in California unless a parent is a certified teacher. This ruling grossly overreached the case in question and now threatens the rights of over 160,000 homeschoolers in that state. Many are calling this a reckless abuse of judicial power. This post is now outdated and the crisis … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Do You Homeschool?

I recently wrote an article about Christian homeschooling. Watch this video clip of Dr. Voddie Baucham, author of the new book “Family Driven Faith,” talking about home education. I’ve also started researching home school curriculum. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHAb5Eqk60Q

Is Christian Homeschooling The Answer?

Christian homeschoolingIs homeschooling right for my son? For our family, the answer was not as simple as you might think. My oldest son starts first grade next week. I am a full time Children’s pastor – and get to hear plenty of strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Many of our friends want us to join the Christian homeschooling movement. But I need to know what is right for my son?
To help decide, I’ve made this list of pros and cons. This is my homeshcooling verses public schooling list. In our town, we have an excellent public school system, a new Christian school and a strong homeschooling community. I’ve ruled out the private Christian school because of its price. I’d love to hear what you think about this list. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

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