Surviving Ministry in a Shrinking Church

It’s been a few months since our last Think Tank discussion. These are occasional forum-type posts where I ask several Children’s Ministry leaders to respond to a difficult question. The responses are always helpful and bring insight from several different directions. For this session of the Think Tank, I posed a question that affects my own ministry. My congregation has … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Way to Get Kids Excited About the Bible

If you asked the people who know me best to describe me, I am not certain that “Passionate” would be at the top of the list.  Heck, I’m not even sure it would make the list, but there are some things that I am passionate about.  I am passionate about God.  It took 30 years before he called me into … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways To Balance Family and Church Ministry

For my husband and I, serving in the local church is a regular part of our lives.  We’re integrated, involved, and intentional about our role in the body of Christ.  God has impacted us that we might impact the next generation and we love it. However, sometimes we mostly I have a difficult time balancing family and ministry.  It’s so … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Where is Jesus in this Bible Story?

For our children’s ministry, we use a curriculum from a well know national company who specializes in writing children’s curriculum for churches. Frankly, the stuff they put out is great! The large group teaching, small group activities and variety of “extras” you can buy to go along with the curriculum are all outstanding.  Each month we review a new biblical … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Life Is Not Fair (and Neither Is God)

Oftentimes as we grow older and become parents, we find ourselves repeating the things that our own parents have said to us.  You know – those sayings that, as a kid, you promised yourself you would never use when you became a parent.  Much like God’s blessings and curses travel from generation to generation, so too do our parents quips … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Truth About This Sunday

This weekend may very well be just another weekend for you – not so different than the one that came before or the ones to come.  It may be a weekend just like any other in your life.  Saturday, you’ll spend some time preparing for your Sunday lesson.  You’ll get a good night’s sleep Saturday to be ready for the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should FUN be a Value in Children's Ministry?

Fluff. Watered-down. Just a waste of time. About 5 years ago that was my opinion of any kids ministry that focused on fun. My thinking has changed a lot since then. I’ve learned some things from experience and now I wholeheartedly endorse FUN. No children’s ministry can ignore the role of fun. It should be an intentional value in your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Start a Children's Ministry

9 Steps to Launching a Kids Program at Your Church How do I organize my children’s ministry? Starting a children’s ministry from scratch can be a big challenge. You have to navigate parental expectations, curriculum options, and hundreds of little questions about how things should work. For this discussion, I’m assuming you are at a smaller church with no paid … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Qualities Every Kids Minister Ought to Have

I was speaking earlier this week to a children’s pastor (who shall remain nameless for purposes of job security) who was talking about the problem of having a senior pastor who is boring and the impact that will have on the church.  That conversation got me thinking about some fundamental characteristics that anyone working in children’s ministry should possess.  Now, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Adapting Your Bible Lesson for Children with Special Needs

Five Ways to Make ANY Curriculum More Inclusive Including a child with special needs can present challenges inside a church’s programming. However, by planning ahead and incorporating easy changes into the existing curriculum’s lesson plan, the classroom setting can better include the child with cognitive or physical challenges.  The key to making effective adaptations is in understanding the participating students’ strengths and weaknesses.  Knowing the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Does God Call People as Children's Ministers

Do you ever have questions when someone talks about “the call” to children’s ministry? Maybe God is dealing with you about your ministry position. If so, then keep reading. This month’s Children’s Ministry Think Tank is all about God’s to minister to children. Here is the question as I posed it to our think tank members. “How do you understand … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Who Will Be King?" Gospel Tool for Children

Sharing the Gospel with kids can be a challenge. I struggle with getting all the basics covered without overwhelming children with too much information. That is where the “Who Will Be King?” booklet has really helped me. We were so excited about this approach that we created a Gospel Coloring Book that prompts kids to ask the question. “Who is my King?” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ministries Live or Die On This

There’s been a bizarre magnetic field around my Bible of late, mostly around John 15.  Every day, I feel like I should read some other chapters, but John 15 gets me every time.  It has to.  I say that because we are entrenched in ministry.  We serve in our home, in our church, in schools, and in the community.  We … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Make Time for Spiritual Refreshment

As servants in children’s ministry, there are multiple demands placed on us. Some of those demands are external and include job responsibilities related to our position of leadership.  They may include the need for more volunteers, restructuring Sunday School classes, preparing next week’s Bible lesson, or planning the upcoming Christmas drama. Some of those demands are internal and include anxieties that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Age of Accountability: Rethinking Children and Salvation

Welcome to another session of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank. This is a monthly feature where we discuss controversial or difficult topics related to children’s ministry. Our responses are just a starting point, we encourage you to share your views in the comment section below. What About the Age of Accountability? What do you teach about concerning a child’s condition … More Children’s Ministry Resources