110 Reasons to Love Children's Ministry

A few weeks back, I asked our readers to answer one simple question – why do you love children’s ministry? The response has been amazing and each answer has personally encouraged me. This post is an edited list of those responses, with a few of my own mixed in.  I tried to combine duplicate answers or clarify when needed.  I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Prayer for the Suffering Children

Ever-watching Father: we pray for the suffering children whom we do not see. We know that your eyes see their tears, that your heart knows their sorrow, that your hands can reach them now. We remember that Jesus was once a child, that poverty stole his bread, that tyrants sought his life, that his mother tasted tears. We ask you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Brief History of Sunday School

For many of us, Sunday school is a deeply rooted tradition, although it is actually a rather modern institution. Have you ever wondered about the origins and history of Sunday school? If so, here are a few facts you may find interesting. The idea of a “Sabbath school” for poor and uneducated children began in England in the late 18th … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Teach Children To Pray?

Welcome to session #6 of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank.  This time I’ve asked our contributors to share their experience of teaching kids to pray. If you would like to participate, just read over the responses and leave your thoughts in the comment section. Don’t miss our evening prayers for children printable PDF. Here is the question: How Should We … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Follow Up After The Children's Ministry Outreach

Beginning in October, many churches enter a flurry of holiday activities. More than likely you will be working in an outreach activity like a fall festival or Christmas play. Planning an outreach and pulling it off can be exhausting.  However you shouldn’t hang your sneakers up just because your children’s ministry outreach is over. It’s at the end of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Avoid Ministry Burnout & Do More Through Delegation

Those that lead in children’s ministry are typically expected to “do everything” – even if they are not gifted in certain areas. In fact, a common notion is that a “good” Children’s Pastor is one that teaches, administrates, leads, takes out the trash, trains teachers often, is at the church 6 days a week (at least) and still has quality … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Do You Have a Children's Ministry Philosophy?

Children’s ministry can be messy. The main reason that it can be messy is because you, as a children’s ministry leader must deal with parents of young children. Most often that means you deal with young, first-time parents. These parents love their children and will kill for them (not literally…at least I don’t think). One of the areas where children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Decline: Ministry in a Shrinking Church

Confession time – my church is shrinking. I would not say that we are dying, but the numbers show a steady 20% downtrend over the past five years. That is an approximate number for both giving and attendance. There are several factors, but without question my church is in a period of decline. This is not something a long time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

International Justice Mission: Defending Children from Abuse Globally

Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  That quote unsettles me, partly because it describes me. International Justice Mission (IJM) is an organization that allows you to extend that influence  to vulnerable children around the world.  Their purpose is articulated in Isaiah 1:17, “Seek justice, encourage the oppressed, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Charles Spurgeon's Encouragement for Children's Workers

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the “Prince of Preachers,” served as Pastor at Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England from 1854-1891. Here are words of wisdom on children’s ministry taken from a chapter in his book “Come, My Children:” “Nowadays, since the world has in it, alas! so few of Christian mothers and grandmothers, the church has thought it wise to supplement the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What About Promotion Sunday?

At the church where I serve, Promotion Sunday, that day when kids move up to the next grade/class in Sunday School and other activities, for years occurred the first Sunday of September. However, by the time I arrived the date had been pushed back to the first Sunday in June. This was done primarily for one reason: by the time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Evangelizing Children Without Manipulation

Welcome to another session of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank. The aim is to get different perspectives and help everyone to learn (including me). Please read through the responses and share your own ideas below. Evangelizing Children Without Manipulation How should children’s ministry offer an urgent Gospel invitation without emotionally manipulating children? When does child evangelism cross the line and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Workers Need "Big Church!"

Your church, like mine, is likely blessed with dedicated volunteers who gladly give their time and energy to children’s ministry. But have you ever known volunteers who serve so willingly they never seem to make it to “big church” on Sundays and Wednesdays? I’ve seen that happen at times in my church–a worker gradually falls into a pattern of rarely … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Developing a Vision for Your Children’s Ministry

No one plants a tree and doesn’t expect it to grow.  You cultivate it.  You protect the tree from the blistering heat and the frigid blasts.  You jealously guard it keeping pests away. When the tree was dry and thirsty you watered it. Lastly you pruned it as it grew, coaxing the sapling with your shears.  You clipped sucker branches, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Can I Know If My Child Is Really Saved?

For Christian parents, few concerns are more pressing than the salvation of their children. I’ve know many parents who struggle to know if their kids are saved. In this post I want to share my best advice for parents. Please feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts. How Can I Tell If A Child Is Saved? The … More Children’s Ministry Resources

In Pursuit of What Matters

Do you ever find yourself forgetting what is most important? I know I do. My keys, my debit card, my license. Yep, they have all been lost this week to my husband’s horror. But at least I haven’t yet forgotten our kids anywhere. Or maybe I have. Sometimes I beam with pride over my son’s developing vocabulary or his hand/eye … More Children’s Ministry Resources