Classroom Management Tips for Kids Ministry

At a recent children’s ministry workshop, a volunteer asked me who inspired me to work in kids’ ministry. My answer was two-fold, Jesus Christ and Willy Wonka. Not two role models that usually go together but it’s true! If I had my choice, I’d totally focus on finding creative ways to reach kids for Jesus; however, by not having a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Volunteers Don't Show Up

Without volunteers most children’s ministry would have a difficult time managing the many details of ministering to children. From leading at the crafts table to distributing snacks to teaching, willing hands make it happen. Most of the time, they work without all the recognition they deserve and of course, pay. However, because you do depend on them so much, it’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping the Substitute Kids Minister

As much as you hate to miss, you’ll need to ask a substitute teacher to step in. If you’ve got an inexperienced teacher, or one that’s not used to your particular group, the substitute can feel a little overwhelmed. For the best teaching experience for both kids and substitute, the teacher needs to be prepared. If possible, have everything ready … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Recruiting Mistakes Kids Ministry Leaders Make

After a season of working solo, an extra pair of hands is a welcome sight but in our zeal to lighten the load, we can make recruiting mistakes. Recruiting for kids’ ministry is an ongoing process but don’t fall into the trap of desperation and compromise. While the gospel is an “everyone welcome” message, not everyone is “called” to work … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Handle Burn Out: Can You Come Back?

You took a weekend off but came back feeling just as restless, tired and spiritually out of focus as you did when you left. You’ve been serving non-stop for months, even years and simply feel like you don’t have anything left to give. All attempts at “pepping yourself up” or encouraging yourself in the Lord have fallen flat. It’s obvious … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Believers' Workbook for Kids – Download PDF

“New believers” need the basics of the Bible and Christianity. Children too! This new believers’ workbook workbook is for children to learn the basics of the faith. Use it for curriculum for new Christians class at your church. This new Christian’s workbook provides a place to record the child’s salvation and baptism experiences. This will help children reflect on their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Training Session Tips for New Kids Ministry Volunteers

Training new volunteers builds their confidence and makes the ministry run smoothly–that’s important when you have a room full of rowdy kids! Before you consult the calendar for a good date, consider making a few needed steps to maximize the impact of your training session. These creative ideas and fundamental principles will insure that your new team members get just … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Your Mind Right?

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence, and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 This is a well known verse from the Bible. Most of us have heard it and maybe even … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Have You Forgotten Your Joy?

We, Americans as a whole, are a privileged people. We have homes, cars, food, clothes, and toys. Why, then, do we not find our joy? The simple reason is because we are trying to find joy in the wrong place. Joy is not found in the store, it is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Psalm 51:12 (NASB) states, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Way to Teach Noah's Ark: Hand Shadow Puppets

Noah’s ark is quite possibly the most taught Bible lesson in children’s ministry and for good reason. It has it all, animals, and a boat, an interesting and inspiring hero and of course a rainbow, and undeniable evidence of God’s love. What great lessons we can learn from Noah and his ark; lessons like obedience to God saves us from … More Children’s Ministry Resources

9 Things a Kids Ministry Leader Needs to Hear

Kids ministry can be one of the most exciting ministries but it can challenge you, too. It’s easy to feel isolated, unappreciated and well, misunderstood even in a supportive environment. Sometimes, the kids ministry leader just needs to hear a kind word. If you’re wondering what to say, try one of these 9 things a kids min leader needs to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Loving Jesus > Religious Talking

I’ve been doing children’s ministry for a long time. The last 8 years I’ve been a full time children’s pastor, leading at least two Bible lessons each week. That’s a lot of talking… I hope some has been helpful, fun, and honoring to God. Too much has been confusing, boring, and not-so-helpful. So, here’s the question I’m asking myself. What … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Schedule Fillers for Children's Church

No matter how good you are at planning your children’s church schedule sometimes things do not go as planned. A teaching went quicker than you realized, the service in the main sanctuary is taking longer than usual. You’ve got a crowd of kids who look bored and may end up in mischief. It’s always a good idea to keep some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Survival Kit for Children's Ministry Volunteers

* This idea was submitted by Bethany Tapp, the director of children’s ministries at the United Christian Church of Dubai. Click here to download as PDF document. You can also download the original document from Google Docs and make your own changes. I created a ‘volunteer survival kit’ to give my team this week for the first week of the year. Thought … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are You a Lone Ranger or a Team Player?

Anyone who has ever worked in ministry has had feelings of “loner-ism” at some point or other. While it’s normal to have seasons of loneliness, they should never result in become the Lone Ranger or the Lone Minister. Here are some possible scenarios: volunteers forget to bring promised items or fail to show up. Kids don’t respond to your lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bully Proof Your Child's Life

Bullies today sometimes take extreme measures to get what they want — whether that’s your child’s lunch money or his happiness. (A disturbing thought since many of us are sending kids back to school.) Just a few decades ago, the biggest problems schools faced involved curtailing gum chewing in class, stopping hallway kissers or hand holding on the bus. I’d … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Small Group Activities for Children

Holding a 1 to 2-hour main event each week in kids’ church can build excitement but it’s not much of a vehicle for building relationships. I admit I love the high-energy, atmosphere of  heart-pumping praise music and the sounds of happy children more than anything in the world. However, maintaining that upbeat experience every week can wear you down (especially … More Children’s Ministry Resources

25 Things a Children’s Pastor’s Must Do this Summer

I know what you’re thinking,”25 more things?” Well these 25 “must do activities” are really fun suggestions that could help you reconnect with your inner child. As children’s ministers, we should think like our sheep. That’s hard to do at times, especially when we get busy with grown up life, ministry and family. Our top 25 summer bucket list is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Great Summer Things to Do with Ministry Volunteers

At the appointed time each, (Sunday, Wednesday etc.) you and your team gather the small sheep and then entertain, teach and inspire them. (We all firmly hope!) When it’s all over, the glue tubes are confiscated, parents’ questions have all been answered, the last child leaves, you give one another a high five. In many ministries, this is about all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Pray for Your Kids…and Someone Else's

Praying for your kids seems so easy when they are small, sweet and perfect. However, if your child gets sick, or appears to lose interest in God or strays from the recommended path, it’s not as simple. As children’s ministry leaders, we also have the responsibility to pray for all the sheep in our care, still many leaders don’t know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should Parents Volunteer in Children's Ministry?

  The short answer? A hearty yes! But it pays to understand the pros and cons of parent volunteers. No matter what size ministry you operate, you can find a place for a pair of willing hands. Let’s start with the positives, recognize the possible negatives and then move on to how to lead parent volunteers. The Positive Points Kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources