Recognizing Spiritual Gifts in Your Kids

One of the greatest responsibilities of a pastor is helping the people in his care to spiritually grow and reach for their personal destinies. Tapping into their spiritual gifts is often key to this long sometimes painful process. No matter how bumpy the road, it’s the shepherd’s duty to help the sheep discover what is unique about each of them. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Summer Reading Programs for Children

Libraries all over the nation conduct summer reading programs, so why shouldn’t we?  There is a plethora of quality literature out there and children looking for something to do.  All they need is a little encouragement! Goals: Summer reading allows children to maintain skills and develop a lifelong love for books.  Reading also allows students to be engaged in learning, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways to Make a New Kid Welcome at Church

Children face a lot of fears. Some are afraid of the dark while others are afraid of trying new foods. Childhood fears are varied and diverse except for one common fear that has plagued childhood for generations, the fear of embarrassment. Let’s face it. It’s an embarrassing moment entering a room full of people for the first time. If you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Teach Kids About Missions?

How do you teach your children in your ministry about missions? It seems that with the current “drop-out” rate of youth in the church, it is now more important than ever to cultivate a love for the gospel with our children. I try to discuss a significant missionary every now and then when discussion allows, but must confess that right … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Answering Children's Theological Questions

Sam (not his real name) is a sixth grader who attends our Wednesday night AWANA club. He is a bit of a jokester, always coming up with witty remarks under his breath or pulling a prank on one of the other kids. But one night he surprised me by asking a serious question. He wanted to know why God allowed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Two Things Every Child Needs To Know About God

We know we love ’em. We know we want them to know and love Jesus. We know that Jesus loves them; he gathered the little children to Himself and used their simple trust to demonstrate what pleases our Heavenly Father. So knowing that we love them, knowing Jesus loves them, and knowing that we want them to know and love … More Children’s Ministry Resources

That Kid – Dealing with Disobedient Children

Everyone has “that kid” in their children’s ministry. You know, the one who won’t sit still, never quits talking, and seems to thrive on punishment. A few weeks ago, I actually had to take “that kid” home before our ministry for that particular night even got started. He was over-the-top disobedient and my teachers were wanting me to ban him … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Measuring Noah's Ark Object Lesson

Tony recently posted a Sunday School Lesson about the Flood using the Big Picture Story Bible.  We all know that despite the horror of the reasons behind God’s flooding of the entire Earth, “Noah’s Ark” remains a dear story for children.  Most every children’s story Bible, board book Bible, etc. discusses Noah’s Ark. Have you ever thought about “bringing to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Crafts for Mother's Day

Make sure mom know she’s special this year. Use any of these awesome craft ideas. Consider adding a mother’s day Bible verse for spiritual encouragement! Mother’s Day Coloring Pages Hand & Footprint Flower (offsite link) Mother’s Day Handprint Bouquet from Trendy Treehouse (offsite link) Post-It Notes Booklet (offsite link) Footprint Butterfly poem (offsite link) More Craft Ideas for Mother’s Day … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Living a Life of Prayer

Recently, Tony wrote a post on praying with your children at bedtime.  That post got me to thinking about praying with your children in general.  Whether you are involved in Children’s Ministry or are “just” a parent, it is essential to teach our children to pray for everything (Phil. 4:6).  I would like to share a couple of ways we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Church Decorating

I just ran across several articles that offer practical tips for decorating the children’s area at your church. I wanted to pass this along because so many congregations are rethinking this space in their church campus. Many churches are goign with themed environments for their children’s ministry. Any church decor is better than four white walls, right? Anyway, if you’re … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Read The Bible Aloud For Children

Bible Storytelling Jonah little girl

Bible reading is one of the most important activities you can do with children. I believe that every Sunday school session, family devotion and children’s church meeting should include a time of Bible reading. Since the Bible is God’s Word, we should do our best to listen to it. The Big Problem: Can Kids Understand? Children become discouraged when they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Props and Cons of Church Bus Ministry

Thanksgiving on the Church Bus

I just walked out to plug in our old diesel church bus for its weekly mission trip around our town. Big Blue is beautiful but starting to show her age. This church has been running a bus ministry longer than I’ve been alive. We all know that longevity is not the test of a ministry’s value, so it’s good to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Expel A Child From Church?

church Sunday school discipline childrenWhen God called me to serve in children’s ministry I never imagined some of the situations I would face. Over the years I’ve learned that kids bring a lot of baggage with them to church. The biggest danger for sexual abuse on church property is often one child molesting another. The danger for cruelty and emotional abuse is often a group of children bullying one of their own. We have not faced those issues, but we try to protect the children in our church. If your church is committed to reaching the un-reached you can be sure they will bring their mess with them.

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Forum: Christians, Halloween & Kids

Few issues are as sticky in Christian Churches as Halloween.  This year Halloween 2008 falls on Friday night. Should we just find the best Halloween crafts and Halloween recipes and throw an outreach party? Or is the history of Halloween too involved in witchcraft? I want to hear your ideas about Halloween. Is it really Devil’s day? Is it something … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Veggie Tales: Wonderful Wizard Of Ha's

On October 6th, the latest Veggie Tales DVD will be released. The title is “The Wonderful Wizard Of Ha’s” and retells the story of the Prodigal Son with a wizard of Oz theme. Here is the blurb:The story of a prodigal son – VeggieTales style!Meet Darby (Junior Asparagus), the son of a Kansas floss farmer who, more than anything else … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Reasons Why I Love Upward Soccer

I’ll be honest with you Tony. I didn’t think this would work.That’s what one deacon said to me last fall. I had just stepped leaped outside the box. This same deacon is now one of my leading volunteers. In fact, he ended up coaching his grandson’s soccer team! But he wasn’t the only one with questions.Q: So, are your going … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Write A Children's Church Lesson From Scratch

You’ve been asked to teach children’s church this Sunday – without curriculum. Here is the 9 step process I use every week to write lessons for children’s church. If this article is helpful please leave a comment to let me know. This article is a work in progress and I would love to hear your ideas.

Need More Help? Check out these free Sunday School crafts and more Sunday School lessons for children.

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