Bible Lesson: Attitude Check (Philippians 2)

This lesson continues the study of Philippians for older students.  As students make daily quiet time a priority they will learn to have attitudes that reflect the Lord Jesus.  This is a lesson guide on a possible way to teach older students. Learning Goal: Students will learn that the more time they spend studying God’s word each day and apply what … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ask, Seek, Knock (Luke 11:5-13) Lesson for Kids

ask seek knock

This is a free Bible lesson for children, which will teach the importance of continued prayer.  In addition, one will see how God takes care of his children. It’s based on a teaching of Jesus found word for word in two different places in the Bible (Matthew 7:7-11 or Luke 11:9-13) so you know it’s important! God is not our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Breastplate of Righteousness

This is the third lesson in our series called “How to Win Against Sin.” It’s based on the Armor of God teaching found in Ephesians 6. Click here to see more Bible lessons in this unit.Like all our resources, this material is 100% free to use in your ministry. Please leave a comment below to share your own thoughts and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Experience Personal Revival

Does this story seem familiar? “Slumped down in her chair, the children’s pastor gave a deep sigh of frustration. Nothing had worked out as she planned. The kids seemed disinterested; parents were distant. It had been over a month since anyone new had visited the kids’ church. Feeling empty and discouraged, she wondered if perhaps, she should step down.” This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Choose Joy (Week 5) Devotions from Philippians

This devotional guide is one part of our larger series based on the book of Philippians. Click here to browse all the guides in this series. You can also leave a comment below to share your ideas with other readers. [print_link] a copy of this for each child or adult participating in the study. We recommend they also have a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Priorities (Philippians)

This is the first lesson in a series from the Book of Philippians.  The lesson was used for older elementary students and it focuses on the importance of making daily Bible reading and prayer a priority. The lesson is only a guide and can be adapted for your needs. Bible Lesson Tilte: Priorities (Philippians) Scripture: Selected Scriptures from Philippians Target Age … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading Your Children's Church through Tough Times

Like the adult church, you have to lead kids through the good times and the bad. Tragedies like the death of a church member or the divorce of a prominent couple weigh heavily on everyone, even the smallest members of the church. Leaving all the consoling to the senior pastor or families equates to denying your kids pastoral care specific … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Philemon (Overview/Closer Look)

This lesson continues the process of introducing students to inductive Bible study.  As the students study Philemon they will combine 2 steps (overview, closer look). Click here to see the next lesson on the book of Philemon. (Personal note:  Due to ministry changes at my church and lack of teachers I have a combined class of newly promoted 4th & … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Training Your Children" Devotional on Deuteronomy 6

In a way, this post is more for those who lead children than for children themselves, however, allow the words of Deuteronomy to reach into your heart.  Placed in the post is a deep, heartfelt discussion about raising children.  Also, there is a great Bible verse for children and parents to memorize.  May the words of Deuteronomy bless you today. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah 3-4 Lesson (step 4) Response Time

This lesson continues the process of teaching older elementary students how to study God’s Word for themselves.  The challenge for all people who hear and learn facts from God’s Word is to take what they know and do something about it that transforms their life.  There are those who will hear and receive facts and do nothing resulting in an … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah 3-4 Lesson (step 3) Think About It

This lesson continues the process of teaching older elementary students how to study God’s Word for themselves.  The challenge for all people who hear and learn facts from God’s Word is to take what they know and do something about it that transforms their life.  There are those who will hear and receive facts and do nothing resulting in an … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah 1-2 Lesson (step 3) Think about it

The following lesson is for an older elementary class using Bible study methods to help students learn to study God’s Word for themselves.  It’s the third step in the process which is to think about the key words and phrases the students marked in Jonah 1-2 during their last session. The lesson is a guide and can be adapted for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah 1-2 Lesson (step 2) A Closer Look

This is the second lesson for teaching older elementary students how to study the Bible for themselves.  The students look closer at key words and phrases of Jonah 1 and 2 and mark them.  This is an adaptation from DiscipleLand’s Bringing the Bible to Life for our class’s needs.  It is a suggested guide to help you teach your students … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God's Word is Alive!

This is the first lesson for my class as they start a new school year.  The focus of the lesson is to encourage and help students to be excited to study God’s Word.  The lesson was prepared for older elementary students and can be adapted as needed for your ministry needs. Bible Story: God’s Word is Alive! Scripture: Selected Scriptures Below … More Children’s Ministry Resources

An Olympic Story: The Gold Medal Life of Eric Liddell

Olympic athletes capture our attention and our hearts with the stories of their lives, their commitment and sacrifice, and their excellence in their field of play.  With the 2012 Summer Olympics quickly approaching, there is so much we can do to engage the children in our ministries! If you’re looking for a short devotional, a quick children’s sermon, or a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading a Child to Christ

Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” — and he meant it! God is not impressed by our ages and doesn’t require His followers to reach a certain height before they enter His kingdom. As children’s ministry leaders, we need to be comfortable and skillful at leading a child to Jesus. We aren’t to manipulate or put words … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: God Protects Daniel

This new lesson from Daniel 6 allows students to see Daniel’s consistent Godly character even in his old age.   When studying Daniel’s life an inescapable fact for all believers is that Godly character doesn’t happen by accident.  Daniel faithfully trusts and obeys God in an ungodly foreign land.  Believers can live a life that pleases God by living faithfully and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Belshazzar’s Arrogance

This new lesson from the Book of Daniel focuses on the attitude of arrogance versus an attitude of confidence in Christ. The lesson was prepared with older students in mind.  The lesson is a guide to provide ideas to teach Daniel 5. Please adapt according to the needs of your students. Bible Story: Belshazzar’s Arrogance Scripture: Daniel 5 Target Age Group: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Replacing Pride with praise

From the life of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4 students will learn that God will humble those who are filled with pride. This lesson was originally presented to older children and teaches them to protect their hearts from pride by choosing to praise God for all things.  The lesson is only a guide and may be adapted to the needs of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Daniel's Resolve to Obey God

This is a new lesson based on Daniel 1.  The lesson focuses on the believer’s need to be intentional in their obedience to God and His Word.  The lesson was used for older elementary students and can be used as an adaptable guide for your ministry needs. Bible Story: Daniel’s Resolve to Obey God Scripture: Daniel 1 Target Age Group: Age … More Children’s Ministry Resources