Sunday School Lesson: Persecution Scatters the Church

This Sunday School lesson for children teaches about the events in Acts 8. After a period of success and rapid growth, persecution breaks out against the early church in Jerusalem. God uses these hard times to spread the Gospel to the surrounding region and eventually to all the world. This Bible lesson about the early church would also work well … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Stoning of Stephen: Sunday School Lesson

This free kids Sunday School lesson is based on the story of Stephen in Acts 6-7. It is targeted for older elementary students. It highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in giving courage to Christians, especially when they are suffering. It also shows that believers who suffer for obedience to Jesus will be rewarded. You can also adapt this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Believers Remained Devoted: Sunday School Lesson

This Sunday School lesson is based on the events in Acts 4 where the early Christians show their devotion to Jesus. They continue in their faith even when hard times come. This lesson plan was first written for children’s Sunday School, but it could be adapted for other ministry settings. Be sure to check out the additional learning activities listed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Transfiguration of Jesus Lesson for Kids

Transfiguration of Jesus

This children’s lesson is adaptable for Sunday School or Children’s Church services.  It was prepared with a broad range of children in mind. The point of this lesson it to emphasize the truth that the Father once again spoke His approval for Jesus, His Son, and His desire for people to pay attention to what He says. Bible Story: Jesus is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Birth of the Church on Pentecost

Use this Sunday School lesson to teach children about the birth of the Christian church as told in Acts 2. This lesson plan was first prepared for an older elementary Sunday School class, but you could easily modify it for younger children or kids church. In the present form the estimated length is about 60 minutes. We’ve included links to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Servanthood Leadership Ideas for Children

Teaching Kids to Help Others The Bible says in Matthew 23: 11, “The greatest among you will be your servant.” (NIV) Jesus showed his disciple the importance of this scripture in many ways. One notable one was the washing of the disciples’ feet during the Passover. One disciple, Peter, even protested. The task of washing dirty, dusty feet was a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rewards of Obedience (Luke 5:1-10) Lesson for Kids

Sometimes obedience can be a difficult choice.  This lesson helps children understand that they can trust the Lord no matter what He asks for them to do. It draws this lesson from the section in Luke 5 where Jesus calls his first disciples. This was first written for children’s church, but it could be modified for a kids Sunday School … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Jesus Heals Jairus' daughter

This lesson is about how Jairus comes to Jesus and asks Him to come heal his dying daughter.  On the way to Jairus’ house a woman who had been sick for 12 years touched Jesus’ robe and was healed.  The lesson can be simplified for younger students and can also be used as a Children’s Church lesson.  Following the lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: When Judas Betrayed Jesus

This lesson about the betrayal and arrest of our Savior helps children see that knowing what His friend would do Jesus treated Judas respectfully and honestly.  This lesson also teaches the children how to piece together the entire incident by using all the details from the four gospels. It’s a good idea to talk to the children about the fact … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson from the Garden of Gethsemane

This lesson gives a look into Jesus’ heart as He prayed to His Heavenly Father prior to His arrest and death.  With a comparison of all four gospels, we get a better picture of Jesus’ time in the garden and the actions of the disciples. It also a good exercise to understand how different Gospel accounts relate. These passages give … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Classic Teaching Principles for Children's Ministry

I recently had the opportunity to attend a seminar on Creative Bible Teaching at the National Youth Workers’ Convention.  Though the seminar was structured to meet the needs of junior high and high school teachers, there was a considerable amount of information that was transferrable to those who work in children’s ministry. The following is a list of seven classic … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Elisha and Shunammite Woman (Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is based on the story where a Shunammite woman provides a room for Elisha to stay.  God rewards her kindness by giving her a son.  The son dies and God raises him through Elisha. The lesson is prepared for upper elementary age students and can be modified for younger students or used for Children’s Church.  Be sure to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Miraculous Catch (John 21:1-14) Lesson for Kids

This lesson is the third lesson in a series of five that explore the theme “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” through Bible stories that each involve the sharing of a meal. This lesson would work for Sunday School or Children’s Church.  The introduction and baby picture activities may be used as children’s sermon illustrations for this Bible story.  Estimated length … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pride vs. Humility: A Bible Lesson For Children

This Children’s Bible lesson about pride and humility would serve well in Sunday School or Children’s Church. It is based on several key Bible verses about being proud and humble. Be sure to modify it for your children’s ministry setting. Please leave your feedback in the comment box below. Objective: To define pride and humility and the effects of each.  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children and Storytelling

The July 31, 2009 broadcast of the Albert Mohler radio program features an interview by guest-host Dr. Russell Moore with singer and musician Andrew Peterson on the need children have for rich, wonderful story. Dr. Moore asks the question, “Does storytelling matter to children?” The program discusses the importance of telling the right stories–and telling the right Story–to children, demonstrating … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video – Books of the Bible Song

Check out this song & video to memorize the books of the Bible. It contains all 66 books of the Bible in order. This would be great for kids and adults who are memorizing the books of the bible. could also be used for an activity in your Sunday school class or children’s church. It was created by Bigsby who … More Children’s Ministry Resources