Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus Calls Levi

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson focuses on Jesus desire to call us to himself, no matter how great our sin. Preschoolers will begin to understand and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

King Saul Persecutes David: Kids Bible Lesson

This lesson continues the study of Israel’s kings. Click here to see the lesson index. The focus of this lesson is David’s perseverance through difficulties during the period of time before he takes the throne.  Believers can learn from David’s example to persevere during difficult times because one day they will receive their heavenly reward.  Even with opposition and persecution … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Pursuing Peace: Sunday School Lesson

The following lesson addresses the Christian’s call to pursue peace in relationships.  The children will be given a few real life scenarios to wrestle with and determine how they could pursue peace in the given situation.  This lesson is interactive and relies on child participation. Texts: Romans 12:18-19, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 3:10-12, Matthew 5:7 Learning Objective: The children will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: King Saul's Rebellious Heart

This is the follow-up lesson about King Saul and continues our series on the Kings of Israel. Click here to see the lesson index. God gave Israel their request to have a king and Saul was a true reflection of their hearts.  He looked good on the outside but was disobedient in his heart. Students will learn from Saul’s life … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Bible Lesson: King Saul's Good Start

This lesson is the second in the series of Israel’s Kings. This lesson covers the anointing of Saul as Israel’s first king. Click here to see the lesson index. Although Saul begins his reign humbly his rebellion towards God causes him to lose his position as king.  The study of Saul will be in two parts. This first lesson focuses … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah Gets Mad at God (Children's Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is based on Jonah’s response to God’s mercy to the Ninevites from Jonah 4.  Jonah had experienced God’s mercy and was given a second chance in his life.  Jonah was unmerciful in his response to God’s compassion and mercy to the repentant Ninevites.  The lesson uses Matthew 18:21-35 to bring in a New Testament Scripture as a parallel … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Worry and Trust Don't Mix: An Object Lesson

This is an object lesson to demonstrate how our hearts cannot be fully trusting the Lord and be full of worry at the same time.  At the close of this article you will find a list of Bible passages which could be the focus of the lesson to be taught alongside this object lesson. Materials needed: Cooking Oil Water 3 … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Jonah Obeys and Nineveh Repents

This lesson is taken from Jonah 3 where Jonah obeys God and is given a second chance to go to Nineveh.  As Jonah obeys God the people of Nineveh believe God’s message and repent.  This lesson shows the importance of believers obeying God’s command to go into the world and preach the Good News and leave the results up to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Parenting is Combat: Albert Mohler

Here is my rough summary and paraphrase of the session with Dr. Mohler. I will post the audio when it is released so you can listen for yourself. Albert Mohler never disappoints in his communication ability. His wise discussion of parenting was seasoned with humor and personal stories. This session helped me better understand what it means to be a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Jonah Returns to God

This Bible lesson is a continuation for the study of the Book of Jonah.  It was prepared with older elementary students in mind.  The focuses of this lesson is repenting from sin and turning back to God.  The lesson can be simplified for younger children with a focus on how God hears and answers our prayers.  It can also be used … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Jonah Runs From God

This lesson is based on the the first chapter of the Book of Jonah.  It focuses on how a person’s disobedience to God causes difficulty in the lives of others.  Despite knowing his mission from God, Jonah allowed prejudice and fear to control his actions. This lesson plan was prepared for older elementary Sunday School, but you modify it to use … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paul and Barnabas (Children's Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is a continuation of Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey.  In this lesson they experience rejection to the message of the Gospel and also see many respond with faith as they hear the message.  The lesson can be used in Children’s church and also simplified for younger students. Be creative and adapt this lesson to fit your own … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Acts 11 Lesson: Early Church Growth & Change

This children’s Bible lesson continues the study of the Book of Acts. The lesson is about Peter explaining God’s hand in the conversion of Gentiles.  The lesson focuses on how change brought growth for the Church. Kids need to know that God can be trusted in times of change. The original setting for this lesson plan was older elementary Sunday School. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cornelius Receives the Holy Spirit: Sunday School Lesson

This lesson continues the story of Cornelius and Peter and how God included Gentiles in His plan of salvation.  This was a major event in the early church and shows God’s love was universal. This lesson was prepared for Sunday School but can be adapted for Children’s church and simplified for younger students. Bible Story: Cornelius Receives the Holy Spirit Scripture: Acts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: God's Word is Eternal

This is the first lesson plan in our series for preschoolers about knowing God. Each lesson is based on a passage from Isaiah 40 and will help younger children grow in their knowledge and love for God. Be sure to read the series introduction for teaching tips and explanation of the lesson format. This lesson is targeted for older preschool … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Biblical Support for Intergenerational Ministry

When the specific definitions of intergenerationality are taken into consideration, the rationale behind IG methods includes theological and practical imperatives. In this article, I will begin by providing the theological support, which stems from biblical illustrations and mandates that indicate intergenerationality was normative for the Christian faith community. While many agree that the New Testament church models age-inclusion, they fail … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Sunday School Lesson

Want kids to share their faith? Then give them this powerful example of Philip telling the Ethiopian Eunuch about Jesus. This was an important moment in the early church and Philip was obedient to God’s Spirit when he shared the Good News with a stranger. Students will be challenged to listen for God’s leading and immediately obey. This Bible lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources