Lesson: On This Rock – Peter’s Confession of Christ

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to encourage kids to believe in Jesus for themselves. Needed: Bibles, a large rock, a church figurine or picture (I used a Christmas ornament of a church), playing cards, a tray of sand and a tray of rocks for each student, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Christian Story Interview  Have students … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Elisha is Merciful to His Enemies

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Elisha to teach kids about being merciful to their enemies. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Spy Among Us!  Have students close their eyes. Explain that when you walk among them and tap one student on the shoulder, that student is the Spy. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Death of Moses

Teach students about obeying God and the resurrection of the dead. Includes a lesson and 3 games. Needed: a balloon, a box large enough to put the balloon in Intro Game: Don’t Let it Fall! Gather students in a circle. As you toss a balloon up into the air in the middle of the circle, call one of the student’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 17:1-9) The Transfiguration of Jesus


This Sunday School Lesson is about The Transfiguration of Jesus. The Bible references is Matthew 17:1-9. The lesson plan includes crafts, games, and detailed teaching notes. Use it in your children’s ministry this Sunday, February 23, 2020. “Shining Glory” Sunday School Lesson on the Transfiguration of Jesus Mountains, clouds, tents, bright lights…. there’s a lot to look at in the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pentecost Children’s Sermon (Acts 2:1-21) Object Lesson

Children's Sermons for Sunday

Use this object lesson to share a message with children about the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This sermon is based on Acts 2:1-21. Print the message notes below, watch our example video, and gather your supplies. “Pentecost: The Spirit Comes” Children’s Sermon from 2:1-21 Pentecost…Tongues, Wind, Fire…and Happy Birthday to the church!!! Main Objective: The coming of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should Children Be Dancing in Church?

A recent post on the Ministry-To-Chilren’s website had quite a few people talking. We’re always glad to hear your feedback and we welcome discussions about the various topics we write about. This particular post asked the question, “Should children be dancing in church?” I’ve been in ministry for over 20 years and I’ve seen questions like these pop up now … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Story of Jeremiah Lesson

It’s hard to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes God asks us to do challenging things as a part of his plan. In “The Story of Jeremiah for Kids,” children will learn that Jeremiah obeyed God and shared a message of impending judgment (even though the message was not welcome and Jeremiah himself didn’t escape the consequences of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Understanding the Old Testament for Kids

This lesson is the second in our series explaining how the Bible is organized. For more help, be sure to review our Bible worksheets on the divisions of the Bible. Lesson: Understanding Bible Layout You are here – Lesson: Understanding the Old Testament Lesson: Understanding the New Testament TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To teach the students about the organization of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Jesus is Real" Sunday School Lesson from Mark 9:2-9

This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 9:2-9 when Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – Transfiguration Sunday, Gospel Reading – Mark 9:2-9. Opening Activity – … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Basics of a Sunday School Lesson

So you arrive at church and the Children’s Minister asks you to teach a class for a teacher who got sick just this morning. No problem, right? Just follow the lesson that they had prepared and it’ll be smooth sailing. Wait! If the teacher is home sick, then, most likely, the lesson is home with them. Ok, you can do … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Things Children's Ministers Should Not Do

Church growth is a fickle thing. Too much focus on one area and not another on another and you could see your numbers fading. Besides shrinking church growth, you could also face personal discouragement and disappointment. No matter who you are, these things can happen. The best way to keep growing and moving forward in ministry is to avoid doing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: King Amaziah's Distractions

In a continuation of the study of Israel’s Kings, this lesson covers King Amaziah.  He was not wholehearted in his obedience to God.  This lesson teaches students the dangers of distractions.  A life without focus will be filled with distractions that lead to a disobedient, defeated walk with God. This lesson is only a guide to help you to prepare … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Elisha and Shunammite Woman (Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is based on the story where a Shunammite woman provides a room for Elisha to stay.  God rewards her kindness by giving her a son.  The son dies and God raises him through Elisha. The lesson is prepared for upper elementary age students and can be modified for younger students or used for Children’s Church.  Be sure to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God's People Disobey (Exile Bible Lesson)

This is the 10th Kids Bible Lesson based on The Big Picture Story Bible. It comes from part 10 titled “Another Very Sad Day.” It carries the story line from the bad part of Solomon’s reign all the way through to the Exile. It overviews the events of Ahab, Elijah, Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzer, and the exiles. While these seems like a … More Children’s Ministry Resources