God's People Disobey (Exile Bible Lesson)

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This is the 10th Kids Bible Lesson based on The Big Picture Story Bible. It comes from part 10 titled “Another Very Sad Day.” It carries the story line from the bad part of Solomon’s reign all the way through to the Exile. It overviews the events of Ahab, Elijah, Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzer, and the exiles. While these seems like a big section of Bible history, the story Bible actually shows how it is all related to the theme of disobedience. As God’s people turned their hearts away from the Lord, they were rejecting his covenant. Because of their sin, God punished them and removed them from the promised land.

Related Resource Links: Here are links to other websites that have free lessons plans (and more learning activities) about the Exodus and events in this lesson: Calvary Chapel Kids website |

About This Bible Lesson

Learning Objective: After this lesson, the children will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the events after Solomon’s reign through the exile . . . by arranging the main events and characters of the story in chronological order.
Target Age Group: 5 – 10 years old {U.S. Kindergarten – 3rd Grade}
Bible Story: 1 Kings – 2 Kings {overview}
Teaching Setting: This lesson was first taught in our children’s church on Sunday morning to about 25 children. This was only one piece of our Children’s Church program. The children also participated in several songs and group Bible memory exercises. Target length of this lesson is 15 – 20 minutes.
Items Needed:

  • Print out this lesson plan – [print_link]
  • The Big Picture Story Bible {or summary of the Bible story in your own words}
  • Simple drawing of a sad face, either on a marker board or on a piece of paper (keep for next week)
  • Time Line Hints: Write the following items each on their own piece of paper.
    • King Solomon turned away from God
    • The kingdom was torn apart
    • God sent prophets to turn the people back
    • Ahab and Elijah have a contest
    • God sent fire down from heaven when Elijah prayed
    • God sent wars against his people
    • King Zedekiah turned away from God
    • God sent Jeremiah to turn the king back
    • King Nebuchadnezzer destroyed the Temple
    • God’s people had to leave their special place

Explanation: This lesson plan is part of my series based on The Big Picture Story Bible by David R. Helm and Gail Schoonmaker. These lessons can be used with other story Bibles or by telling the Bible stories in your own words. However, I strongly recommend this book for its excellent illustrations and unifying approach to salvation history.

Teaching Plan: Another Very Sad Day
(Big Picture of the Bible Lesson #10)

Introduction: Display the sad face on the wall behind you. Then turn to the the class and make a sad face. Wait until one of the children ask you why you look so sad. This may take a few minutes. Then say, “Our story today is one of the saddest stories in the Bible. It shows us how God’s people made a mess of the special place that he had given them. It shows us that disobeying God always leads to trouble.”
Active Listening: Display the events/people timeline items in random order on a marker board or sheets of paper. Ask the children to listen for these words while you tell the story to see if they can put them in the right order after the Bible story.
Read: “Part 10 Another Sad Day” from on The Big Picture Story Bible. (Or tell the story of the story of the decline of the kingdom in your own words emphasizing the content of this lesson plan.) Be sure to engage the children with good story telling. Ask unscripted questions to clarify points in the story.
Review Time Line: Call on volunteers to come and arrange the event/people hints of the time line in the right order. Allow each child to move one item. While they move it ask the class what they remember about that event/person. Call on the next child until the time line is in the correct order. See the list above.
What Does This Say About God? Ask for volunteers to suggest truth about God that we can see in this story. Here are some possible answers, but many more are present.

  • God will punish sin.
  • God’s people need a Savior.
  • Only God is the true God, idols are worthless.
  • God blesses those who follow his Word

Pray: Lead the children in a time of prayer . . .

Need more help? Check out these crafts for Sunday School and children’s Sunday school lessons.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.