"Father Noah" Bible Story Teaching Skit

This skit was written directly from: Genesis 6:5-10,13-18,22,7:1,6-7,13-17,8:13-18. It would be a helpful teaching idea for Father’s Day and helpful activity to supplement our printable Father’s of the Bible booklets. Characters /Props: Narrator “Time Passed” sign Lord Noah Sign Bearer Noah’s wife Shem, Ham, Japheth 3 wives “Father Noah” Bible Story Teaching Skit Narrator: Then the Lord saw that the wickedness … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Daniel 4 Bible Skits (Part 4 of 6)

This is the 4th part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 4 covers: The Vision of a Great Tree, Daniel Interprets the Vision, and The Vision Fulfilled. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel Chapter 4 The Vision of a Great Tree: Daniel 4:4-18 Characters: Nebuchadnezzar, Belteshazzar … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Daniel Chapter 3 Bible Skits (Part 3 of 6)

This is the 3rd part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 3 covers: The King’s Golden Image, Worship of the Image Refused, and Daniel’s Friends Protected. I have put Daniel 4:1-3 at the end of this chapter because it is King Nebuchadnezzar’s reaction to what happened at the end of Chapter 3. Don’t miss all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jericho Falls Sunday School Lesson (Joshua 3-6)

Title: Jericho Falls Scripture: Joshua 3-6 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God’s power brings victory Supplies: 24 stones or blocks Lesson Opening Ask: Who is the strongest person you know? What is that person able to do that other people can’t? Where do you think that person got their strength? Say: In our story today we’ll hear about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading Kids Through a Pastoral Change

Pastoral changes are hard on everyone, especially the kids. Imagine how you would feel if you were seven and the only pastor you have ever known decided to leave the church. Whether the parting of ways is truly a God thing or something else, it can diminish a child’s concept of stability–and quiet possibly even his or her ideas about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Blessed are the Persecuted" Sunday School Lesson

Beatitudes Lesson Nine: Blessed are the Persecuted Main idea: When we have BEE attitudes instead of ME attitudes, people will sometimes dislike us and treat us poorly, but that persecution shows that we are Christians and are going to Heaven. This is lesson 9 of 9 in this series. Use these links to find the whole series. ONE — TWO — … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Blessed are the Meek" Sunday School Lesson

Beatitudes Lesson Four: The Meek will Inherit the Earth Main idea: Meekness is trusting that God will take care of you, no matter what. So you stand up for what is right, and you don’t seek revenge. You are humble, gentle, and kind. This is lesson 4 of 9 in this series. Use these links to find the whole series. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beatitudes Lessons for Kids (Matthew 5:1-12)

Beatitudes for Kids

These kids Bible lessons will teach the Beatitudes and what it means to be blessed. They show us the attitudes that followers of Jesus should have. Lesson One: Introduction to the Beatitudes This is lesson 1 of 9 in this series. Use these links to find the whole series. ONE — TWO — THREE — FOUR — FIVE — SIX … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Lies That Sabotage Children's Pastors

Negative voices tend to beat us down. They make us doubt our abilities, our anointing and even our calling. Sometimes those negative voices come from the people you serve (or their parents and grandparents) other times, those negative voices come from people you know outside the church and other times, those negative Nellies come from within your own two ears. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jesus Presented (Luke 2:22-40) Sunday School Lesson

Often the excitement of the Nativity story centers around the typical manger scene images: shepherds, angels, Mary and Joseph…somehow we skip from that to the remainder of Christ’s life and neglect some of the significant details. This lesson focuses on the dedication of Jesus in the temple, and the excitement of Simeon and Anna as they meet the Savior. Lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lost Things Get Found (Luke 15:1-32) Lesson

This is the final lesson in a nine part study for children on the parables of Jesus. For related ideas, search our website for “Parables of Jesus.” Lesson Nine: The Stories of Lost Things Found Main idea: God rejoices when lost sinners come to him, and we should too. As citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, we search for lost … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Son Who Obeyed – Story Time with Jesus Lesson 6

This lesson is the six in a nine part study for children on the parables of Jesus. For related ideas, search our website for “Parables of Jesus.” Lesson Six: The Son Who Obeyed His Father Main idea: Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven do what the Bible commands, with the help and grace of God. Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, John 14:15, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Hope of Advent Sunday School Lesson

Few kids do not grow eagerly excited at Christmastime. Who doesn’t look forward to new toys, flashing lights, and festive family gatherings? But why is Christmas so important, and what do we celebrate at Advent? This lesson focuses on the hope and waiting of the first Christmas, and how it relates to hopeful anticipation of Christ’s Second Coming, as well. … More Children’s Ministry Resources