20 Non-Negotiable Principles for Evangelizing Kids

Based on his findings from a 2004 survey of the age at which most people accept Christ, George Barna wrote: “Families, churches and parachurch ministries must recognize that primary window of opportunity for effectively reaching people with the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection is during the pre-teen years. It is during those years that people develop their frames … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bottle of Sanctification: An Object Lesson

This is an object lesson to teach children about how throughout their Christian life they will become more and more like Christ.  They will learn about the concept of sanctification in a concrete way. Appropriate Age: K-6 (will be best understood by the older children) Materials Needed: One plastic bottle (perhaps labeled with name of the person it will represent) … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Family Devotions to Welcome Spring

Welcome Spring with this collection of family devotions ideas.  You’ll be searching for treasures, playing in the mud, creating artwork, spring cleaning, and planting new life.  Grab your rain boots and allow the Word of God to speak anew.  Enjoy! 1. New Life Treasure Hunt Grab a camera and entrust it to your child if you’re brave.  Take binoculars and/or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Long Story Short" Kids Bible Overview Book

Long Story Short is written to present a Biblical Gospel from cover to cover to aid parents in passing the Bible on to their children, day by day. To pass on a clear Gospel message showing children how every story in the bible points forward or back to the gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s story of salvation.” Author Marty … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Valentine's Day Games for Kids (Videos)

Girl holding up paper heart.

Try these fun Valentine’s Day games for kids. They work in the classroom and just need some popular candy. They are basically toss the candy minute-to-win-it style. Watch this video below. Do you have some game ideas you would like to share. You’ll see several examples of fun ways to add a little play to your children’s Valentine party. There … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sports Evangelism at Church: Does It Work?

Our church is wrapping up it’s fifth season of Upward Soccer. It’s become a fixture on our calendar and I can’t imagine not doing it. But like any outreach program, it needs annual evaluation. We broke all the rules when we first launched our first season. I was still in my first year at the church and we were without … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Jonah's Undersea Accommodations

This is the second lesson created for the study of Jonah.  This particular lesson deals with dying to self and living for Christ.  The lesson may be more appropriate for students who have been believers and are maturing in their faith.  The lesson clearly presents the Gospel so students who are unsaved can be exposed to the salvation message.  The lesson can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 On-The-Go Family Devotions for Summertime

The flip flops are flopping.  The sunscreen is lathered.  The baseball hats and sunglasses are on.  Juice boxes are packed for the tykes, candy for the husband with a sweet tooth, and coffee is in hand for me.  Summertime is my favorite time of year!  I’m pretty sure I love it all, bugs and humidity included.  Topping the list, without … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Games for Preschoolers

4 Easy & Fun Games for Preschool Children Preschoolers have a bit of energy, shall we say?  Plus, they’re creative, they’ve got incredible imaginations, and they like to have fun.  Since children learn through play, here are four of my favorite preschool games that can be used as an outlet for energy, to help teach a concept, and/or to engage … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: 12 Spies and 40 Years of Wandering

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of Moses sending the 12 Spies out and the result of their 40 years of wandering. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ministries Live or Die On This

There’s been a bizarre magnetic field around my Bible of late, mostly around John 15.  Every day, I feel like I should read some other chapters, but John 15 gets me every time.  It has to.  I say that because we are entrenched in ministry.  We serve in our home, in our church, in schools, and in the community.  We … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Age of Accountability: Rethinking Children and Salvation

Welcome to another session of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank. This is a monthly feature where we discuss controversial or difficult topics related to children’s ministry. Our responses are just a starting point, we encourage you to share your views in the comment section below. What About the Age of Accountability? What do you teach about concerning a child’s condition … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creation Review Lesson for Children’s Church

This lesson completes a seven week series of Bible lessons about creation. This children’s church lesson plan was first written for children age 5 – 11. It could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Please leave any feedback or suggestions for improvement … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creation Review (Preschool Bible Lesson)

This is the last of a seven week series of Bible lessons about creation.. This lesson plan is designed to remind the preschool aged children about the days of creation as previously taught in the our related lesson plans. It could be used in any setting with children age 2-5 at church, including a preschool Sunday School class or a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why is Children's Ministry So Important?

children's ministry is important to Jesus

Your kids ministry is important. That’s why we started writing down this list of the benefits of children’s church, Sunday School, and all kids ministry programs. We hope this article will encourage everyone at your church to invest in the next generation.

Creation Day #1 Lesson for Children’s Church

This children’s church lesson plan about Creation Day One was first written for children age 5 – 11.  It could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. This lesson is part of a series of Bible lessons about creation.  Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Please leave any feedback … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Developing a Vision for Your Children’s Ministry

No one plants a tree and doesn’t expect it to grow.  You cultivate it.  You protect the tree from the blistering heat and the frigid blasts.  You jealously guard it keeping pests away. When the tree was dry and thirsty you watered it. Lastly you pruned it as it grew, coaxing the sapling with your shears.  You clipped sucker branches, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Is Your Church's Policy About Baptizing Children?

This post continues a new feature called Children’s Ministry Think Tank. The aim is to get different perspectives and help everyone to learn (including me). Please read through the responses and share your own ideas below. Think Tank #2 Questions About Baptism & Kids What is your church’s policy about baptizing kids? Is there any age absolutely too young? If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Verses About Christmas

Here are some Bible verses about Christmas. You can use these favorite scripture quotes for your Christmas greeting cards. Many churches also use them for Advent Bible readings or Christmas programs. These Bible verses are inspirational for holiday occasions and a great way to personalize your gifts or crafts.  I’d love to hear how you’re using these Christmas Bible verses … More Children’s Ministry Resources