Jesus Confronts Hypocrisy and Embraces Humility (Luke 14:1-14) Bible Lesson

Kids are naturally egotistical, and have no problem boasting or viewing the world as surrounding their needs. In today’s culture of self-esteem encouragement and “everyone’s a winner” mentality, it’s easy for this concept to solidify. There is nothing wrong with positive attitude boosting, of course…until it leads to pride and entitlement expectations. Throughout His ministry, Jesus emphasized the importance of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The Value of Discipline" Bible Lesson (Hebrews 12)

For children (and often adults!), the word “discipline” carries a lot of negative connotation. We tend to think of punishment and hardship, of consequences and strict regimes. With a look at the book of Hebrews, this lesson focuses on the meaning of discipline, and the contrasts between the hardship of discipline and benefits of rewards in Christ. Lesson focus: Life … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Humpty Dumpty and Human Brokenness (Romans 12:2)

What child does not love breaking and smashing things? This lesson takes advantage of that interest while emphasizing that, unfortunately, humans are irreparably broken creatures that only God can fix. The activities here take advantage of one of God’s simple yet remarkable treasures, as we look to eggs for inspiring Biblical truths. Lesson focus: Although every human is sinful and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Prophecies about Jesus Death and Resurrection

The story of Easter is of course the critical crux of the entire Christian faith. Sometimes, in the midst of the excitement of egg hunts and chocolate rabbits and outlandish hats, we lose sight of the enormity and miraculous nature of Christ’s work during Holy Week. For some students, the significance might be enhanced by focusing on elements of prophecy. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47)

The church calendar events exhibit a pattern of patience…we wait at Advent time for the coming of the Messiah. Following that, we wait throughout Lent as we reflect on the significance of that season. When Good Friday and then Easter come, we rejoice in celebration of the risen Lord. And then we marvel at the Ascension and its admonition to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Joyous Faith of "Fanny Crosby"

What is “joy”? We often equate joy with feelings of happiness, and too frequently base those feelings on our circumstances or temporary conditions. True joy, however, is found not in things, but in the maker of things. This lesson’s featured faith giant knew that truth quite well, and lived in effort to communicate it to others through her prolific production … More Children’s Ministry Resources