Making Lent a Meaningful Season

We offer the following background and ideas for making the most of the Lenten season in your children’s ministry. Don’t miss our Lent lessons and coloring pages. For many years the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday has been honored as the time of “Lent,” marked generally by sacrifice and mindful contemplation. In modern Protestant churches, it can sometimes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Heart for Service…Re-Directing Valentines Values

4 Valentine's Day Games for Kids (Simple Party Ideas)

As adults, we tend to approach the Hallmark holiday of hearts with mixed emotions, depending perhaps upon age, gender, relationship status, or past experiences…for kids, Valentine’s Day bears connotations of fun cards and plenty of extra sugar consumption. There is nothing necessarily wrong with all of this, of course…but why not re-direct the focus of the holiday? Rather than romantic … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jesus Presented (Luke 2:22-40) Sunday School Lesson

Often the excitement of the Nativity story centers around the typical manger scene images: shepherds, angels, Mary and Joseph…somehow we skip from that to the remainder of Christ’s life and neglect some of the significant details. This lesson focuses on the dedication of Jesus in the temple, and the excitement of Simeon and Anna as they meet the Savior. Lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beating the Winter Blues… maintaining motivation in your children's ministry

The winter let-down…Christmas wrappings are hauled away, fruit cake is steadily hardening, temperatures are dropping, and schedules are returning to normal routine. Following the hype and hubbub of the holiday season, the winter months can sometimes seem dreary. Between cold weather and lack of significant events, it’s tempting to fall into apathy in any area of our lives, be it work … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Who was Jesus? Born to Die…

Sometimes the end of the holiday season leaves us with something of a disappointing let-down. Following the anticipation and excitement of Christmas, there is a sense of anticlimax as the wrapping paper is put away and Nativity scenes taken down. It is important to realize that Christmas is only the beginning of the story, which culminates God’s plan for His … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Hope of Advent Sunday School Lesson

Few kids do not grow eagerly excited at Christmastime. Who doesn’t look forward to new toys, flashing lights, and festive family gatherings? But why is Christmas so important, and what do we celebrate at Advent? This lesson focuses on the hope and waiting of the first Christmas, and how it relates to hopeful anticipation of Christ’s Second Coming, as well. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson "Chosen to Proclaim" from Isaiah 6:1-10

Although we read and use many verses from the great book of Isaiah, many children (and even adults) are not quite aware of the concepts of this great prophet—or any prophet for that matter. This lesson provides some information on the purpose and work of Old Testament prophets, and in particular highlights Isaiah and his special mission for God. Lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Gospel Games for Fall Fun

Kids Game idea for Fall Festivals

With Halloween fast approaching, many churches and schools have their own take on how to celebrate (or avoid) the holiday. There are “harvest celebrations,” “Trunk-or-treats,” “Hallelujah instead…” Since we have been blessed with a spirit of joyous love, and not fear, it is only right that we allow celebration and fun at this time of year, but with a faithful … More Children’s Ministry Resources