Jesus' Birth Word Search

As Christmas nears, we are all looking for fun ways to go through the birth of Jesus. Here is a word search that helps the children in your class, or home, to recognize the names of people involved in the birth of Jesus. You can use it as a review after you have gone over all of the stories in your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Advent Devotional: The Reason For It All

As we get closer to the Advent season, I am reminded to keep everything in perspective. I can get overwhelmed with Christmas programs, lessons that need to be written, children that need my attention, and just normal everyday life. It seems as we do get closer to the holidays, we get busier. School programs, church functions, and family get-togethers all seem … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Stories of the Savior – A Christmas Play

This is a play about 2 scientists giving a presentation about the birth of Jesus. These scientists don’t just tell the story starting with Mary. They go all the way back to Creation and tie it all together through the story of Simeon and Anna. Click here to download Songs References in the Script 7 Days of Creation Song (sung … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Skits of Jesus' Birth from Luke 1 & 2

As Christmas approaches, we will be going through the birth of Jesus. This year, I wanted to give my students a bigger picture of His birth, including before His birth, His birth, and directly after His birth. I have put together a list of teaching skits, from the book of Luke, that will help our students to understand all that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Hope of Advent Sunday School Lesson

Few kids do not grow eagerly excited at Christmastime. Who doesn’t look forward to new toys, flashing lights, and festive family gatherings? But why is Christmas so important, and what do we celebrate at Advent? This lesson focuses on the hope and waiting of the first Christmas, and how it relates to hopeful anticipation of Christ’s Second Coming, as well. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

December / Christmas Bible Reading Calendar

For the month of December, I have created a Bible Reading Calendar for the children in my class. I really want to get them into the habit of reading their Bible, and what better way than to have them reading the Christmas story? As you can see in the calendar, the children will be reading only a few verses each … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preteen Ministry Game: Christmas Mix

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from Object: This game is a mix of charades, listening, and tons of laughing! Supplies: Large bowl Timers Scrap pieces of paper (each student & leader need 3 pieces) Pens Preparation: Give each preteen a pen and three pieces of paper How to Play: Everyone will receive 3 pieces of scrap paper and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson Skit "After Jesus' Birth"

This Bible teaching skit reviews the events that happened after Jesus’ birth – meeting Simeon and Anna in the temple, the Wise Men coming, and the angel telling Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt. It is designed to be read during Sunday School or children’s church to review the story. Different children could play the roles in different … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Angel Coloring Page

When the angels announced the birth of Jesus Christ, they brought a message of peace and goodwill on the Earth. This coloring page is based on that scripture text in Luke 2:14. This coloring sheet and printable illustrations can be used in any ministry context, but they would be most helpful in a Sunday School lesson leading up to Christmas. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Jesus and Santa" Cartoon & Coloring Page

This playful coloring sheet and cartoon will help children remember that even Santa (the historical figure) was a follower of Jesus. The dialogue balloon shows Santa saying, “Hear ye HIM, not me.” You can use the coloring sheets as an activity or simply print the full color illustration below to discuss the differences between Jesus and Saint Nicolas. Click on … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Advent Candles Coloring Pages

Advent Candles Coloring Page

This simple coloring sheet can be used to teach children the meaning behind the Advent candles used in many churches. There is room for the children to label each candle with the theme of the week (i.e. hope, peace, etc). This is a departure from my usual humorous cartoon style. I realize many churches in the body do not celebrate … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Candy Cane Christmas Games for Sunday School

Themed lessons are ideal for Sunday School–especially during major holidays like Christmas! Delicious and colorful candy canes are easy to find and they make good props for Sunday School lessons and games. Fill in those blank slots in your classroom schedule with candy cane Christmas games. Keep a stash of canes on hand throughout the holiday season and try these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ways to Tell the Christmas Story

Oh the Nativity! What a magnificent and detailed story we have about God’s love for mankind. It’s a narrative that deserves reverence and a more than a half-hearted, annual re-telling . As children’s ministers, it’s our awesome job to share this wonderful tale of love to our children with as much excitement as we can. Honestly, there are tons of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The Christmas Story" Skit for Sunday School Class

This skit of the Christmas story is designed to be read in a Sunday School class. It gives the children the chance to experience what happened without an elaborate stage production. If you wanted, however, you could use some props and actions in your classroom. The Story of Christmas Skit for Children’s Church or Sunday School Use the link above … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Baby Jesus is the Savior" Coloring Page

This free coloring page is the fifth in our new Advent project.  Click here to see all the sheets in this series. The illustration the baby Jesus lying in the manger. He is holding a key to the chains of all mankind. This is a creative way to show how our Savior came to set people free. The caption reads, “Jesus … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Angels Over Bethlehem" Coloring Page

This free coloring page is the fourth in our new Advent project.  Click here to see all the sheets in this series. The illustration shows an angel singing over the city of Bethlehem on the night of Jesus’ birth. They have come to announce the Savior has come. The caption reads, “Jesus is our Peace.” Simply click on the preview image to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Christmas Gift Craft Ideas

Kids love to give their parents and grandparents gifts but when you can’t commandeer the family car, that’s hard to do. Still, teaching children to be gracious at giving is hard to do when they aren’t afforded that opportunity. That’s why in December, I plan crafts that kids can give as gifts. They cost a little more than the average … More Children’s Ministry Resources