Children’s Sermon: Isaac Practices Peace

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Isaac to teach kids how to live at peace with others. Scripture: Genesis 26:12-22 Needed: Three six-sided dice Children’s Sermon Call the students up front and ask for three volunteers from the congregation for a game of Bump. Have the volunteers line up in the center in front of you and the children. Give … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Jacob Asks Esau to Forgive Him

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Jacob and Esau to teach kids how to ask for forgiveness. Scripture: Genesis 32-33 Needed: an invoice from home (or make your own ) and a gift box (possibly filled with cookies, coloring pages, or other small prizes) Children’s Sermon Show students your invoice and say, This is a bill. Do any of you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: God Turns Things Around for Joseph

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Joseph and his brothers to teach kids how God always works things out for good. Scripture: Genesis 37-50 Needed: a picture of people helping each during a natural disaster and a picture of people helping each other after a natural disaster Children’s Sermon Recall any recent or historically significant natural disaster. Talk about how … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Covering Others’ Sin

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Noah and his sons to teach kids how to be gracious toward others when they make a mistake. Scripture: Genesis 9:20-23, 1 Peter 4:8 Love Covers a Multitude of Sins Object Lesson Supplies Needed: a blanket Children’s Sermon: Love Covers Sin and Forgives Others Ask students, do you know anyone who ever did something … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: The Giving of the Ten Commandments

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about God giving Moses the Ten Commandments to teach kids how all of Scripture is directly inspired by the Lord. Scripture: Exodus 19-31 Needed: a notebook and something to write with Children’s Sermon (Summarize Exodus 19-31 with the following story.) Say, After God used Moses to bring the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: The Golden Calf

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the golden calf to teach kids how to be loyal to God. Scripture: Exodus 32 Needed: 13 coins Children’s Sermon Flip a coin in the air and explain how some people use a flip of a coin to help them make decisions. Then, pretend to let it make decisions for you. Examples could include … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: The Rainbow of Hope

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Noah’s Ark and the Flood to teach kids that God always gives us hope. Scripture: Genesis 9:12-16 Needed: Picture of a rainbow Children’s Sermon Ask students, How many of you have ever had a bad day? What kinds of things can happen to make it a bad day? When you have a bad day, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Manna and the Bread of Life

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the manna God gave the Israelites to teach kids about Jesus, the bread of life, that He gives to all of us. Scripture: Exodus 15:22-16:36 Needed: enough bread for every child to have a piece Children’s Sermon Give each child a small piece of bread and tell them to hold it while you tell … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Job’s Ups and Downs

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the book of Job to teach kids how to trust God through the good and bad times in life. Scripture: The Book Job Needed: picture of a road with mountains and valleys Children’s Sermon Ask students, How many of you are happy all the time? How many of you are sad all the time? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Abram Follows the Leader

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the call of Abram to teach kids how to follow God in their daily life. Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9 Needed: nothing Children’s Sermon Tell students that you’re going to play a game called Follow the Leader. Instruct them all to line up behind you and do exactly what you do as you lead them around … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Abram Takes Second Pick

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on generosity to teach kids how to put peace first. Scripture: Genesis 13:5-17 Needed: two gift boxes and a hidden prize (One gift box might have a quarter in it while the other has a cookie or other type of snack. The hidden prize could be a box of cookies or snacks.) Children’s Sermon Ask … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Abraham’s Impossible Faith

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Abraham’s faith to teach kids how to have a right relationship with God. Scripture: Genesis 15:1-6 Needed: picture of an elderly man and woman Children’s Sermon Ask students, How many of you have grandmothers? When is your grandmother going to have her next baby? Grandmothers don’t usually have babies, do they? Their bodies are … More Children’s Ministry Resources